28 Tips to Improve in Mechanic Business

Improve in Mechanic Business :If you’re wondering how to run a successful automotive repair shop, you’ve come to the right place. There are a lot of moving pieces that depend on one another, but some of the most essential parts of an auto repair shop business plan will connect back to marketing

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Improve in Mechanic Business
Improve in Mechanic Business: https://smallbusiness.chron.com
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1. Improve in Mechanic Business

Business strategies for auto repair shops are designed, and put to use, for one reason: to bring in more customers to your auto repair shop! So stop scratching your head asking how to grow your auto repair business. Include these pointers in the marketing plan for your auto repair shop and watch your sales bloom.

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2. Improve in Mechanic Business

If you are an employee, increased productivity can be the key to promotion, or to more free time.

If you are a business leader, increasing the productivity of your company can improve your bottom line and help you to weather economic downturns.

Either way, you should be constantly seeking to increase productivity.

To do so, both employees and owners can take a look at their own work practices.

In addition, business leaders can take steps to create an environment that both motivates employees.

And gives them the necessary tools to succeed.

Including technology that increases worker flexibility and eliminates wasted time.

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4. Start with yourself.

If you want to increase the productivity of your business.

There is no better place to start than with your own workday.

Making yourself more productive will not only be a boost to your company.

It will also teach you techniques that you can pass on to your employees.

Improve in Mechanic Business

5. Set deadlines and tell people about them.

With open-ended tasks or projects, setting a self-imposed deadline can provide motivation to work harder.

It works even better if you inform other people of your self-imposed deadline, as this will make you more accountable for sticking to it.

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6. Work in 90-minute intervals.

Research shows that after 90 minutes, productivity begins to decline.

To maximize your productivity, work in four to five 90 minute sessions, with breaks in between.

Minimize distractions while working on your to-do list — turn off your phone.

Close browser windows, and find a quiet space to have deep focus.

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7. Take breaks regularly.

Studies show that taking short, regular breaks helps to maintain focus and to prevent a decline in performance.

Even briefly switching your attention to another task for a minute or two a few times an hour.

Can help to maintain focus over the long term.

  • Taking a break to exercise once a day – even if this only means a brisk walk or a couple of trips up and down the stairs – will boost your productivity even more.

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8. Follow the 2-minute rule.

If a task comes up that you can complete in 2 minutes or less, do it immediately.

It will take less time than coming back to it later.

And it will provide a brief break that will make you more focused when you return to the task at hand.

9. Take advantage of your commute.

E-mail, to-do lists, brainstorming, and document review are great tasks to get done whenever you find yourself with “bonus” time.

Whether it’s during your commute or while in the waiting room at your doctor’s office.

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Improve in Mechanic Business

10. Commit to multiple drafts of everything.

All your work product – not just writing – should be done in multiple “drafts” instead of wasting time trying to make it perfect the first time around.

Hammer out something that works and have someone else look at it, or come back to it later with a fresh mind.

You’ll find you can complete projects much more quickly if you do them in four or five “drafts” than if you try to get it just right the first time.

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11. Handle your email more efficiently.

The average worker spends 28% of his workday managing his email.

That’s over 11 hours out of a 40 hour work week. To win back some of that time:

  • Set times to check your email. Checking email seems like work, only it’s a lot easier than a lot of other work, so much so that many people check it 10 or more times an hour. That wastes time. Instead, try checking your email three times a day – when you arrive, after lunch, and before you leave. At most, check it once an hour.
  • Don’t use folders. It may seem organized, but it turns out that filing your emails into folders is actually a much less efficient way to find them when you need them than simply leaving them in your inbox and remembering when you received them.
  • Unsubscribe from mail lists. On average, 50% of the email workers receive is junk. It takes only a few seconds to delete that email, but over the course of the year, those seconds can add up to hours.

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12. Apply the same productivity-boosting techniques that you use.

Once you’ve learned how to boost your own productivity.

You can take what works for you and apply it, if possible, to your workforce.

  • Encourage breaks. Telling your employees to take breaks may not work, so create them: celebrate birthdays, have weekly group activities, organize team lunches.
  • Create an email policy. If employees want an immediate response, they should call one another or visit one another’s office. Expecting email to be read immediately leads to constant email checking, which wastes time.
  • Set deadlines. Even for extremely long-term or open-ended projects, your employees will work with more motivation if you create goals and deadlines for them to meet along the way.
  • Give employees access to a gym. Having an office gym, or giving employees automatic membership to a nearby gym, can increase exercise and productivity. You can also use monthly challenges to boost participation.

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13. Allow for remote work and flexible hours.

It doesn’t matter where and when work gets done, so long as it gets done.

Research by Gallup shows that employees who work remotely part of the time are more engaged and actually work longer hours.

Give your employees the flexibility to do their work when and where they work best

Improve in Mechanic Business

14. Show appreciation for your employees.

Workers who feel appreciated will be more motivated and productive. Praise employees publicly during meetings. Give spot awards. Profile employees and their work in company publications. If an employee puts in extra work on a project, recognize this. If you fail to reward hard work, your employees will not work as hard.

  • Offering economic incentives tied to clear targets is a great way to increase employee commitment and drive at all levels of your business.

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15. Use work teams.

Working in teams can improve work product by allowing for multiple points of view.

It also makes workers more conscientious.

Since they do not want to let down the team or appear less competent than their peers.

Finally, it prevents isolation that can leave workers feeling ignored and unimportant.

Improve in Mechanic Business

16. Give your employee’s varied work.

While most of the work each employee does will be in his or her area of expertise.

Doing the same thing over and over again can lead to burnout.

