10 Tips to Save Money at Your Local Chavez Grocery Store

Chavez supermarket: Did you know that there are locations in the valley where you can shop for groceries at a membership-based store? Not only is it a convenient way to buy your essentials, but also an affordable one. In fact, shopping at Chavez Grocery Store as opposed to other grocery chains can save you up to 40% on your weekly bill!

Chavez Groceries is a discount grocery chain with locations in the greater Phoenix area. This local grocer offers trade-based pricing and bulk buying of non-perishables and dry goods. And this means, their primary target audience are families and small households who want to keep their expenses low while buying quality food.

10 Tips to Save Money at Your Local Chavez Grocery Store

Everyone knows it’s expensive to live in New Mexico, but few of us realize exactly how much of our monthly paycheck is going toward rent, food, utilities, and other basic necessities. If you are struggling to make ends meet on a tight budget, check out these 10 ways to save money at your local Chavez grocery store. Whether you live in Albuquerque, Santa Fe or anywhere in between, we all have the same challenges staying on budget. If you are looking for ways to save some cash around your home and reduce expenses at the same time, we have some tips that will help you get started…

Make a Grocery List and Stick to it

This is the best way to ensure that you don’t overspend on groceries and buy more food than you can realistically use. Make a list before you go shopping and stick to it. If you find yourself wandering down the aisles and getting distracted by sales, you may end up buying things you don’t really need, or you may not have enough money left to buy the things that you do need. Being prepared before you head out the door will help you to avoid impulsive spending. If you have children, you can involve them in creating the grocery list. This can be a great way to teach them about money, as well as nutrition. You can also make the process easier by using an app or website designed specifically for making grocery lists.

Try Same-Brand Shopping

Some stores offer huge savings when you buy the same brand over and over again. One example of this is the Chavez store in Albuquerque, where you save 5 cents on every dollar when you buy the store’s brand. The same is true at the Southeastern New Mexico store. If you are already buying Chavez brand products, then this is free money waiting to be collected. And if you aren’t, now is the time to start.

Shop at Chavez During the Right Times

If you want to save money on groceries, there are certain days of the week when you can do that. If you shop on the weekend, you will pay full price. The best time to shop is mid-week, preferably on a Wednesday or Thursday when the store has special sales. If you shop on the weekend, you will pay full price. The best time to shop is mid-week, preferably on a Wednesday or Thursday when the store has special sales. You can find out about these by signing up for the Chavez Grocery Store email list.

Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry or Tired

This is a big mistake that people make all the time. If you shop when you are hungry, or when you are tired, you are much more likely to make impulsive decisions. This may lead you to buy things with ingredients that are not healthy, or things that are not on your list. If you want to make better choices when you are shopping, try to schedule your errands for when you are not hungry or tired.

Buy in-season Produce and Meat

If you want to eat healthy, one of the best ways to save money while shopping at Chavez is by purchasing in-season vegetables and fruits. These are cheaper because they are harvested once a year, so they aren’t available the rest of the year. You can also save money on meat by buying it in-season. This means that the meat is less expensive because it is a limited-time harvest.

Don’t Be Afraid of Dried Beans and Rice

People have been surviving on dried beans and rice for centuries, and they are still perfectly healthy to eat today. The thing is, people have become used to eating meals that are high in protein, high in fat and high in sugar. All of these things are really expensive. Beans and rice are not. If you are trying to find ways to save money on your grocery bill, don’t be afraid of beans and rice, which are very inexpensive. When you eat these things, you are also helping to reduce your consumption of unhealthy fats and sugars.

Stop By the Rotisserie for Dinner Ideas

The rotisserie section of your local Chavez grocery store is a hidden gem. You can find almost any type of meat there, from chicken to ribs to pork loin. These pre-cooked meats are usually a dollar or two cheaper than raw meat, and they are ready to eat. They are also packaged in disposable containers that are ready for microwaving. This makes them a great option for a quick and easy dinner.

Double Your Food Storage With Beans and Rice Again

Did you know that you can use beans and rice as a means to double your food storage? Many people store five pounds of rice and five pounds of beans together in a Mylar bag. This is an excellent way to to ensure that you have food on hand in case of an emergency. In addition, these two foods are nutritious and can be used in many different recipes. They are also very inexpensive, which makes them perfect for doubling your food storage.


There are many ways to save money at Venezuela grocery store, but it really comes down to planning your meals for the week and sticking to your grocery list. If you plan your meals for the week, you will know what ingredients you need to buy and how much you need to spend at the grocery store. You should also stick to your grocery list so you do not overspend. There are many ways to save money at Chavez grocery store, but it really comes down to planning your meals for the week and sticking to your grocery list. If you plan your meals for the week, you will know what ingredients you need to buy and how much you need to spend at the grocery store.

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