14 Tips to Open Barbing Accessories Business

Barbing Accessories Business: If you are interested in selling accessories (jewellery, bags, hats etc.) then follow these few steps that should get you up and running.

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Barbing Accessories Business:

Barbing Accessories Business: https://www.coreplanets.com

Read also: 9 Tips to Build Products Brand Equity

Barbing Accessories Business:

1. Think of a name.

  • When thinking of a brand name, it’s usually best to get a notepad ready for a list that will help you remember all the name and make the process of elimination easier. Try to think of something that emphasises your persona or brand message.

Barbing Accessories Business:

2. Practice makes perfect

  • Go on the Internet to try to find some accessory-making courses/classes. This will help make your brand more original, creative and will also make your days a bit easier.

See also: 17 Tips to Start Internet Connection Fixing Business 

Barbing Accessories Business:

3. Choose your brand’s theme.

  • Consider how you want to represent yourself and your brand. If you’re a happy person, opt for light colours and fun designs. If you’re a serious, practical person, design the whole brand to how it suits you! This is one of the most important parts.

Barbing Accessories Business:

4. Get inspired.

  • Before you actually start making anything or finalising your brand, go to craft fairs and look at some of the homemade jewelry they have created. Take a note down of the properties and design features of the ones that you like so you can mix them up and add to yours when you do start making!

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Barbing Accessories Business:

5. Tell and show people.

  • After making all your fabulous pieces, it’s time to spread the word and put on a jewelry party! Get a few friends to come round, have a few drinks, mingle but most importantly, ask for feedback and try to sell the bracelets! Obviously, you shouldn’t have high prices as they are not part of a big brand yet, but hopefully soon will be!

Barbing Accessories Business:

6. Advertise your products.

  • Put flyers up around town and posting business cards on bulletin boards really help improve business. Also, setting up your own website is another really helpful way to get people to buy your jewelry and try to get ‘founded’ by shops and big accessory brands.

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Barbing Accessories Business:

7. Meet the managers.

  • Barbing Accessories are selling, it’s time to talk to some high street store managers that could maybe give you a brand funded by that shop. Making an appointment with a lower end fashion store is a good way to start. Keep on trying until you finally get accepted.

Barbing Accessories Business:

8. Help out.

  • As you went to craft fairs earlier on, do the same and sell some of your accessories there, maybe to help someone in the same position as you were! Make multiple of the same design just in case some are more popular than others.

See also: Top 6 Online Products Marketing Strategy in Nigeria

Barbing Accessories Business:

9. Have a grand opening.

  • If you think you have enough money, and the accessories will do well enough, maybe it’s time to open up your own shop! Look around town and the high street to see if there are any places to let, or set up your own stall in the middle of a shopping centre. You could maybe think about getting a ground floor apartment close to where you live and use that as the shop, with the landlord’s permission.

Barbing Accessories Business:

10. Get some staff and your own shop!

As the job market is rapidly getting lower, you could help a non-working friend out by giving them a job. Even though you have your own business, it never hurts to carry the store on and try to set up a brand in another shop.

  • Choose an employee of the month.

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Barbing Accessories Business:

11. Never give up.

  • If the business isn’t going so well, ask your friends to recommend you and advertise more on the radio or tv.

Barbing Accessories Business:

12. Where do I get the accessories for the business?

I would recommend looking for a wholesale market around you. (Every major city has a wholesale market somewhere.)

Read also: Top 20 Rental Business Service in Akwa Ibom State

13. What are the things I need to start an accessory store?

Money to invest, as well as time, effort, motivation, and then of course the materials to make the accessories to sell for money.

See also: Top 52 Money Making Rentals Business in Akwa Ibom State

Barbing Accessories Business:

14. Get the products

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