22 Tips to Get New Blog Articles

Get New Blog Articles: Becoming an author on online is probably easier than you’d think.

Starting an article that will actually help a lot of people takes more work than many people expect, though.

It involves understanding most basic policies.

Putting yourself in the readers’ shoes, doing some research, and organizing your writing.

By taking the time to learn these skills, you’ll not only help more people.

But you’ll also develop practical writing skills that you can apply in many other areas of your life.

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  • Note: To increase the chance of your article passing the quality review process and being published.
  • It’s best if you read BusinessHAB’s Writer’s Guide before writing your first article.
  • This article will give you insight into article guidelines and format, for example.

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1. Write about something that hasn’t been written about online.

Press “Edit” and improve articles on the topics that have already been written about.

The BusiinessHAB means that you can edit and improve any article that we have.

We prefer to have one page per topic.

We want people to work together to make the most helpful page possible.

If you’re going to start a brand new page.

It needs to be on a unique topic that hasn’t been written yet.

  • If we already have an article on the topic you want to write.
  • But it’s really bad, feel free to completely rewrite it from scratch!
  • If you’re not sure whether the article you want to write is the same as an article we already have.
  • Take a look at the Merge Policy or ask the Help Team.
  • You can find if an article on your topic already exists by using the main search bar, or looking for it in Special:Search.

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2. Promote your product, service, or website somewhere else.

BusinessHAB has become a popular platform for people trying to spread the word.

But it’s not worth the trouble.

All of BusinessHAB’s external links are “no follow”.

Which means that you won’t get any search engine juice from posting them here.

And if the article sounds anything close to a marketing brochure.

It will never get fully published.

Our volunteers are smart enough to know the difference.

Don’t waste time trying to convince them otherwise.

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3. Get ready to invest a lot of time and write a lot of details.

If you start an article, and avoid the previous issues.

There is a 99.999% chance that lack of detail is why your article doesn’t get fully published.

Unless it’s a topic you know extremely well already.

It will likely take you anywhere between two and five hours to write a helpful new article.

Look at the articles featured on the home page to get an idea of how comprehensive an article should be.

If you don’t know much more about the topic you started, that’s okay – you can research it!

Here are some good things to aim for:

  • an article with at least ten steps
  • each step has at least four sentences
  • the article tells the reader something that other articles on the web don’t
  • If you don’t feel ready to write an article at this level of detail, that’s totally okay.
  • You can write a basic outline for others to build on, or you can spend time improving existing articles on BusinessHAB  instead.

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4. Consider the things you’re doing from day to day, and see if writing an article on any of those things makes sense.

Pay attention to what other people are doing, too.

Anything unique? Ask them if they can help you write a BusinessHAB article about whatever that thing is!

  • Do you or anyone you know have unique hobbies or interests?
  • Remember that everyone is an expert at something. Ask people how they spend their time, and if it’s something interesting, ask them if they’d be willing to let you interview them so you could write a tutorial about it.

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5. Think of common mistakes people make, or challenges they face.

What are some problems, big or small.

That you see people dealing with in your daily life?

Anything from fumbling with electronics to nursing a broken bone.

  • Is there anything other people do that repeatedly frustrates you.
  • And makes you think: If only they had the right guide or information, they could avoid that pitfall?
  • Is there anything you’ve had to do in the past that was difficult or challenging for you? What did you learn from that experience? How did you adapt? Is there any advice you could share with others going through the same thing?

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6. Think of something you’ve always wanted to do.

Everyone has dreams and goals.

Maybe there’s a place you’ve always wanted to travel to.

Or a kind of business you fantasize about starting.

Research and write an article about that.

Use writing as a tool and excuse to learn more about the topic.

And bring yourself one step closer to that reality.

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7. Spend time browsing and improving articles in topics you’re familiar with.

Be observant, and eventually you’ll realize what articles BusinessHAB doesn’t have.

And you can start a page on that.

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8. Set aside at least an hour for this particular task.

Eliminate distractions (Facebook; phone; etc.)– use an “internet nanny” if you need to!

  • This whole section is optional, but many editors find that the fastest way to approach articles is to create a detailed outline (including examples and citations) during the research process.
  • Doing so will minimize the need to go back to your sources and streamline the final writing process—at that point, all you’ll need to do is clean up the writing and add helpful explanation where necessary.
  • Although the time you spend writing may be dictated by other scheduling demands, it is generally fastest and most efficient to sit down for a single hour, take care of all the research and outlining for a single article, and then take a break before setting aside another straight hour for writing. Going back and forth between different tasks and different articles will probably disrupt your “flow,” but trying to do the whole article in a straight two-hour sitting may slow you down as well.
  • Optional: Use this worksheet during the research phase.

