Business Leadership/ Modelling Skill Tips: What makes a good leader?
The answer varies widely depending on who you ask.
With researchers disagreeing on the critical components that go into the most effective corporate chief.
But there are traits they do agree on, including personality components and acquired skills.
Some believe even the situation for leadership itself has a bearing on the effectiveness of the leader.
Many people quickly assume that being a good leader means you’re a good manager and vice versa.
The two concepts are actually quite distinct and understanding that distinction can help you understand what it means to be good at either or good at both.
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Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips:
But by employing the strategies put forth in the Situational Leadership Model.
A manager would potentially have the capabilities to deal with a wide range of people.
And thereby create a more employee-centric and innovative organization.
Through the level of direct contact he or she has with members at all levels.
Further, the leader would be free to place more or less emphasis on a particular task.
As well as more or less emphasis on relationships with employees.
Enabling them to focus on the component most needed to get the task accomplished successfully.
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
1. One Size Doesn’t Fit All
The core foundation of the Situational Leadership Model is the belief that there is no single “best” approach to leadership.
Instead, effective leadership is viewed as task-relevant.
Therefore, the most successful leaders are the ones who are able to adapt their leadership styles.
Across a broad range of varying maturity levels readily present within the average organization.
Also factoring into the choice for leadership style are the individual employees’ willingness.
And ability to take responsibility for the task as well as their applicable education and experience.
Given the wide level of variance in these factors.
Choices surrounding leadership are highly subjective in regard to the person.
Or work group that is being influenced.
As well as the specific job or function that has been assigned.
A situation some say lends itself perfectly to the Situational Leadership Model.
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips:
Though it’s meant to provide extreme adaptability.
There are basic styles when it comes to the Situational Leadership Model.
Each custom tailored to elicit the highest productivity from each employee or group.
2. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips:Telling
Within this style, a leader will specifically instruct subordinates what to do and how to do it.
This style is used at length within the law enforcement and military communities as well as on manufacturing assembly lines.
Providing a means of managing a diverse group of people that span a wide range of experience and maturity levels.
3. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Selling
Information and direction will still be provided by the manger in this style of leadership.
But there’s also more two-way communication with subordinates.
Within this role, leaders “sell” their message to get employees on board, persuading them to work toward the common goal.
A perfect example of this type of leadership is often found in an internship situation.
With the success of this approach dependent upon whether the student or apprentice learner is excited and self-motivated to be on the job.
4. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Participating
With participation, leaders can focus more on relationships and less on direction.
In doing so, the Situational Leadership manager works closely with the team and shares decision-making responsibilities.
This style is often used by corporate leaders who are attempting to influence a board of directors toward developing a new policy for which there is no proven history or established practice.
5. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Delegating
Although the leader will still monitor task- and organizational-progress.
He or she will pass much of the responsibility for the execution and completion of the established goals onto the individual subordinates or dedicated work groups.
By delegating, the leader is usually less involved with decisions.
And is therefore able to focus on the work and achievements of subordinates.
As seen commonly in the freedom given to tenured professors who are allowed to teach in the manner they believe is most effective while being monitored by a dean or department head.
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Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
6. What are the Key Characteristics of Management?
From a broad perspective, management is smaller scale and more focused on details than leadership.
The leader sets the vision and the broad plan, the manager executes it and does what is needed to achieve that plan. Key characteristics of management are:
- A tactical focus on aspects of the organization’s strategy
- Executing on specific areas within their responsibilities
- Formulating and enforcing the policies of a business to achieve its goals
- Directing and monitoring their team to achieve their specific goals
- Management and containment of risks in an organization
- Short term focus with attention to the details
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
7. What are the Key Characteristics of Leadership?
Leadership is setting the tone of an organization.
The broad objectives and long term goals will come from the leader.
And then managers need to execute on a plan to attain them.
Leadership is not necessarily getting caught up in all the details but rather setting the plan and inspiring people to follow them.
Key characteristics of leadership are:
- Strategic focus on the organization’s needs
- Establishing goals and the strategic direction
- Establishing principles
- Empowering and mentoring the team to lead them to their goals
- Risk engagement and overall identification
- Long term, high level focus
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
8. Which is more important?
Any organization or business needs people who are good at both leadership and management if they are going to succeed.
With good management and poor leadership they will be able to execute everything very well.
But will be doing so without a consistent direction and overall strategy.
With good leadership and poor management a company will have the goals and inspiration to succeed.
But no one to execute the plan on how to get there.
Emphasis needs to be placed equally on both areas if an organization wants to thrive.
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
9. Can someone do both?
Good leaders and good managers are not often the same person.
The few people that excel at both tend to be overwhelmingly successful in achieving their goals.
Management and leadership skills are in some ways very opposite from one another, short vs. long term, big picture vs. detail oriented, etc.
It can be very difficult for one to split their time between the two and excel at both.
Often organizations that succeed have a mix of individuals, some who excel at leadership and some who excel at management.
While it’s good for anyone to clearly understand which they excel at more, being aware of the other characteristics is important.
Just knowing what it takes to be a good leader can make you more aware of yourself even if you know you tend to be an excellent manager.
Understanding the differences between leadership and management can ensure you see where you can improve and what else you should be thinking about, and not assume you are simply excellent at both.
Ultimately this can make you both a better leader and a better manager.
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Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
10. Important Leadership Skills
- Commitment, resolve and perseverance – driving every aspect of the organization toward a singular unified purpose.
- Risk-taking – breaking conventions and developing new products and services to establish marketplace dominance (and possibly even create a unique market).
- Planning – though a leader typically doesn’t get too involved in the details, he or she must orchestrate a high-level plan that drives everyone toward the unified goal.
