How to Start Fashion Business(9 Ways)

How to start fashion business in Nigeria: I will be considering Starting a fashion business in Nigeria today.

I will be showing you how to be successful in Nigeria Fashion business industry.

Ask me to name a multi-billion naira industry in Nigeria.

And I will name the fashion industry.

Fashion design is a business in Nigeria that has its own fair share of great achievers.

Both in the past and in the present.

You may even go global with your fashion  business.

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It is therefore required of a fashion designer to be highly creative in designing outfits for customers.

You may even go global with your fashion business.

It is therefore required of a fashion designer to be highly creative in designing outfits for customers.

There are many household names in the fashion industry.

And some of them are; Deola Sagoe, Duro Olowu, Frank Oshodi, Folake Folarin Coker and so on.

The names mentioned are those of great achievers that are running the show in the fashion industry raking millions and billions of Naira.

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This article should serve as eye opener for you to also take your place in the industry.

It is a highly lucrative industry, an industry that on a small scale you can make as much as #150,000 weekly.

Yes, #150,000. By going into the fashion design business today on a small scale.

You can expand your business up to the level of those mentioned above in few years to come.

To put into proper perspective how lucrative this business is.

A Google search of names of few popular fashion designers and their net worth may be of help.

The net worth of the popular fashion designer, Calvin Klein is 1.7 billion US dollars.

He started small and grew big over the years. His products are some of most known in the world today.

Another world renowned fashion designer, Giorgio Armani from northern Italy is primarily known for his men’s wears.

His estimated worth is about 7.2 billion dollars. He is one of the richest in the fashion industry.

Those mentioned didn’t start big; they started from somewhere and grew into what they are today.

So who says you cannot also make it as a fashion designer.

The market is getting bigger everyday as more people become fashion conscious.

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In other words, you can achieve close to or better than the names mentioned.

If you are creative and you identify how you can translate your ideas into meaningful use in the fashion business.

The market is getting bigger everyday as more people become fashion conscious.

In other words, you can achieve close to or better than the names mentioned.

If you are creative and you identify how you can translate your ideas into meaningful use in the fashion business.

A fashion designer’s job is to design fashionable clothes for individuals and groups of people.

You also need to be fashion aficionado to enable you satisfy your customers.

Useful Steps on How to start fashion business in Nigeria

Some of the steps listed below will be of help if you wish to become a fashion designer.

Note that this write-up will only give you the business side of fashion business and design.

You need to go out and get specialized training on the technical side of fashion design.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria

1 Enrol for Professional Training in Fashion Business and Design

If you want to become a successful fashion designer.

Then you need to have the knowledge of how to put together pieces of clothes together to make a good outfit.

To have this knowledge, you need to undergo training in a reputable fashion design institute.

Training period may take between 6 to 15 months.

This training will give you the opportunity to have the knowledge.

Almost everything about designing and sewing of clothes.

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As well as some other things because fashion goes beyond only clothes.

You need to learn and master how to operate a sewing machine, how to cut cloth and other things.

There are likely to be places in your locality where you can get this specialized training.

This article is not to recommend any place.

What you need to do is just to find out where to get good training in fashion business and design.

They are scattered around the country.

All you need to do is to ask people around you.

Ensure you learn and acquire your skills from professionals.

Who are conversant with modern trends in fashion business.

Do not attempt to learn from local fashion designers popularly known as ‘tailors’.

Do not attempt to learn from local fashion designers popularly known as ‘tailors’.

Enrol in any reputable institute of fashion design.

Where you can get varieties of fashion design training through professionals.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria

2. Get a good location and your start-up capital ready

Aim big in the business if you have the money.

However, with a sum of #200,000.

You can kick-start your fashion business.

As well as design business though on a small scale.

There is need for you to invest wisely by getting a good location, quality too and

There is need for you to invest wisely by getting a good location, quality too and equipment.

There is also need to employ staffs to support you in the business and to ensure good service delivery.

A very good location will also enable you to have access to good customers.

There will be need to rent a shop for the business.

Renting a 2 or 3 bedroom flat in a good location will be the most appropriate.

In getting a location, you need to consider proximity to your target customers.

Also, you need to consider your close competitors.

If you end up having many competitors around you.

Your business may not be as successful as you would wish.

