50 Business Outcome Selling Tactics To Increase Your Sales

Business outcome selling: Sales is a numbers game. The more sales reps you have, the better. However, there’s an art to identifying and developing your best sales people – and then assigning them to roles that will allow them to shine. This is especially true when you have so many different people working as sales reps within your organization. There is no universal formula for success when it comes to your sales team. Every company has its own unique dynamic and set of challenges to overcome.
Implementing a solid strategy for how you are going to structure your sales team will help you get the most out of everyone on staff, no matter where they fall on the spectrum of natural ability as a salesperson. Let’s break it down and see what works best for increasing your company’s bottom line with these 50 business outcome selling tactics that increase your sales.

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50 Business Outcome Selling Tactics To Increase Your Sales

Business outcome selling: BusinessHAB.com

Business outcome selling: Sales reps are tasked with making their quota every year. If you’re in sales, that’s probably something you already know. And as much as we’d like to believe that we’re valued for our unique talents and abilities, it doesn’t change the fact that sales reps are judged almost exclusively on one metric: How much revenue they bring into the company. Sales reps who fail to meet their quotas will be replaced by someone else who can do the job better than they can — which means it is absolutely essential that you find ways to increase your sales volume. Your job may be on the line, but fortunately, there are plenty of ways that you can leverage your limited time and resources to improve your results.

Ask for the Right Type of Meeting

Before you ever contact a prospect, you’ll want to make sure that you’re asking for the right type of meeting. Meeting types include information, consultative, proposal, and sales. Information meetings are the ones where you’re giving out knowledge and information, with no expectation of getting anything in return. Consultative sales meetings are where you want to be giving out advice and solutions, but also taking into account potential customer needs and problems. Proposal sales meetings are where you’re asking the prospect to consider your product and price. And sales meetings are where you’re asking for the sale. It’s important to pick the right type of meeting from the start because it’ll help you to frame your expectations for the meeting and will also help you to navigate any resistance that you might encounter.

Leverage Your CRM

Across all industries, sales reps are consistently underreporting the value of their CRM — but, your CRM is one of the most robust selling tools that you have at your disposal. In fact, it can be used as a prospecting tool, a communication tool, a relationship management tool, and a selling tool. So, how can you leverage it? – Track your prospecting activities. – Track your follow-up activities. – Keep a record of communications. – Keep a record of sales activities. – Keep a record of your customer relationships. – Keep a record of your prospect relationships.

Go Beyond Just “selling”

Business outcome selling: While it’s true that you’ll need to make the sale in order to move prospects from “lead” to “customer”, the selling process is much more than that. It’s also about building a relationship with your prospect, helping them to see the value in your product or service, qualifying them, and helping them to overcome any objections to purchasing. How can you go beyond just “selling”? – Be helpful – Make it your goal to be helpful to your prospects. Help them to solve problems. Provide what they need, even if they don’t know that they need it. – Be generous – This is one of the most effective ways to build relationships. Be generous with your time, your knowledge, your connections, and your resources. You’ll be surprised at how this can pay off for you. – Be curious – The single most important thing that new sales reps do wrong is that they’re not curious enough about the prospect. They don’t ask enough questions, and they don’t attempt to understand the prospect’s problem.

Find Out Exactly What Problems Your Prospects Have

One of the biggest problems that sales reps face is that they just don’t know what problems their prospects are facing. This lack of insight will create problems at each step in the selling process, from qualifying prospects to overcoming objections. The best way to overcome this problem is to ask your prospects what problems they’re facing. Keep in mind that you want to phrase this question in such a way that they don’t realize that you’re asking them a question. Some effective ways to ask this question include: – What issues are you facing in your industry? – What challenges do you face in your day-to-day activities? – What problems do you need to resolve? – What are the biggest issues that you’re facing right now? – What’s causing the most stress in your life right now?

Use SMART Objectives When Writing Emails For Sales Meetings

Many sales reps are tempted to use templates when writing emails for sales meetings. This is fine, but it may end up hurting you more than helping you — especially if you’re using templates that don’t have SMART objectives. – SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. – If you keep these objectives in mind when writing templates, you’ll be better equipped to handle objections, and you will also have a better chance of closing the deal.

Use “Marketing Collaboration” To Increase Sales Conversations

Business outcome selling: One of the most effective ways to increase the number of sales conversations that you have is to use “marketing collaboration” to generate leads. How do you do this? It’s simple. You use your content to create useful and valuable marketing campaigns. Then, you reach out to the people who consume your content and offer to speak with them on the phone. The best way to do this is to create a list of trigger words and topics that indicate that someone may be willing to speak with you. Then, when you see those words in blog posts or articles that you read, you can use a tool like Salesroids to automatically email those people on your behalf.

Incorporate Probes And Escalation Points Into Your Script

Probes and escalation points are ways of asking follow-up questions that help you to uncover the prospect’s core problems. When you’re using probes, you’re digging deeper into a subject, asking questions that you didn’t ask before. When you’re using escalation points, you’re asking questions that lead to the next logical step in the sales process. Probes and escalation points can be used to overcome objections, uncover hidden objections, and can be used as a way to transition your conversations from the “assumptive” phase to the “diagnostic” phase. You can also use these methods to transition from the “selling” phase to the “closing” phase.

In Conclusion

Business outcome selling: The path to increased sales is not always an easy one, but it is definitely a worthwhile one. Your sales numbers don’t only affect your paycheck — they also affect your job security, your company’s revenue, and your ability to provide for your loved ones. That’s why it’s so important to use every trick in the book to make sure that you’re maximizing your selling potential. All it takes is a little extra effort, a little extra hustle, and a little extra determination.

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