8 Steps to Starting Bottled Water Business

Starting Bottled Water Business in Nigeria: You get to understand that water is consumable, and it is essential to the human body. And so in bottled water business.

Care has to be taken as to meeting the specified requirement in producing bottled water in Nigeria.

8 Steps to Starting Bottled Water Business in Nigeria

Setup Bottled Water Production Plant … https://infoguidenigeria.com/9-steps-setup-bottled-water-production-plant-nigeria/

There should be professional assessment of the quality water produced.

This is important because whatever products like bottled water should be produced under a hygienic condition otherwise, human health is in jeopardy.

Having said that, there is a good number of ways, one can engage in bottled water business Nigeria.

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Be that as it may, in this article, I am going to discuss with you step by step approach to starting bottled water business in Nigeria. But before then let us consider what food processing is all about.

If you want to start up bottled water business in Nigeria, you have to ensure that you have a permit to start bottled water business; you have to also choose the name of your company, your packaging, get your own warehouse or what I may describe as modern factory. More so, create your own website.

How to Start Bottled Water Business

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1. Be sure you have the permit to start the business:

Having made up your mind to start bottled water business in Nigeria.

Make sure that you have your permit from relevant authority to start your bottled water business

Get the name of your business registered and collect the certificate of registration.

In doing this there is a document you should fill, this will give a registered status as a corporation.

Possible get those set of persons you want to help you grow your business.

2. Choose your bottled water factory:

Another step will be to locate a place suitable for your bottled water business.

You either rent a place or you lease it for a period of time, and before you commence business

An authorized agency has to visit your business place to inspect as to whether your business place meet the set standard of starting and running bottled water business in Nigeria

And to ascertain whether the location is safe enough for bottled water business.

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More so, the infrastructure and bottled water business facilities in your business place will have to be tested to make sure that they are in order for bottled water production.

Please note that, once you commence your bottled water business.

Over time, this authorized agency will come again and again to inspect your business premises.

And your business facilities in order to make sure that maintain the hygienic condition that guarantees bottled water production.

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In other words, the likelihood is that they will be inspecting your bottled water business.

On regular intervals to ensure that you are consistent in maintaining the hygienic condition in your business place.

To make sure that customers’ safety is protected from any harmful effect that could be caused by your bottled water due to unhygienic condition.

That is why you are duty bound to keep your business environment clean and safe.

3. Obtain NAFDAC number:

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Bottled water business is a kind of business, whose product (water) is consumable, and there is standard set by food and drug administration to produce bottled water, and therefore, it is your duty to comply with this standard.

In meeting this specification for bottled water production, you have to register with National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Commission (NAFDAC).

So from the packaging of your bottled water, you should make sure that though, your packaging should be attractive, it should not contradict the set standard by food and drug administration, also your bottled water should meet the specification of bottled water production.

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4. Own a website for your bottled water business:

This is very important in this digital age, where modern technology has become the order of the day.

If you desire to have large volume of traffic to your business, one of the easy ways is to have a website. If you do not have website already, create one for your bottled water business.

It is your website that will feature the kind of products you are serving the public, and as a result.

So many business organizations will love to set of connections of their account to your own.

The merit of owning a website is that, while sleeping your business can still be selling, as people will be making offer.

Distribution business organization will be interested in buying your products in bulk to sell to different retail outlets.

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7. Your startup capital:

This will entirely depend on the scale you want to operate from, whichever scale you may wish to operate from.

It is always advisable to take it from small scale angle.

Particularly now that the country is experiencing economic recession.

It is expected that you arrange for the cheapest processing machines possibly the locally fabricated ones.

And you can start from there and grow your business.

You do not really need so much of money to start bottled water business in Nigeria.

Start small and grow from there, with five hundred thousand Naira to six hundred thousand Naira; you can start your small scale bottled water business in Nigeria.

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8. Go for relevant knowledge:

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You also need to go for relevant knowledge about bottled water business in Nigeria.

More so, in setting up your bottled water business, you should not do it all alone, and you can equally seek for professional consultant in the field to assist you particularly, in setting up your bottled water factory.

You can go for research findings, go for workshops, seminars, symposiums.

Get training and become expertise in bottled water business in Nigeria.

To this end, you should by now know that, there are good opportunities in bottled water business in Nigeria.

With your business name you can produce your bottled water, package them, and market your bottled water business, source for customers and sell your products at attractive prices.

Following all the steps explained above, you will be on your way to making it big in your bottled water business.

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