12 Tips to Work as University Librarian

Work as University Librarian: Librarians are keepers and disseminators of knowledge.

They organize information and make it accessible to others.

Depending on what specialty they choose.

Librarians may have responsibilities as varied as running public education programs.

Conducting research at top universities.

Teaching children to love reading or managing library employees.

Read on to find out more about the different facets of library science.

The educational path librarians must travel.

And the final steps you’ll need to take before earning the title of librarian.

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Work as University Librarian

Work as University Librarian: https://libraryconnect.elsevier.com

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Work as University Librarian

1. Understand what defines library science.

The study of library science includes library management.

The preservation, archival, and dissemination of information.

The development of information technologies, and research education.

Librarians can specialize in any one of these areas.

And many have responsibilities that require expertise in all of them.

Tasks librarians might have include the following:

  • Cataloging items in a library’s database
  • Developing taxonomies to organize data
  • Implementing new technologies to update the organization of old collections
  • Using research skills to answer reference questions
  • Facilitating educational programs for students and the public
  • Managing a library branch, including other employees
  • Keeping a library’s collection up to date by ordering new books and resources

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2. Get the Basic Job Description:

Administer libraries and perform related library services.

Work in a variety of settings, including public libraries, schools, colleges and universities.

Museums, corporations, government agencies, law firms.

Non-profit organizations, and healthcare providers.

Tasks may include selecting, acquiring, cataloguing, classifying, circulating, and maintaining library materials.

And furnishing reference, bibliographical, and readers’ advisory services.

May perform in-depth, strategic research, and synthesize, analyze, edit, and filter information.

May set up or work with databases and information systems to catalogue and access information.

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Work as University Librarian

3. Know about different types of librarianship.

There are many different types of libraries, and librarians may have a variety of responsibilities within them.

  • Public libraries have branches that are open to anyone who wants to obtain a library card. They often have public education programs to promote literacy for both adults and children. They play an important role in providing the public with free access to information. Librarians in public libraries take on a customer service role as well as making sure the collection is up to date, communicating with other libraries, and facilitating public programs.

    Work as University Librarian

  • School libraries are an important part of grade schools and middle schools, and serve the function of providing children with the resources they need to receive a well-rounded education. School librarians teach children research skills and help to develop children’s interest in reading as well as managing the library itself.

    Work as University Librarian

  • Academic libraries are found at colleges and universities, and they have comprehensive collections that serve the needs of students pursuing higher education. Academic libraries are often specialized, with separate buildings for a law library, a science library, an art library, and so on.

    Work as University Librarian

  • Librarians at academic libraries work at reference desks, catalog new materials, help students with complicated research projects, archive special materials, and keep libraries operating as cutting edge purveyors of knowledge. Librarians at specialized libraries often need secondary degrees, such as a degree in law or within the field of science, to be qualified for their positions.

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4. Decide whether you’re cut out to be a librarian.

Many people who love reading are interested in becoming a librarian, but the job requires much more than an appreciation of good books.
Good librarians have a passion not just for knowledge, but for finding the best way to organize it.

They’re concerned with preserving information and making it as accessible as possible to those who need it.

  • Many librarians describe their decision to pursue library science as a calling to share information with others.
  • With today’s ever-changing information technology landscape, librarians have to be technologically adept. Some library science programs now require classes in coding.
  • Not every librarian interacts with the public. Some librarians spend more time on archival, cataloguing, and other tasks. If you love information, but don’t necessarily feel passionate about education, library science could still be the right field for you.

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Work as University Librarian

5. Conduct informational interviews to learn more.

Contact the librarian in a library that interests you, whether that be a public, school, or academic library.

Arrange to have a meeting so that you’ll have the opportunity to discuss librarianship with someone who has chosen that career.

  • Ask the librarian about his or her specific job duties, so you’ll know what to expect.
  • Ask how he or she made the decision to become a librarian, and what traits librarians should have.
  • Ask which Masters of Library Science (MLS) programs he or she would recommend.

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6. Get an undergraduate degree.

 In order to apply to an MLS program, you’ll need an undergraduate degree from a college or university.
There is no particular major requirement if you want to become a librarian.
But common majors include English, Art History, Computer Science.

And other courses of study that require research and technology skills.

  • If you plan to become a librarian in a specialized library, such as a law or science library, you may need a secondary degree in a specific field. In this case, make sure you choose a major with classes that cover the prerequisites you’ll need for acceptance into a master’s program in your field.

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7.  Don’t wait until you have your degree.

 You can gain experience in a library before you finish your MLS, and even while you’re still an undergraduate.
Apply for a job at your university library or local public library.
Many colleges hire students to staff reference desks and reshelve books, among other duties.

