Essential Sketching Techniques to Make Your Drawings More Interesting

Sketches: Sketching is an essential tool for anyone who wants to improve their observation, drawing skills, and visual creativity.

Sketching is a process of capturing quick ideas and diagrams in a simple yet effective manner.

It involves quickly jotting down a pencil or ink sketch on paper to capture the concepts at hand.

If you are someone who regularly comes up with new ideas and plans, chances are that you frequently find it hard to write them down accurately or in detail.

A sketch can be your secret weapon when it comes to recording new thoughts, concepts, and designs clearly.

Read on to learn about the essential sketching techniques that will help you make your drawings more interesting!

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Essential Sketching Techniques to Make Your Drawings More Interesting


Sketching is one of the most important skills you can have as a designer. It’s the quickest way to get an idea down before it escapes your mind. Sketching is used in many different fields, from architecture to engineering and even fine art. It’s a great way of visualizing your ideas before working on them in more detail. With so many different sketching techniques at our disposal, how do we know which one is right for us? If you’re new to sketching or just want to add some variety to your work, then read on…

Tips before you start sketching

Sketching is a great way of getting ideas down onto paper quickly, but there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your process. One is to avoid distractions – you’ll get nowhere if you’re constantly looking at social media, email, and other apps on your phone. Instead, head out to a quiet space with a few trusted tools nearby, avoiding the temptation to open more than one app at once. Next, avoid thinking about the end result too much. If you’re always designing in terms of the final product, you’ll never learn how to solve problems in the real world. Don’t worry about perfection – sketching is all about getting ideas down, and some of them might be rubbish.

Block out ideas with pen and paper

First, you need to block out all external distractions. This can be done with a pen and paper, or a digital sketch app. Set up a space with a wall, a stack of paper, a table, or other space-saving item nearby. Next, find a quiet place with nothing else to do and no distractions. You want to be in a place where you won’t be interrupted for at least 30 minutes. Now, lay out a large piece of paper, at least A4 (or Letter size, if you’re drawing on a smaller scale) size, so that you have enough room to draw without getting too cramped. You don’t need to start on the paper’s right-hand edge, but it helps to start on the left-hand side, so that you have a clear vertical section. Set up your drawing area as tidily as possible, with everything you’ll need within easy reach. Pen nibs, paper, pencils, erasers, a table lamp, and so on. Put your phone on silent or turn it off and out of the room.

Become familiar with the drawing process

Sketching is fundamentally an action, so it can be helpful to watch someone else sketch. You might be surprised at how many businesses offer free sketch tutorials on YouTube, so take a look to learn from the pros. There are also plenty of free Sketching videos on You can also practice sketching on your own – with a pen, paper, and nothing else. If you’re at a desk, draw a line down one side of the paper, then draw a line down the other. You can take this as seriously as you like. It’s a great way to get into the right mindset. Next, sketch any idea you have in your head as if you were actually drawing it. Don’t worry too much about anatomy or perspective. Just use the paper as a way of exploring the idea.

Add colour – carefully!

Colour is a tremendous strength in design, and you should use it as liberally as you can. The two main rules for adding colour to your sketches are: – Don’t use colour markers or pencils. These smudge and ruin the paper. Instead, use a piece of paper you don’t mind ruining. – Use a pencil that is only slightly softer than the paper you’re sketching on. Coloured pencils are very soft, and not as permanent as traditional graphite pencils. When you start to sketch in colour, it can be tempting to use marker or pencil colours straight away. Resist this urge – you want to learn to use colour without ruining the paper. Try drawing one shape in one colour and a different shape in a different colour. You can add details where you see them, or sketch around them loosely.

Don’t be afraid of using white-out

You’ve probably seen designers use white-out in tutorials or in books. It’s a way of getting rid of a sketch you don’t like while leaving the paper itself untouched. White-out is a strong and permanent marker, so you can’t re-use it. However, it leaves no trace on paper, so you can re-do any sketch that you don’t like.

Try your hand at watercolour pencils

If you haven’t tried watercolours yet, you’re missing out. They’re quick, easy to use, and produce very intense colours. You can also blend them together to create a subtle effect. Watercolour pencils come in a range of weights (softer to harder), and there are also blending pencils for creating more subtle colour blends. You can even get a waterbrush for blending colours on paper.

Final step: let your ideas sit

If you’ve followed these steps, your sketches should look something like this: Once you’ve drawn your ideas, don’t try to “fix” anything or make a perfect drawing. It’s important to draw anything that comes to mind, without worrying too much about how it looks. This will help you see things in a different way – and see things in a different way is the first step to solving real design problems. If you’re worried about messing up, try drawing a small sketch as an experiment. You’ll get rid of any bad feeling you might have and be able to see things more objectively from that position. If you want to push yourself further, you can still try and re-do the sketch. Get rid of the mistakes, mess up, and lines that you don’t like.


Sketching is a great way of getting ideas down on paper quickly. Follow these tips and you’ll be sketching your way to success in no time. – Block out external distractions, and avoid thinking about the end result too much. – Sketch any idea you have in your head, using a pen and paper or a digital sketch app. – Add colour carefully, using a piece of paper you don’t mind ruining. – Use a pencil that is only slightly softer than the paper you’re sketching on. – Don’t be afraid of using white-out. – Try your hand at watercolour pencils. – Let your ideas sit.

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