Therefore you need to factor in competitors when searching for the best location for your business.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria

3. Purchase the necessary and appropriate equipment needed

Here are some of the equipment needed by a small scale starter in a fashion business:

  1. Measuring tape: also known as tape rule is used in measuring length. For instance, if you need to measure your client’s hip size, full length, waist size etc., you will need a tape rule. Taking accurate measurement is part of what you will learn during the course of your training.
  2. Two or more pairs of scissors: This will be used for cutting clothes
  3. Threads: They come in different colours and you will need to buy as much varieties of colours as possible.
  4. Needles: They are together with threads to sew clothes
  5. Chairs: This will be for you and your customers to sit on.
  6. Tables: You will need tables for different purposes, on it you cut clothe, you place some of your machines on it and so on.
  7. Sewing machine: you will need a complete set of this for joining pieces of clothes together.
  8. Weaving machine: This will give you sewing perfection. This perfection will make your sewing very neat.
  9. Embroidery machine to make various patterns of design on clothes.
  10. Generating set: as a result of the interrupted supply of power in this country, there will be need for you to have a generating set of a capacity of about 10 KVA.

You now know the necessary equipment to start your small scale fashion business.

Have you considered the cost?

Cost of the necessary equipment needed to start up a fashion business

Equipment/machine Cost(#)
Tape rule 1,050
Pair of scissors 1,500
Thread 1,050
Table 4,050
Chairs 4,050
Buttons 1,050
Zips 1,050
Complete set of sewing machine 30,000
Mini weaving machine 30,000
Embroidery machine 30,000
Generating set 40,000
Total 143,800

How to start fashion business in Nigeria

The total cost of equipment alone as shown on the table sums up to #143,800.

The cost of renting shop in a good location may also go for about #450,000 annually.

And also cost of transportation of your equipment after purchase which may be estimated to be #3,000.

These costs sums up to be the capital which is around #595,800.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria

4. Determine the Profit potential in the business

It is estimated that you should earn around #150,000 on a weekly basis or more depending on the average number of clothes you make per day.

As a result, you need to employ labour in order to increase your productivity. This is also important as it will help you not to disappoint your customers.

Making a good outfit goes for about #7,500.

This may be more depending on how skilful and creative you are.

On the average, if you make 6 clothes per day.

The gross income per day is about #45,000, and for 6 days a week you have #270,000.

Subtracting the cost of clothing materials, staff wages, and other running cost.

You have left a sum of #170,000.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria:

5. Decide The Type Of Fashion Business You Want:

The first step is to determine the type of fashion business you intend to start.

As stated above, there are about three different types.

But for the purpose of this article.

We’ll focus on the manufacturing of fashion items for the creation of a fashion brand.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria:

6. Create Your Designs:

The next step is to sketch your designs.

For this, you don’t need a special degree or certification.

Rather, you need a creative mind and one that has a knack for spotting trendy marketable products.

If you have problems putting your ideas down on paper, you can attend a fashion school, so you can trigger and bring a part of your creative side to life.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria:

7. Make A Sample:

The next step is to make a sample of the product(s) you intend to manufacture. The samples can be made locally, but usually cost very high amounts. When you have the sample you want and are sure it meets all the specifications you need, you can go on to find a factory that can produce your fashion items in bulk.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria:

8. Find A Factory:

To find a factory for your fashion business in Nigeria, you could start with Alibaba. Another way could be to either get a referral from an importer or to physically pay the manufacturing hub a visit in whichever country it is.

If your preferred manufacturing location is China, the most popular location for manufacturing fashion items there is Guangzhou.

Upon locating the factory, the first step would be to ensure they can successfully replicate the prototype you have, after which you can then go on to place a bulk order with different shapes and sizes.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria:

9. Market Your Product:

Here, you’d need to setup a sales and marketing team whose goal is to come with a market and execution plan to build up and grow your fashion brand.

Since sales is the life-blood of every business.

It is advisable you consult a sales expert.

Before you spend a naira of your money trying to promote any fashion items.

To a market that may or may not be the right fit for them.

How to start fashion business in Nigeria:


Going by these tips, you can be guaranteed that you will be making a significant amount of profit in the fashion business industry.

Try it ensuring that you do a thorough analysis and investigation before dabbling into it.

Try it believing and working towards success.

We would love to hear and learn from your success, challenges and advice.

Make sure you leave a comment.

If you need a complete business plan, please let us know.

Or, you want us to help you set up this business, kindly contact us.

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