It’s a good chance to find out whether you enjoy the library atmosphere and want to pursue a career in library science.

8. Work as University Librarian

Some libraries offer internships, whether paid or unpaid, as opportunities for students to get real world experience. If your university library doesn’t already offer one, set up a meeting with the librarian to ask if there’s a way you can get involved.

Many schools have Student Library Association (SLA) chapters for students interested in information technology. Join your school’s SLA, or start a chapter if your school doesn’t have one.

Network with librarians. Your volunteer work, part-time job, internship, or SLA chapter involvement are all opportunities to start relationships with librarians who could help you find a job down the line. Express your enthusiasm for librarianship, ask questions, and keep in touch after your internship ends.

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9.Find ways to stand out when you apply for jobs.

 Unfortunately, with funding for public and often academic libraries being cut, the library science field has become extremely competitive. Getting your MLS and having library experience will not be enough to guarantee you a job.

  • Don’t say you “love books” in your resume and cover letter. With so many applicants to choose from, the people in charge of hiring are looking for more interesting reasons why they should choose you for the job. Describe specific characteristics and experiences that make you perfect for the position.
  • Always tailor your resume and cover letter to each job to which you apply. Mention specific qualities about that particular institution that have led you to seek employment there. Follow up with a thank-you email to show your continued enthusiasm.
  • Rely on the network of people you met in school, through internships and part-time jobs, and through your SLA chapter. Let people know you’re searching for a job, and be open to a range of positions.

Work as University Librarian

10. Be willing to work your way up.

Even if you’re qualified for a professional position, you may have to start at entry level. Use the opportunity to get to know more people and understand the way your library works. Once you prove yourself, the opportunity for promotion will surely arise.

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11. Know the Tasks

1) Search standard reference materials, including on-line sources and the Internet, in order to answer patrons’ reference questions.

2) Analyze patrons’ requests to determine needed information, and assist in furnishing or locating that information.
 Check books in and out of the library.

Teach library patrons to search for information using databases.

4) Keep records of circulation and materials.

5) Supervise budgeting, planning, and personnel activities.

6) Check books in and out of the library.

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Work as University Librarian

All You Need to Know about Academic Librarian
7) Explain use of library facilities, resources, equipment, and services, and provide information about library policies.

8) Review and evaluate resource material, such as book reviews and catalogs, in order to select and order print, audiovisual, and electronic resources.

9) Code, classify, and catalog books, publications, films, audiovisual aids, and other library materials based on subject matter or standard library classification systems.

10) Locate unusual or unique information in response to specific requests.

11) Direct and train library staff in duties such as receiving, shelving, researching, cataloging, and equipment use.

2) Respond to customer complaints, taking action as necessary.

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Work as University Librarian

13) Organize collections of books, publications, documents, audiovisual aids, and other reference materials for convenient access.

14) Develop library policies and procedures.

15) Evaluate materials to determine outdated or unused items to be discarded.

16) Develop information access aids such as indexes and annotated bibliographies, web pages, electronic pathfinders, and on-line tutorials.

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Work as University Librarian

17) Plan and deliver client-centered programs and services.

Such as special services for corporate clients, storytelling for children, newsletters, or programs for special groups.

18) Compile lists of books, periodicals, articles, and audiovisual materials on particular subjects.

19) Arrange for interlibrary loans of materials not available in a particular library.

20) Assemble and arrange display materials.

21) Confer with teachers, parents, and community organizations to develop, plan, and conduct programs in reading, viewing, and communication skills.

Work as University Librarian

22) Compile lists of overdue materials, and notify borrowers that their materials are overdue.

23) Design information storage and retrieval systems, and develop procedures for collecting, organizing, interpreting, and classifying information.

24) Develop and index databases that provide information for library users.

25) Negotiate contracts for library services, materials, and equipment.

26) Provide input into the architectural planning of library facilities.

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Work as University Librarian

27) Collect and organize books, pamphlets, manuscripts, and other materials in specific fields, such as rare books, genealogy, or music.

28) Plan and participate in fundraising drives.

29) Perform public relations work for the library, such as giving televised book reviews and community talks.

30) Write proposals for research or project grants.

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12. Work as University Librarian

  • If you want to work in a public library, a wide range of skills come in handy. Learn management skills and customer service skills to give you an edge over other job applicants.

  • When you’re looking for a job, get in touch with alumni from your alma mater who have careers in library science. They’ll be able to offer you advice, and if you hit it off, they may keep you in mind the next time a position opens up at their library.

  • If you already know a local librarian go to them first with questions, they will know if being a librarian is a good option for you.

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