50 Amazing Psychology Websites for Learning About How Your Brain Works

Education psychology: When it comes to understanding human behavior and how our minds work, psychology is a fascinating subject. It’s also one of the most popular fields of study right now, as more people are seeking to understand themselves and their fellow humans better.
Every now and then we all have those days where we wonder what on earth is going on in other people’s heads. Luckily, there are plenty of great websites out there to help us learn more about this fascinating subject.
These resources will introduce you to the world of psychology and give you a broad overview of the different sub-disciplines within it: behavioural neuroscience, social psychology, developmental psychology, and much more. These are some of the best websites for learning about how your brain works…

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50 Amazing Psychology Websites for Learning About How Your Brain Works


Let’s face it: You probably don’t spend quite enough time thinking about how your brain works. But it’s okay! There are lots of other people who don’t, either. The good news is that there are a lot of websites out there with articles, videos, and information about the inner workings of the human brain. And we get an even better bonus when all this information comes from professionals who have spent their entire careers learning about how the brain works. These sites are filled with blogs, articles, videos, and more covering everything from developmental psychology to neuroscience to psychometrics and more. So take some time today to learn about how your brain works by reading through one or more of these awesome psychology websites.

APA Blog

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) blog is an excellent place to start your journey into learning more about the human brain. There are tons of articles covering a wide variety of topics, and they’re all written by experts in the field. Topics you’ll see covered include the psychology of sleep, healthy relationships, work psychology, parenting, and much more. The articles are lengthy, but they’re written in a way that makes them accessible to everyone. If you just want to skim and see what each site has to offer, the blogs are definitely the place to go. The only thing to keep in mind is that while they are psychology blogs, some of the articles specifically focus on different subfields and specialties within psychology. You’ll find blogs on clinical psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and more.

Big Think

Big Think is one of the weirder websites on the list. It’s not really a psychology site, per se. It’s more of a philosophy site that hosts debates, lectures, and interviews. There are plenty of times when the site dips into psychology topics, though, including neuroscience, developmental psychology, and more. The site also hosts videos from other sources, including TED Talks and various other educational videos. There’s no rhyme or reason to what you’ll find there, but it’s all good. And the site is free to use, so there’s no reason not to check it out!

Cognition Blog

There are lots of blog sites out there that host articles on the neuroscience of adult learning or educational philosophy. This one focuses a bit more specifically on cognition, which is a subfield of psychology that applies neuroscience and learning theory. You’ll find articles and research on cognitive development, how cognition changes as we get older, how people learn, how people’s experiences affect their cognition, and more. If you’re interested in how people’s brains essentially function and function differently, this is a good blog to start with. It’s definitely heavier in its focus on research and data than some other sites, but if that’s your jam, you should definitely check it out.

Edutaining Kids

This website is an excellent starting point for parents and educators who are interested in learning about the developmental psychology of children. It’s part of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, which is an American organization that focuses on social justice. While many of the articles hosted on this site are focused on children and their development, they also include information on adult development, too. You’ll find articles on topics like parenting practices, sibling relationships, school readiness, and more. And, of course, all of the information is based on the current research in psychology. If you’re a parent or educator who wants to learn more about how children develop, this is a great place to start.

Endless Learning

This site is actually part of the University of California, San Diego’s Department of Cognitive Science. It’s a bit more research-focused than a lot of the other sites on this list. The information on this site is definitely interesting and educational, but it’s not designed for people who aren’t researchers or psychologists. If you have an intense interest in the psychology of learning and research, though, this is a great site to subscribe to. You’ll get emails with new research studies, articles, and publications coming out in the field.

Games for Change

If you’re interested in how video games can be used for social good and psychological research, this is the site for you. It covers all sorts of topics, including how gaming can be used for social good, how games affect the brain, and how video games can be used for psychological research. You’ll find articles on everything from the psychology of avatars to the psychology of Pokémon Go. If you’re interested in how video games can be used to make the world a better place and help people, this is a great site to check out.

Greater Good Science Center

This is another site that focuses on the psychology behind social issues and social justice. It’s a collaboration between the University of California-Berkeley’s Greater Good Center and the Stanford University’s Neuro-Inquiry Initiative. It covers a lot of the same topics as the Games for Change website covered, but it also includes information on mindfulness, empathy, social relationships, and more. The articles are academically focused, so they’re not as easy to read as some of the other sites on this list, but they’re still worth checking out. If you’re interested in how psychology can be used to make the world a better place and help people, this is a great site to check out.

Helping Expert and Psychologist

This site is actually run by two psychologists: Dr. Travis Bradberry and Dr. Jean Twenge. The two run a podcast on the site called Emotions, Moods, and Behavior. The podcast episodes are usually between 30 and 60 minutes long, so they’re a good length for people who don’t have a ton of time to spend reading stuff. The podcast is designed for people who are interested in the psychology of emotions and moods and want some real-world examples of how different moods affect your behavior. The podcast episodes are created with a focus on helping people improve their own moods and experiences. The website also includes a blog with articles that are less long-form than the podcast episodes. They’re good articles, though, and are written with the same focus on helping people improve their lives by learning more about the psychology behind moods, emotions, and behavior.


Now that you’ve read through this list, you should have a better understanding of how your brain works. Everyone’s brain is unique, and there are a lot of different factors that go into how it works. You can’t just look at one or two examples and assume that all brains work the same way. And the best way to really understand how your brain works is to learn from the experts. The people who have spent their entire careers studying your brain. Pick one or two of these sites and start exploring. The more you learn about how your brain works, the better your life will be. Now it’s time for you to go out and learn about how your brain works.

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