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9. Open up a Google Doc or your preferred writing space.

Answer the following questions:

  • Who is my reader?
  • What does my reader want?
  • How can I provide the information my reader wants?

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10.Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and think about what they would want to see in the article.

Think about who the reader is likely to be.

An article geared toward teenagers should be written differently.

Than an article aimed at world travelers or expecting mothers.

It’s best to write an article directed at an audience you can identify with.

But don’t limit the article to readers like you.

Be especially careful that you’re not making a broad topic like “How to Go on a First Date”

Too specific to your perspective—there will be people of all ages and cultures reading the article.

  • It’s very common for younger people to limit their writing style to their own age group and make references to things like “in class” or “parents” that would not apply to most adults.
  • If you’re college age or younger, be careful to avoid this mistake, unless the title of your article specifically aims at people your age.

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11. Do a Google search for the topic you want to write. This will help you accomplish a few things:

  • It’ll give you a better idea of what people are looking for.
  • Think about what’s already out there and what’s missing. What can the wikiHow article offer in terms of helpfulness that the other pages don’t?
  • Use the best pages as research sources for your article. You will use these later to back up some of your writing, as outlined in How to Reference Sources on BusinessHAB
    • Avoid using blogs, web fora, and sites that seem primarily advertisement-driven. In particular, do not use sources like:
      • aol
      • ask
      • ehow
      • howstuffworks
      • livestrong
      • Wikipedia
      • yahoo answers

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12. Decide on your parts or methods and sketch them out.

If you are unsure how to organize your Parts or Methods.

Start with the section that will address more of the readers’ immediate concerns.

An online search should help you determine what most people are looking for.

When they google a particular “how to” query.

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14. Start filling in steps for each part or method.

Do additional research to fill out additional steps as needed.

Each Part or Method should typically have at least 3 or 4 steps to justify its existence.

If you find yourself with a Part or Method with only a couple of steps.

It may be a sign that you need to expand and/or reorganize.

  • Try different, related search terms.
  • Try researching at the method or step level if the title itself isn’t yielding good results
  • Within each Part or Method, all text needs to be in the steps and bullet points structure.
  • Don’t put “mini introductions” or any other text outside of the steps.
  • Part and Method names should usually begin with a gerund. In other words, it should be “Applying for a Home Equity Loan,” NOT “The Application Process” or “Apply for a Home Equity Loan.”

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15. Type in a title.

The words “how to” are automatically added, so a title should begin with a verb (e.g. “Walk a Dog”).

Not sure about the perfect title? Don’t worry, it can always be changed later.

After typing in a title, click on “Get Started”.

  • A list of existing articles on similar topics will come up.
  • If there’s already a title that means the same thing as yours according to the Merge Policy, click on it.
  • This will allow you to edit (or rewrite!) the existing article to make it better.
  • Otherwise, select “None of these are exactly the same….” and then click “Write My Article”.

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16.Write an Introduction.

Think about the reader again—why are they looking up this topic?

How are they feeling? Creative? Curious? Desperate?

Use the introduction to tell the reader, in language appropriate for their demographic.

That you understand their situation.

Outline the problem that the article is trying to solve.

  • Some people like to do this at the end, once they have a “big picture” view of the topic.
  • Optional: Include a question to capture a reader’s interest. For example:
    • “Have you ever been super excited to go to a party where all your friends will be, and maybe some crushes too, only to show up and freeze the second you walk through the door?”
    • “Do you ever wonder how astronauts get ready to go into space?”
    • “Are you wondering what to do with that big chunk of top round steak you found on sale at the grocery store?”
  • Avoid referring to the article with phrases like “follow these steps” or “here are 3 methods” or “see below”. Instead, the introduction should be able to stand alone as an introduction to the topic at hand.

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17. Add the steps, divided into subsections.

In general, the first sentence of the step should be followed by at least a sentence or two of “wrap text,”

But this text should not simply repeat or rephrase the first sentence.

Instead, use that opportunity to explain the step in further detail or say why it is important.

