11 Tips to Make Money as English Germany Teachers

English Germany Teachers: Like many other European nations where English is not the first language.

Germany is a place where there is generally a need for skilled and experienced English teachers.

People who are native English speakers may want to find out how to become an English teacher in Germany.

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English Germany Teachers

1. Get a credential.

You will probably need some form of certification regardless of the type of teaching your choose to do. In most cases you will need at least a university degree. Additionally, some schools require a teaching license from your country, while language institutes often accept TEFL or CELTA certification.

  • TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certification courses exist worldwide and online. Note that some programs prefer CELTA over TEFL/TESOL because CELTA has a standardized curriculum set by Cambridge University.
  • Obtain a teaching license in a relevant area such as English or linguistics if you wish to teach in a grade school. Many schools require that you have this type of credential when you apply.

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2. Create a timeline for obtaining your credential.

Decide on when you would like to teach in Germany and think about how long it will take you to obtain the right credential for the position you are looking for. 

  • An official teaching license often requires a bachelor’s or master’s degree in addition to taking certification tests. Note that this can take anywhere from two to four years to complete.
  • CELTA certification courses can take from four to five weeks if you study full time. Part-time study can last up to one year. Online course are available.
  • TEFL courses vary by institution since there is no official oversight on curriculum. Courses can take from four weeks to four months to complete. Online courses are available.

English Germany Teachers

3. Get teaching experience.

Many employers look for experience, sometimes more so than official certifications. Seek opportunities to work with real language learners and hone your skills.

  • Work with English language teaching institutes in the country in which you currently reside. Many English speaking countries have organizations that teach English to foreign residents.
  • Teach English online. You can work from the comfort of your home and teach non-English speakers around the world.

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4. Research and choose your type of teaching.

There are many types of language teachers. Decide if you want to teach at school, an institute, or do private lessons. Teaching jobs are competitive, so consider applying to several jobs. Contracts can last from a couple of months to a couple of years.

  • There are many agencies that can put you in contact with German schools or language institutes. These organizations require that you apply to the program as opposed to contacting schools or institutes directly.
  • Alternatively, you can try applying to schools, institutes, or individual contractors directly. This may be challenging especially if you do not have contacts in Germany or German language fluency. This is, however, another way to secure work in Germany.
  • Application requirements vary. Some organizations ask that you have a valid teaching license in your country or that you have some kind of English language teaching certificate.

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English Germany Teachers

5. Find private clients through contacts in Germany.

If you have contacts in Germany, they may help able to arrange private lessons with potential students of all ages. These students may need help with school work, or they may work for international companies and need help with conversational English. If you establish yourself well, this can become a permanent gig. 

  • Private lessons require constant attention and focus on one person. Most private language lessons last from one to two hours. Decide if this is the right teaching arrangement for you.
  • Cancellations and no-shows are more common with private lessons. It’s possible that you won’t have a steady income.
  • Prepare to do the necessary paperwork as a freelancer in Germany. You will need to register with tax authorities and the relevant professional authority. You may also need to set up your own health insurance and pension plan

6. Highlight your skills and experience.

Rather than relying on degrees alone, show your potential employer that you have the skills it takes to keep students engaged and learning.

  • If you don’t have much experience, provide information on how you would handle English-language curriculum.

7. Apply before the beginning of the school year.

No matter where or how you choose to work, teachers are in high demand around August, right before the school year begins. Jobs tend to open up again in December. Keep these months in mind and apply in advance.

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English Germany Teachers

8. Prepare a budget before you travel.

Your expenses may be higher at the beginning of your stay. Some teaching jobs in schools provide accommodations, but most do not. Apartments in metropolitan areas can be quite expensive.

  • Bring about two to three months of savings for your first few months. You may need extra money as you set up bank accounts and get settled.
  • Plan for taxes and other costs of living in Germany. Fit all expenses into a monthly budget to successfully live on your income as an English teacher.

9. Get a passport.

You will need a passport to apply for your visa and, occasionally, to apply for some teaching jobs. Check with your country’s government website for instructions. 

  • Obtaining a passport in the United States can take up to six weeks. Leave yourself extra time to complete this process.

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10. Apply for a visa.

Even if you apply to work through a program, you will likely be responsible for submitting a visa application. Unless you are member of the European Union, you must formally apply to work in Germany. Applications can take up to six weeks to process, so don’t wait until the last minute!

  • If you are a member of the European Union, or a citizen of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland, you do not need a work visa to live and work in Germany.

English Germany Teachers

11. Register with German social programs.

You will need to fill out forms for German social programs including a health insurance program, a social security program, a pension program, and a tax card. 

  • You will need a tax card to open a bank account . Additionally, be prepared to pay back a considerable amount of income in taxes.

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