Auction Ninja
Auction Ninja: Online auction are fun, easy and thrilling. They allow you to purchase a wide array of products online for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, often at great prices.
Bidding is an essential part of the online auction. People bid online for the items they willing to buy.
Online bids move at such a rapid speed that it changes in just blink of an eye.
There are two popular techniques which are used in order to improve the chances of winning an online auction. You can adapt them accordingly to suit your style.
Know the terminology. A unique bid is referred to that single bid which is placed on a bid amount for the auction. It will be only categorized as unique if no other competitor has placed a bid on the same bid amount. If a competitor has placed the same bid, then both bids are classified as non-unique. Buyers bid for different products online. The one with the unique bid gets the product.
- For example – If A places a bid at $2 and no one else place a bid on the same amount, it is considered as a unique bid and A will win. If B places a bid on the same item at $2, then it will be categorized as non-unique and none of them wins the auction. It is necessary for B to place bid more than $2 in order to win the auction.
Auction Ninja
Wait for someone else to bid. If someone else places a bid higher than yours, then immediately place a unique bid to supersede theirs. If not done over the time, the other person wins the bidding auction.
Auction Ninja
Keep a constant track. Revisit the auction site regularly to check the status of your bid and also the status of your competitor bids. Evaluate your bid again and click the confirm bid button, once done.
Receive a confirmation email. Once the bidding ends, the winner will be notified by an email from the auction website. It will indicate the confirmation about your winning and also the explanation of what needs to be done next.
Auction Ninja
Understand the technique. This process is also known as an auto bidding system. Buyers can set their maximum bid for the product. So, if the bidder is not virtually present at the time of bidding, automatically the bidding will perform on his behalf up to the defined amount. This information is only made visible to the bidder. After reaching the defined bid value, the bidding will stop.
- For example: The starting bid for an item is $5. A is the high bidder to place a maximum bid of $6 on this item. His maximum bid of $20 which will be kept confidential from other members. B places a bid of $7 and becomes the highest bidder. Automatically A’s bid is raised to $8 outbidding B at $7. It will continue till the time any buyer crosses $20. It is the limit set by $A which is only known to him. If nobody crosses $20, then A is the winner. If anyone crosses $20, A will receive a mail to increase its limit.
Auction Ninja
Keep constant track of bids. Keep visiting the online auction regularly to check the status of your bid and your competitor bids. Evaluate your bid again and click the confirm bid button, once done.
Auction Ninja
More tips
Get familiar with the auction website. Always make sure the website is genuine and certified. The reliable brand manufacturers and professional sellers should be involved in buying and selling process.
Look for a genuine brand before choosing the product. Always read through the Terms and Conditions of the site. If bidding on jewelry, look for their Hallmark Certified Authentication mark on their jewelry with the warranty card mentioning purity code, carat of the jewelry piece, testing center’s mark, the jeweler’s mark and year of marking.
Auction Ninja
Before bidding, read the product description. Read about the type of material used in its creation, the design, etc. Each product is accompanied with its picture and its description. Compare photos of the product with other similar items for sale. Understand the difference between the real jewelry and simulated or overlay jewelry.
Read the product reviews by other buyers. The feedback and reviews by other buyers helps a lot while purchasing a product from the website. It makes one a smart buyer by saving themselves from being cheated.
Avoid compulsion bidding. Never indulge yourself in impulse bidding as you end up buying more products than usual and tend to cross budget.
Read refund policy and shipment charges. Make sure to read through the refund and shipment policy before ordering your item. Many website offers free shipping while others apply heavy charges.
Ensure you’re comfortable with the mode of payment. This is the final and the essential step of your online shopping. Read the payment mode before bidding as many websites only accept specific credit or debit cards to make payment. Once the payment is made, check your bank account to ensure the transaction is complete.
Avoid imitations. Always make sure that you receive the item as displayed in the picture while buying the product. Many products exhibited on online auctions are fake and may not even match the description posted on the website.
Beware of getting subjected to scamming from the traders who sell unfair or illegal products on the online auction. Also, try to be in constant touch with the customer care executives to get regular updates on the date of delivery of your product. In some cases, the product purchased online never gets delivered.
Save yourself from being carried away in a bidding contest.
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