  • The first sentence of a step, which will be automatically bolded, should always start with an active verb.
  • You can use verbs that are concrete/physical (such as “Cut,” “Draw,” “Screw in,” etc.), or you can use verbs that are abstract/non-physical (such as “Consider,” “Be aware,” “Understand,” “Avoid,” “Limit,” etc.).
  • When appropriate, provide specific examples in bullet points under the step.
  • Bullet points allow you to take advice that might come across as overly general and show readers how to apply it. If a certain step won’t work for certain readers or in specific situations, make that clear and provide alternatives or extra information in bullet points under the step.
  • Use a # in the place of a number at the start of each step (the numbers are automatic). Using a #* makes a bullet point within a numbered step.
  • Only press “Enter” at the end of each step or substep. Pressing it before the step is finished can mess up the automatic step ordering.
  • You’ll indicate whether the article should be Parts or Methods at the very bottom of the article, with either or (note: this is 2 underscores on each side of the word).

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18. Proofread your work before you publish.

Use the “preview” function to check your work on the website.

Look for formatting errors, typos, grammar mistakes, and clunky or unclear writing.

If you have trouble finding mistakes in your own writing.

Try taking a short break then returning to proofread.

You can also read “backwards”—begin at the last step and work your way “up” the article to the introduction.

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19. Give the early material extra love.

Readers will often determine whether they want to read the content of an article in the first moments on the webpage.

We need to be sure that the introduction, method/part headings.

And first steps are clear and active in order to keep readers on the page.

So that they can ultimately benefit from the super helpful content you’re creating.

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20. Favour active information.

BusinessHAB’s articles are more “how-to guide” than comprehensive encyclopedia entry.

Give good, comprehensive information.

But present the information in actionable steps rather than informational text.

  • Save “informational” sections for the end.
  • Don’t ever start out with “Understanding” or “Learning About.”
  • If it’s really necessary and you feel that the article would be deemed incomplete and unhelpful without it.
  • Put it at the end of the article.
  • Similarly, we’ve found that readers prefer to have “Preparing” sections at the end of the article (even when it seems out of order to do it that way).
  • The bottom line is to answer reader’s “question” (How do I do something) as quickly as possible.
  • When you start with “Understanding the Thing” or “Preparing to Do the Thing,” you’re delaying giving the reader the information they’re here for.
  • Don’t be afraid to briefly teach readers why something works.
  • Often, background information on why something is the case enriches the step.
  • Try including “why” information in your wrap text after you’ve adequately explained the how.

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21. Check for common writing mistakes:

  • Avoid steps starting with “Research this.” They are researching; that’s what they’re doing on wikiHow.
  • Avoid “robot language.” This is when you don’t provide an article or possessive like a/the/your. It’s pretty common for writers to do this in the step intro (the bold part of the step), but it makes your writing seem a little stilted/impersonal. (For example, “Place chicken in water” should be “Place the chicken in the water”; “Express feelings” should be “Express your feelings.”
  • Avoid tips such as “be yourself”, “be confident” and “practice a lot.” You should also avoid warnings including “be careful not to burn yourself” and “don’t run with scissors”. These are much too obvious, repetitive and off-topic.
  • Don’t use the word “certain” unless you immediately follow with those certain things. For example, “Certain feelings may get stirred up” should be “Certain feelings, such as anger and depression, may be stirred up.”
  • Define your terms as necessary. Don’t assume that your reader will know all of the vocabulary related to whatever topic you are writing about, and don’t just tell them to research or read about the topic—you need to provide the basic information required to execute the steps.
  • Prioritize concrete, verified steps over more ambiguous ones—do not “over promise.” In a health article, for example, prioritize scientifically-verified information over home remedies and herbal supplements, and use clear language in your wrap text: “Drink ginger tea twice a day. Although ginger tea has not been scientifically proven to help with chronic gastrointestinal issues, some sufferers find that it reduces discomfort.”

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22. Add images after publishing the article.

You can also import free photos or upload your own to clarify instructions.

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  • Writing a fully publishable new article on BusinessHAB is an ambitious task, and it takes practice.
  • Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good!
  • In other words, don’t assume that if you can’t do it perfectly, it’s not worth doing at all.
  • Other editors can help improve your work (and you can edit it more if they happen to break something). Consider it liberating. You can put your best thoughts into a pretty-good article, make them available quickly, and go on to something else interesting. You’re free to return to the article when you have something else to add or feel like polishing it – and just as free to let others perfect it over time. Just do your best and have fun!
  • If you’ve never adjusted your articles’s preferences, the default setting for starting a new article will be through the Article Creation Tool, which requires no text to write an article. However, you can also adjust your Preferences, if desired, to turn off use of the Article Creation Tool and create articles using the Guided Editor or Advanced Editor, instead.
  • Aim for a tone that is friendly and helpful—not condescending.
  • Proofread your article for grammar errors.
  • Write in a neutral way, avoiding personal pronouns (I/me/my) or biased opinions.

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