13 Fact about Artisan Training Business

Fact about Artisan Training Business:Would you like to start Artisan Training Institute?

There is a huge demand for qualified artisans in Nigeria.

And now is the good time to pursue this line of work.

But first, let’s take a look at exactly what an artisan is:

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Fact about Artisan Training Business

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

1. Description

Before there were machines to make blankets, there were weavers.

Before there was plastic, all jewelry was made by hand, from metal, rock and wood.

Before there was nylon, polyester and rayon, there were leather workers.

Artisans have been creating functional art for thousands of years, all over the world.

The term artisan is a catchall phrase.

Encompassing potters, carvers, ceramists, glass blowers.

Jewelry artists, silversmiths, leather workers.

Stained glass artists, weavers and instrument makers, to name a few.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

Though we now have machines to make most of what we need.

Artisans refuse to let go of traditional practices.

Which helps keep the history of the world’s various cultures alive today.

Artisans are often trained by mentors, other artisans.

Who have been creating for years and who pass on their skills and knowledge.

Some artisans learn their trade from schools, books or by practicing until they get it right.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

Because they are so specialized and skilled, many artisans choose to work alone.

And create items which they sell in shops or craft stores belonging to other people.

It isn’t until they become more widely known and respected.

That they will begin to display and sell their work in galleries.

And may then be able to open a shop of their own.

Artisans are important because they help keep cultures’ traditions and beliefs alive.

Without the care, time, and concern that goes into each artisan’s piece.

We would lose a little bit or our history, one stitch at time.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

2. Interests and Skills:

Artisans are creative individuals, and are driven to create art.

Successful artisans must be willing to put in long, hard hours.

They must have good manual dexterity, steady hands, and should be patient.

Careful and not afraid of taking risks and trying out new and unknown things.

Some business sense is important.

Especially for those planning to make a career out of their creations.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

3. Typical Tasks :

  • Consult with supervisor, head designer or client about piece
  • Research current trends, historical and cultural traditions
  • Sketch ideas and plans for each creation
  • Use various techniques to create ornamental and functional items
  • Manage a shop or online business
  • They typical day for an artisan involves meeting with clients.
  • Creating sketches and drawing up plans for the item.
  • More time is spent preparing for the actual design than making it.
  • When artisans actually get down to it, and begin making the objects.
  • The hours can be long, and accurate work is crucial.
  • Artisans may travel around the world to exhibitions.
  • Festivals and schools to sell their work, conduct seminars.
  • And for research, to learn about new techniques.
  • And ancient tradition from cultures all over the world.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

4. Workplaces, Employers and Industries:

  • Generally, artisans work part-time.
  • However, the longer they work and the more popular their creations.
  • The more likely it is their talents can be put to work full-time.
  • They work in studios, often in their own homes.
  • Artisans usually work alone, or in collaborations with a few artists.
  • They can set their own hours, and may work nights and weekends if working on a special project or design.
  • They may sell their original work in galleries, jewelry, craft, or gift stores, or artisans’ shops, or they may create special pieces made-to-order for specific clients.
  • Some artisans find full-time work with table ware manufacturers.
  • Jewelry and clothing designers, or household wares design companies.
  • They may work with museums and historical societies.
  • Making historically accurate re-creations or restoring antiques and artifacts.
  • And work completing their own creations on the side.

Fact about Artisan Training Business:

5. Long Term Career Potential :

Artisans can become full-time artisans, and open a shop to sell their wares.

They can become instructors, and write books and articles on the history and technique of their art.

They can branch out into other areas of artistry.

Or become clothing designers, commercial artists, or open a jewelry store or gallery.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

6. Educational Paths:

There is no required program to take or path to follow to become an artisan.

Often, artisans will study under the guidance of an established artisan.

And will find an individual with whom they can work and learn.

Some colleges and private schools offer courses in metal work.

Jewelry arts, glass blowing, carving, and silversmithing, as well.

Completing a university degree or college diploma in fine art, design or sculpture.

As well as a few courses in business can be beneficial.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

7. What is an artisan?

An artisan is a person who is highly skilled with their hands.

That is, an artisan works primarily in a technical field, doing skilled manual labour.

This may be as a plumber, electrician, carpenter, cook, and many other fields.

8. How do I become an artisan?

In order to become an artisan, you will have to pass a Trade Test in your field.

In order to be nationally recognised as an artisan.

But first, you’ll need to attend a TVET college .

In order to learn the theoretical skills needed to study the practical skills necessary to become an artisan.

Aspiring artisans must begin by selecting a particular field of work.

For example, within the artisan sector there are opportunities to become an electrician, mechanic, plumber, carpenter or joiner, to name just a few.

For those who want to further develop their skills there are technician or engineering related jobs.

As you can see, these are all highly practical yet skilled jobs.

While artisan learning programmes are largely practical.

There is a substantial amount of theory that must be obtained at a school or vocational college.

In order to train at a vocational college learners must meet the necessary requirements.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

9. Admission Requirements

The minimum requirements to enter a recognized learning programme.

To become an artisan are outlined in the new Draft Trade Test regulations.

Students who wish to apply for entrance must achieve 40% for mathematics (excluding maths literacy) and a Grade 9 or National Certificate level 2 pass.

In the case of civil, mechanical and electrical categories of trades.

A minimum of 40% in the relevant N2 Trade theory.

Or the relevant vocational subjects of the National Certificate (Vocational) Level 2 is required.

10. Occupational Knowledge

Students will begin their learning programme by joining a relevant and accredited training course.

Prospective artisans are trained to perform specific tasks such as fault finding, manufacturing, repair and servicing.

The training programme may include academic components like mathematics, science, drawing or technical language specific to the trade.

Everything you learn will be very relevant to the practical skills you will be applying.

At the same time learners will get an opportunity to complete practical elements in preparation for their apprenticeships or the workplace learning component of becoming an artisan.

 Fact about Artisan Training Business:

11. Workplace Learning

This is a critical part of the learning process because this is where occupational knowledge and practical training is applied in the workplace.

Students will be exposed to real life situations such as work ethics.

Safety responsibilities and industry level performance standards.

As well as really getting to know what it’s like to be an artisan in South Africa.

Where possible, an experienced mentor will be assigned to guide the student and ease this process.

During this time learners will be exposed to the entire scope of their chosen trade.

Read also:6 Tips Electrical Artisan Business in Nigeria

Fact about Artisan Training Business:

12. Trade Test

While tests and assessments are administered throughout the learning programme.

The trade test is the final hurdle for prospective artisans.

Once a students has completed the occupational knowledge and workplace learning segments.

They will be required to take the trade test.

In order to become a qualified artisan and receive national recognition, learners must pass the trade test.

This assessment can be completed at a National Trade Test centre that is accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations.

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Fact about Artisan Training Business:

13. Why become an Artisan anyway?

Now that you know what an artisan is, you might be wondering why this is something you should consider. There are a number of reasons:

  • University isn’t for everyone – not everyone fits into the current university model, and that’s okay. A degree is not the only qualification you can get. Artisan courses are just as valuable.
  • Learning skills – if you decide to become an artisan, you will be learning practical skills that you may find useful in day to day life.
  • There’s a great need for qualified tradespeople in South Africa.
  • We just don’t have enough skilled artisans in our country.
  • By becoming an artisan you can uplift yourself and fill a void in our society that is crying out for you.

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