Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business: Our guide on starting a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business covers all the essential information.
To help you decide if this business is a good match for you.
Learn about the day-to–day activities of a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business owner.
The typical target market, growth potential, startup costs, legal considerations, and more.
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Get the Business Background:
Many people and businesses enjoy having decorations during the holiday season.
Not everyone, however, likes decorating or is physically able to.
Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business provide holiday decorating services.
For individuals and businesses who want or need assistance.
With the put-up and take-down of lights and other decorations.
Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business
1. Know the right person for the business
Many Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business are started by painters, landscapers.
And other contractors who have a slow period around the holidays.
The holiday decorating season is extremely short.
Lasting only a few months at the most.
So it’s difficult to run a stand-alone Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business.
That offers no other services during the rest of the year.
Such a business, however, is a potentially lucrative sideline business.
That can complement other seasonal businesses, such as exterior painting and landscaping.
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2. Installation Business Process
The daily activities of a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business revolve around the holiday decorating season.
The season for actually displaying lights usually runs from Thanksgiving through the first week of January.
The work involved extends beyond both these dates, though:
- Leading up to the season, representatives help customers design their displays and crews test lights to make sure they’re working properly.
- Through November and the first week of December, crews install light displays.
- From Thanksgiving through the first week of January, crews service any lights that break or go out.
- After the first week of January, crews take down lights and put them in storage.
Because there are only a few weeks to get as many light displays up as possible.
Jim Berns of Michigan-based Berns Landscaping Services.
Inc. recommends starting to put displays up soon after Halloween.
Displays can be installed but not turned on.
When customers want them turned on, a technician can come and set the timers.
Which takes much less time than putting in an entire display.
This helps businesses serve as many customers as possible in the week or two after Thanksgiving.
Which is when most customers want to start turning on their lights.
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3.Targeted market
While most Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business have lots of residential customers, a business’ ideal customer is another business. Businesses frequently are willing to spend more on displays than individuals are able to, and most businesses don’t have employees to install lights for them. Lots of individual homeowners prefer install their own lights, making individual homeowners a less reliable source of regular business.
4. Business money making
A Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business makes money by charging customers for to install.
Service and take down decorative lights during the holiday season.
Most customers are given individual quotes based on the size and complexity of their display.
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5.Know the growth potential
Most Christmas lights installation businesses start out small, serving just a local area.
Several, however, grow to have franchises throughout a region or across the country.
For example, Chris Fischer grew a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business.
That had one location into a franchise that has 21 franchise locations and plans on opening 10 more.
Fischer’s business also offers window-washing services.
Christmas Decor is a national business that works with local decorators in 48 different states.
One decorator the company works with is the Christmas Decor of NJ by Triple R Lighting.
Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business
6. Get the skills and experiences
While putting up holiday lighting might seem like a simple process.
Installers need to know how the lights they’re putting up will impact the circuits the lights are on.
For example, they need to know:
- how many lights a circuit can maintain
- why different types of LEDs can’t be used on the same circuit
- when it’s necessary to use a silicone connector
Many holiday lighting manufacturers and suppliers offer classes that cover information like this.
And all installers should be signed up for such a class.
For more advanced training, business owners can pursue one of the certifications.
Offered by the Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals .
Business owners also need to know how to manage and grow their Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business.
For this, typical business skills such as business management, financial planning.
And customer service skills will all be required.
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7. Know the Business costs
The startup expenses involved in opening a Christmas lights installation business include:
- a vehicle for transporting crews and lights to customers’ sites
- ladders for installing lights
- commercial-grade lights
- insurance
Because a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business is usually started to complement another seasonal business.
Most business owners who get into this line of work already have a vehicle.
Ladders and insurance from their other business.
For instance, a painter or landscaper likely already has the equipment and insurance they need.
Some business owners may be tempted to purchase inexpensive lights to save money starting out.
But this strategy often backfires.
Cheap lights are more likely to break than commercial-grade ones.
And the labour costs of replacing lights that break often exceed any savings the less expensive lights offer.
Instead of purchasing low-quality, inexpensive lights,.
Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business
Bsinesses should invest in a few samples of high-grade lights.
Representatives can use these samples to show customers what the lights look like.
And then customers’ initial payments can be used to actually purchase the lights that will be used in displays.
Finally, some business owners may want to invest in a franchise.
Opening a Shine holiday lighting franchise costs between $10,000 and $15,000.
While franchises can offer some nice benefits.
Business owners don’t have to start their business as a franchise.
Many open independent businesses that are successful.
8. Get the business steps
Once you’re ready to start your Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business.
Follow these steps to ensure that your business is legally compliant.
And avoid wasting time and money as your business grows:
- Plan your business. A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. A few important topics to consider are your initial costs, your target market, and how long it will take you to break even.
- Form a legal entity. Establishing a legal business entity prevents you from being personally liable if your christmas lights installation business is sued.
- Register for taxes. You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.
- Open a business bank account. A dedicated checking account for your Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business keeps your finances organized and makes your business appear more professional to your customers.
- Set up business accounting. Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.
- Obtain necessary permits and licenses. Failure to acquire necessary permits and licenses can result in hefty fines, or even cause your business to be shut down.
- Get business insurance. Insurance is highly recommended for all business owners. If you hire employees, workers compensation insurance may be a legal requirement in your state.
- Define your brand. Your brand is what your company stands for, as well as how your business is perceived by the public. A strong brand will help your business stand out from competitors.
- Establish a web presence. A business website allows customers to learn more about your company and the products or services you offer. You can also use social media to attract new clients or customers.
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9. Have a business mentor
One of the greatest resources an entrepreneur can have is quality mentorship.
As you start planning your business, connect with a free business resource near you to get the help you need.
Having a support network in place to turn to during tough times is a major factor of success for new business owners.
10. Get the insider tips
Before starting a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business.
Business owners should carefully calculate how many customers they can realistically service.
As a business grows, Christmas Designers notes.
It can be tempting to take on more customers than the business can reasonably handle.
Overextending a business can be disastrous.
As upset customers are apt to leave reviews that tarnish a business’ reputation and hamper future growth.
Controlled growth offers more long-term potential for success.
Business owners should also contact a tree service company in their area before officially opening.
Some customers may have trees.
That are too tall for a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business to put lights on.
But this work could be outsourced to a tree service company that’s equipped to work on tall trees.
The Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business could still do the rest of the work.
And it may even make a commission on the outsourced tree decorating.
Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business
11. How to promote & market
Since most Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business owners have established seasonal businesses.
They already have a market to advertise decorating services to.
Business owners can inform their current customers of the new services they’re offering.
And some may sign on for holiday decorating.
70 percent of his holiday decorating customers were first landscaping customers he served.
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12. How to keep customers coming back
A Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business can keep customers returning by selling lights to customers.
Once lights are sold to customers.
They’re more likely to work with the same business year after year.
They’ve already made an initial investment.
And switching to another holiday decorating business.
Would probably require another large upfront purchase of lights.
13. How and when to build a team
Businesses only have a few weeks to install holiday lights.
So it’s important to have a crew of employees ready to do installations as soon as a business opens.
Most business owners already have a crew of employees available from their other seasonal business.
Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business
14. Know the customer’s charges
The average cost of a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business is #25,000
But some jobs run as high as #50,000 or #200,000.
Many businesses don’t take on displays for less than #5000 or #100,000.
15. Know the ongoing expenses
The ongoing expenses for a Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business.
Include storage costs for lights during the year, employees’ salaries and equipment costs.
Storage costs are typically factored into customers’ quotes.
Employees’ salaries and equipment costs are normally covered by another seasonal business during the rest of the year.
16. Know the profit margin
A Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business can bring in #50,000 or possibly #100,000.
This is in addition to any revenue earned by another seasonal business.
17. Make your business more profitable
A Yuletide Sparkle Installation Business can generate more revenue.
By offering decorative lighting services at other times of the year.
Some individuals may be willing to pay for Halloween decorating.
And many people will hire a professional service for weddings or other special events.
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