Top 5 Shawarma Setting Cost Business

Shawarma Setting Cost Business: As someone who has stayed in Adamawa for over seven years.

I think i have some little idea that can be useful.

The biggest recurring expenditure for you would be rent.

The rent in Adamawa is still very higher than what obtains in neighboring states.

Other considerations are the appropriate location for the business.

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 Shawarma Setting Cost Business

With that out of the way, you’ll need to buy the paraphernalia that is required for the business.

As i’m most definitely sure that there would be other demands apart from shawarma.

Light refreshment,water, and maybe suya even.

So the rent would cost you anywhere between 200,000 to 300,000 naira.

Furniture(tables and chairs for people to wait for the shawarma)/cableTV, fridge would cost about 350,000–450,000 depending on how big you want it to be.

The oven would cost about 15,000 or so. Then the initial raw materials/ingredients can be put at 10,000 naira

So in total, we would be looking at 700–800,000 naira.

Shawarma Setting Cost Business

Don’t get me wrong,you could start with way more less.

But if quality of products,and a conducive environment is of concern to you,then you have to spend money!

Shawarma business is absolutely a goldmine.

That can fetch you lots of money no matter how small or big you start.

With this flourishing business.

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You will create employment opportunities for people who will work with you.

Thereby contributing your little share in reducing unemployment in Nigeria.

Amazingly, this snacks business has no limit to the profits you can earn from it.

In addition, there is no limit to how big it can become.

It all depends on your vision and passion.

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If done rightly, you will definitely realize your start-up capital within three months.

Shawarma is usually taken for relaxation, either as snacks or light food.

Its delicious taste makes it irresistible for Lagosians, especially ladies.

For you to succeed in this shawarma business, there are certain things you have to put into consideration.

Now let’s take a look at the steps you need to follow to start a shawarma business successfully in Nigeria.

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Shawarma Setting Cost Business


It is important that you first learn how to prepare a shawarma in a classic and tasty manner.

Try to gain experience either by attending workshop or working in a shawarma spot for atleast one week inorder to gain experience.

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Shawarma Setting Cost Business


Your business plan is a guide to help you determine your capital, identify the weaknesses and strength of the shawarma business.

Provide an overall analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may affect the business, positively or negatively.

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Shawarma Setting Cost Business


This is the most IMPORTANT Step. Shawarma business yields amazing returns when it’s located in an open place with high pedestrian traffic.

Your stand should be prefarably located by the roadside.

The demand for shawarma is high in strategic and populated location.

You can stay close to a tertiary institution because university students can’t ignore.

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Shawarma Setting Cost Business


You need to get the important equipments for making the tasty snacks.

For this business, you need to get these equipments:

Shawarma Setting Cost Business

  • Shawarma Toaster
  • Deep Fryer
  • Apron
  • Deep freezer
  • Show Glass
  • Insect Killer
  • Fry Pan
  • Pots
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The price of these equipments vary and you can get cheap ones depending on your pocket.

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Shawarma Setting Cost Business


Not everyone observe this step.
However, if you have big vision for your business, then you have to register your business name ASAP.

After these, you are good to go!!! You can now begin making tasty shawarma and keep the money coming.

Please note that in becoming successful in this business, you need to be unique.

Make your shawarma taste great, and looks attractive. Neatness is key also.

You should always practice personal and environment hygiene. And you must be customer friendly.

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