Varying the type of work and the work setting – i.e. solo versus group – can keep tasks fresh.

As well as expanding your workforce’s skills and giving them a more holistic view of the company.

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17. Invest in training.

All your employees will benefit from training, as it both makes them more valuable employees and creates a sense of indebtedness to the business, which leads to harder work.

Pay particular attention to supervisors and middle managers who are just stepping into leadership roles.

They are the key to transmitting upper management’s vision and organizing work in an efficient manner.

So extra management training for these positions will go a long way towards improving company productivity.

18. Commit to improvement.

To constantly increase productivity, leadership must commit to a constant process of change.

This process has four parts:

  • Determine a baseline. If you are producing service-oriented products, what is your total revenue per hour worked? What are the base services you offer, and how much time do they typically take? If you are manufacturing, how long does it typically take to produce your product? Do you have excess input materials or inventory? What percent of your products are defective when first produced?
  • Identify Areas for Improvement. Maybe you want to be able to take on more work product without hiring staff. Perhaps you want to decrease the number of defective products that require reworking.
  • Establish a process of change and metrics of success. This process can take months or even years. You will need to test out new processes to see if they are creating improvement along the established metrics.
  • Adopt and Train. If a process works, you will need to train your managers first, and via them your employees to implement it.

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Improve in Mechanic Business

19. Purchase technology that works with a minimum of time and effort.

The goal of technology is to increase efficiency and save time.

So if it takes a small team of full-time employees to maintain your technology.

Or your staff is constantly running into problems, then it is not working for you.

Opt for the solutions that take the least time and effort to set up and maintain.

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20. Get workers the computers they need.

Old computers may save money, but seconds spent every day booting up or waiting while machines grind away can add up across your workforce. Investing in new computers not only saves time, it shows your employees that you care about giving them the best tools available. They will reward you by giving you their best work.

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21. Develop a unique brand

There’s no such thing as a ‘perfect’ brand. There’s only what works for you, and what doesn’t work. One of the best ways to stand apart from the competition is actually to get inspired by your competition. We’re not suggesting you outright copy any of your competitors – in fact, let us say it loud and clear: don’t copy your competitors! But, you shouldn’t waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel (no pun intended). Take certain aspects, leave others, and make sure that your brand is unique

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22. Use customer testimonials to solidify your satisfaction guarantee.

Tell customers when you established and how long you’ve been around. Highlight the benefits you bring to your customer through your service: saving them time, giving them peace of mind, and so on. Most importantly, maintain consistency in the type of images you use, the kinds of messages you put out, and the voice you use with customers.

23. Create incentives for referrals

Word of mouth is still the best form of advertisement all around the world, with 92% of consumers saying they trust it above all other forms of advertising. While that percentage is impressive, telling that to your customers may not be the best way to get them recommending your auto repair shop to their friends.

Incentivize them – have them fill a simple form with their name and telephone number, and tell them that if anybody comes in and mentions your name, they’ll get a discount or a free oil change (for example). You can be fun and creative, but make sure you focus on the goal: bring in more customers to your auto repair shop!

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Improve in Mechanic Business

24. Provide the technology your workers need to work wherever they are.

Workers who do some of their work remotely have been shown to be more productive. Another great way to boost productivity is to work during “bonus” time such as a commute or while waiting for appointments. To take advantage of this type of work, your employees need the right technology.

  • Laptops – Laptops are key for allowing employees to work remotely, but only if they sync with office computers and programs.
  • Smart phones and tablets – They allow workers to check their email and edit documents while on the go.
  • Programs that sync across multiple devices – Whatever is on your worker’s desktop computers should be available on their laptops, smart phones, and tablets as well. This creates a connected, flexible workforce. If employees can only access certain programs at their desk, then you lose valuable flexibility that could let them put in more hours.
  • Collaborative technology – Invest in business social network software like Tibbr, Jive, and Yammer, and use communication services like Skype and Google Hangouts to keep your employees connected even when they are off site.
  • The Cloud – Moving your business onto the cloud makes work easier to share and accessible from anywhere.

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25. Use virtual meeting and task tracking.

Think of all the time your employees spend checking in with one another to be sure tasks have been completed, or discussing their progress in meetings. Virtual task tracking software like Flow, HiTask, Producteev and Asana allows team members to instantly update their progress on a project so that other team members can access the information from anywhere. This allows for shorter meetings, less back and forth email, and thus greater efficiency.

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26.Have your employees use to-do list applications.

These inexpensive programs, like Todoist, Wunderlist, Task, and Pocket List, allow you to prioritize your tasks based on deadlines or other parameters, thereby ensuring that projects are finished on time.

27. Connect with local businesses

Small businesses have certain advantages over large corporations, and that includes having an easier time creating mutually beneficial relationships with other local businesses. For example, you can set up a deal where customers of your auto repair shop can get a discount at local restaurants, and those local restaurants can return the favor by advertising your business. The other benefit is that you’ll be earning a good reputation with the local community. Take a look at the neighborhood, you may have opportunities to expand your network just around the corner.Maintaining Vehicle Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

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28. Schedule future appointments

Don’t allow current customers to slip through the cracks tomorrow (or next month). When someone comes in for an oil change, schedule another one with them. If somebody comes in to recharge their air conditioning, make sure you give them a date to come back so you can take another look at it. Remind your clients that automobile maintenance is an ongoing task and not something to leave until the last minute. At the end of the day, you’re not providing the service to just make money, but to also ensure your customers’ safety and peace of mind on the road.


Having a good working environment goes a long way in improving business productivity.

Thus, try to improve the overall working environment within the office.

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