- Motivating – an effective leader must be able to encourage contributions from the entire organization, navigating the specific motivators of each individual or group to push the right buttons and inspire employees at every level to achieve not only their personal best but the best for the organization as a whole.
- Communication skills that rely on active listening – far more than just being able to speak and write persuasively, leadership communication skills incite others to work toward the stated goal in line with the path the leader has chosen.
- Possessing or obtaining the skills required to successfully achieve business goals – bringing a unique knowledge set to the table or acquiring it personally or through employees and other subordinates.
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
11. What Makes These Individual Skills So Important?
First, a distinction needs to be made: the difference between a leader and a manager.
A leader is someone who does the right thing, whereas a manager does things right.
Or to put it another way, management is an occupation, leadership is a calling.
As addressed in the list above, this calling demands a unique vision for success and the tools necessary to communicate and implement that vision.
The leader must possess a set of clearly-defined convictions and the daring and skill to translate their vision into a reality.
This is why many people believe, as seen in What Motivates True Leaders.
That the most successful development of leadership skills takes place.
When the leader is geared toward the development of individuals or social constructs.
This foundation creates a drive and a passion that many believe cannot be replicated or faked in situations where the leader is concerned solely with financial returns.
Whether you consciously aware of it or not.
On some level you are continually leading yourself and others.
You don’t necessarily have to have a large team reporting to you to be considered a leader and to need effective leadership skills.
In one leadership study, qualities such as assertiveness, adaptability, intelligence and conscientiousness were cited as the most important leadership skills.
Research clearly shows that transformation leaders.
Leaders who are positive, inspiring, and who empower and develop followers – are better leaders.
They are more valued by followers and have higher performing teams.
As a result, it would only make sense that you strive to improve your leadership skills and get the most out of life for everyone in your sphere.
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12.Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Have a clear vision
Take the time to share your vision, your mission and your goals with your team.
Your job as a leader is to provide a clear path that your team can follow.
Your team also must understand why the goals you have set are valuable to them.
Take the time to explain to them, in detail, why and how your vision will not only improve the business.
But how it will benefit them in return.
Include your team in your strategic planning sessions.
Ask for feedback and get them to “buy into” your vision for the future of the company.
13. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips :Know and utilize your strengths and gifts.
You have unique gifts and natural leadership skills that you were born with and personal strengths you’ve developed over your lifetime.
Realizing and utilizing these gifts and strengths will assist you in being a formidable leader.
14.Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Be Passionate
This is one of the most important leadership skills.
Would you look to someone for guidance and leadership if they did not truly care about the goals of the group?
Of course not! Great leaders are not just focused on getting group members to finish tasks.
They have a genuine passion and enthusiasm for the projects they work on.
Start by thinking of different ways that you can express your zeal.
Let people know that you care about their progress.
When one person shares something with the rest of the group.
Be sure to tell them how much you appreciate such contributions.
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
15. Live in accordance with your morals and values.
Making choices and taking actions out of accordance with your morals and values leaves you with a nagging “bad” feeling.
This feeling seeping in from your subconscious mind hinders your success in your career and your relationships.
On the other hand, making choices and taking actions aligned with your morals and values helps you succeed almost effortlessly as key leadership skills.
People sense integrity and will naturally respect your opinion and leadership.
16. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Serve as a role model
The best leaders walk the walk and talk the talk.
As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviors.
If you want to become a better leader, work on modeling the qualities that you would like to see in your team members.
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17. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Set definitive goals and follow concrete action plans.
You have to know where your destination is before you can map out a plan to get there.
To improve your leadership skills, first set specific life goals with appropriate timelines.
Design your goals by moving backwards from the end of your life to the present week.
Then, formulate action plans you can commit to that will get you to where you want to be.
18. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Maintain a positive attitude.
No one respects a grumpy or negative person.
With a positive attitude you are looking at the bright side of life.
People are naturally attracted to you when you have a positive attitude.
By being positive, you will lead a happier life, as well as be surrounded by other positive people.
You will also magically attract exciting offers and possibilities.
19. Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Improve communication skills.
Having great leadership skills includes your being able to clearly and specifically communicate your vision, goals, skills, intentions, and expectations to others.
This also includes your ability to listen to what other people are consciously or unconsciously communicating.
To become a great communicator, continually strive to improve your verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills.
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20.Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips: Motivate others to greatness.
The greatest leaders are those who include everyone in their sphere of influence by recognizing each person’s greatest value.
To be one of these leaders, look beyond the obvious and see others with insight and compassion.
Many of history’s greatest leaders have admitted that they rose to the top because another leader recognized and harnessed their potential.
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Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
21. Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses.
Face it – No one is perfect, and everyone has made a mistake or two in their lives!
The most successful leaders know that the key to success is not in avoiding falling or failing, but to learn from their mistakes.
As a strong leader, you will also be able to communicate your weaknesses to your team.
So that you and your team can appoint someone who excels at that particular task or activity.
Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
22. Continue to educate and improve yourself.
Great leaders demonstrate effective leadership skills, but most importantly, continue to improve themselves in every possible way.
The person who thinks he is an expert, has a lot more to learn.
Never stop learning. Be receptive to everyone’s perceptions and information from around the world and beyond. Always grow and learn.
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Business Leadership/ Modeling Skill Tips
With effective leadership, all participants within the organization are confident someone they know is working towards the greater good.
Both on their behalf personally and that of the company, as well as the larger impact created by the specific product or service.
And within this system, one of the most critical elements to success is a leader in whom they can place their trust.
That’s because true leadership is about taking people to places they would not or could not go on their own.
And achieving that level of loyalty and dedication is next to impossible without the genuine allegiance inspired by true leadership skills.
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