Corelifeeatery: Ordering at Corelifeeatery, a popular international chain of upscale coffeehouses, can be intimidating to those of us who are not coffee connoisseurs or corelifeeatery regulars. With some basic understanding of the guidelines of coffee making, placing your next order at corelifeeatery will be a breeze.
It just makes sense. Especially when eating real foods that powers us… Eat what is in season. At CoreLife Eatery, everything they prepare starts as real, whole food and they focus on the best, freshest available. That means that they work with those around us to find the foods that are at their peak. They look for organic and GMO-free. Even the bones that they simmer every night are sourced from organic farms. We want to reflect a new way of thinking about food – a practice of sourcing that fuels the body and the soul.
Consider your cravings. To get a drink you will enjoy, it is important ordering something based on what you are craving. Ordering at Starbucks does not necessarily mean that you must order coffee; in fact, there are dozens of drink choices including tea, smoothies, and hot chocolates. Consider the current outside temperature and season to decide what sounds just right.
- If you are not sure what sounds good, do not be afraid to ask your barista for suggestions or help. They can give you choices based on your drink preferences to help make one that is tailored to you.
- Remember to think about if you want the drink hot, iced, or blended, as well as the sweetness and caffeine.
Choose a size. Starbucks is known for having their name-specific sizing. Don’t fear, getting the sizes down is easy. A tall is the equivalent of 12oz, a grande is 16oz, and a venti is 20oz in hot and 26oz. in iced. While not listed on the menu, all Starbucks locations offer a short drink equalling 8oz. Starbucks locations in the United States also offer Trenta for a limited number of drinks, which is equal to 31oz.
- A tall typically comes with a single shot of espresso, a grande comes with a double shot, and a venti also comes with a double shot, unless it is a venti iced drink, in which it comes with a triple shot of espresso.
- If you want more espresso than the size you order comes with, simply ask for extra shots. These will cost more, but you will be able to get that perfect amount of espresso without having to size your entire drink up.
Add a little flavor. It does not matter if you order coffee, tea, or any other drink – you always have the ability to add sugar or a syrup flavor. Adding a flavor will typically give you two extra pumps of syrup, so if you want your drink extra sweet be sure to specify and be ready to pay more. Sugar is free, but a syrup flavor is not.
- If you’re uncertain what flavor you want to add, ask to see a flavor menu or ask the barista what popular flavors are available. There are dozens of flavor choices, so don’t feel like you are limited to simply “sugar” or “no sugar.”
- Most of the popular syrup flavors like vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut all come with sugar-free options. If you are trying to be a bit healthier, order a sugar-free syrup flavor for your drink.
- Ask about seasonal flavors when you order, as there are many specialty syrups that are available at different times of the year. In the fall and winter, pumpkin is available while in the summer coconut is often out in participating locations.
Choose the liquid base. Some drinks are made with milk while others are made with water as the base. If you prefer one over the other, specify that when you order. Typically, nonfat, 2% milk, soymilk, and half-and-half are the available milk options. Starbucks also carries milks such as almond or coconut milk.
- You can get any drink hot or iced, and many coffee drinks blended. If you change the form of your drink, you might also have to change the liquid base. For example, blended coffee must be made with a milk base instead of water to get the right consistency.
- When milk is steamed, it creates a richly aerated foam. This is like warm whipped milk on the top of your drink. If you like foam, you can order your drink with extra, or if you don’t like it ask for your drink to go without.
Consider the caffeine. Espresso and coffee both naturally have caffeine, as do black and green teas. If you want less caffeine in your drink, order half-caf (1/2 the normal amount of caffeine) or decaf (with no caffeine). You can also add extra shots of coffee if you are looking for a bit more energy from your drink.
Get brewed coffee. This is just your basic drip coffee you might make at home, but prepared in many different flavors. All Starbucks have multiple brews going during the day, so you can sample several different roasts and blends. A pour-over, where hot water is passed through ground coffee, is also offered; this takes longer but is typically the same price as brewed coffee. Brewed coffee is the cheapest and easiest thing on the menu to order. Some stores may also have a Clover machine, which can brew both core roasts and any reserve coffees stored at the location.
Try a cappuccino. These are similar to lattes because they are made solely of steamed milk and espresso, but cappuccinos comprise a large amount of foam. This means that your drink will be light and fluffy more than it is liquid. A cappuccino typically comes with approximately equal parts foamed and steamed milk; you may order it as “wet” (not so much foam) or “dry” (mostly foam) to preference. Add any flavors or sugar alterations you would like.
Try a specialty espresso drink. If you are a real espresso lover, order it straight up! Ask for a single or double shot of espresso, and then add a modifier of choice. Often espresso shots are served macchiato style with a dollop of foam, or con panna with a bit of whipped cream. An espresso macchiato may be confused for a caramel or latte macchiato: make sure to specify.
Get a frappuccino. Frappuccinos are blended drinks, typically made with coffee. Starbucks offers many specialty Frappuccinos, so ask your barista what ones are offered if you don’t see them on the menu. Some Frappuccinos, like the strawberries and cream, aren’t made with any coffee. These often come with whip and a drizzle of chocolate or caramel.
Order your drink. Once you have decided on your coffee and all the possible variables, make your order. Start with the size of the drink, the temperature (which is hot by default, even in warm weather), then the name, then any amendments you want to make. For example, order a “grande chai tea latte with extra foam.” Don’t be afraid to be specific!
More tips
Remember that sometimes the baristas will get your name wrong, so be prepared for those mistakes.
If the barista doesn’t speak your language as fluently as you’d like, please refrain from shouting and becoming impatient as that is rude. Speak clearly, slowly, and do not be rude.
Remember to wait at the end of the bar and not by the register.
- Refrain from using your cell phone as you order; it is rude.
- Double-check your drink to make sure that it is what you want after it has been handed over. Hovering over the bar and telling the barista how to do their job will decrease your chances of getting a quality beverage.
- Be kind! You can even pay it forward and order the drink for the person behind you in line if they want one!
- Always say thank you!
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you don’t understand something.
- Various bottled drinks and juices are generally offered at Starbucks, usually located in a refrigerated shelf beneath the pastry display shelf.
- Order different things and find new drinks! You are bound to find more you like than the usual.
- If you’re hungry, check out the pastries and food dishes offered in addition to ordering your drink.
- If you want to try something you are not sure about, ask if you can sample it.
- If ordering a frappuccino make sure you know if it has coffee in it as some frappuccinos don’t necessarily have coffee.
- Don’t forget to tip your barista!
- When ordering a beverage that has whipped cream by default such as a Mocha, and requesting non-fat milk, do not forget to specify whether you want whipped cream.
- Be alert, as people will grab any random drink that is shouted out. Keep your receipt just in case you need to get your drink made over. Again, stay alert, because more than one person may have the same drink as you (example: “I have a Grande Cafe Latte at the bar!”) A grande latte is the most common drink ordered at a Starbucks.
- Staying there? They will serve your beverages in real cups and glasses instead of paper if you ask. Just say, “For Here” when ordering. (Only at certain stores, not all.)
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