8 Best Solutions for Creating a Greener Home

Green energy solutions for the home: Creating a green home doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. There are plenty of simple, cost-effective ways to make your home more energy efficient and eco-friendly. Here are some tips to help you create a greener home that’s better for the environment and your wallet!

Let’s face it: The typical home is anything but green. Most homes are packed with artificial materials, utilities like water heaters and furnaces are left running all day, electricity is often generated by non-renewable resources — such as natural gas — and the average home spends about $1,500 on utility bills every year. But there is hope! Creating a greener home doesn’t have to require massive monetary investment or even major renovations; there are plenty of small changes you can make that will make a big difference for the planet.

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8 Best Solutions for Creating a Greener Home

Green energy solutions for the home: BusinessHAB.com‍Whether you’ve just moved into a new home or you’re planning to renovate your current one, going green is top of mind for many homeowners. The benefits of a greener home are numerous, including a reduction in monthly bills and better indoor air quality. We all want the best for our homes and that includes making them more eco-friendly. A green home will not only save you on monthly bills but also reduce your carbon footprint. There are many ways to make your home greener, including upgrading appliances and fixtures, installing energy-efficient technology, and making smart choices when remodeling or building. Here are some great tips on how to go green with your home.

Change your home’s lighting

One of the easiest ways to make your home greener is by changing your lighting fixtures. Opt for CFL light bulbs over incandescent light bulbs. CFLs produce 80% fewer greenhouse gas emissions and also last about 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. If you have outdoor lighting, consider swapping out your current fixtures for low-energy or LED fixtures. Not only do these bulbs use less energy, but they also last longer and produce less heat, which is great for those of us who live in regions where temperatures drop below freezing. For indoor areas, consider dimmable lights since they can be used as a mood-lighting feature, and they can be easily turned off when not in use. Outdoors, you may want to consider going solar with your lighting. Solar lights are a great way to add ambience to your yard while also reducing your carbon footprint.

Install a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats are a great way to save energy while also making your home more comfortable and efficient. Programmable thermostats can be set to adjust temperatures automatically when no one is home to keep your energy bills in check. Most programmable thermostats allow you to set different temperature schedules for weekdays and weekends. You can also set different temperatures for different seasons. Many programmable thermostats are equipped with smart technology that adjusts temperatures based on factors like outdoor weather and humidity. If you have an existing thermostat, consider installing a smart thermostat to take your heating and cooling system to the next level. You can control your thermostat remotely from your smartphone, which makes it easy to monitor and adjust temperatures when you’re away from home. Most smart thermostats are compatible with various home security systems. You can set your thermostat to turn off when a security breach is detected, and it can also be integrated with smart lighting systems to create a smart home.

Add more insulation

Adding more insulation to your home is one of the easiest ways to make it greener. Fiberglass insulation traps heat inside your home during the wintertime, keeping your indoor temperature consistent year-round. During the summer, insulation traps heat inside your home, keeping it cooler and reducing your energy costs. If you’re planning to add insulation, opt for an environmentally friendly insulation made with recycled materials. Insulating the walls of your home can be an effective way to trap heat in the winter and keep it out in the summer. If you’ve never insulated before, don’t fret; it’s a fairly easy DIY project. Make sure you research insulation types and go with a product that is environmentally friendly. If you have an unfinished basement, you can also add insulation there to reduce energy costs.

Go solar

If you have the space, consider installing a solar panel system on your home. Solar panel systems are a great way to go green because they don’t emit any greenhouse gases or pollutants. Solar panel systems produce clean energy, and you can take advantage of federal tax credits when installing a solar panel system. Solar panels are a great way to power your home while also reducing your carbon footprint. A solar panel system isn’t right for every home. If you live in a region with lots of sunlight, it may make sense for you to install a solar panel system. But if you live in a cloudy climate, it may not make sense to invest in a solar panel system.

Utilize eco-friendly materials

Before you start renovating your home, consider the materials you’re using. Opt for eco-friendly materials, including bamboo flooring and sustainable wood. If you’re building a new home, consider using environmentally friendly materials like bamboo, cork, hemp, and recycled tires. Build your home with an eye toward going green. You’ll save money in the long run and reduce your carbon footprint by using eco-friendly building materials. Before you make final decisions on materials, make sure they are eco-friendly. Certain materials, like vinyl, take petrochemicals to make and emit unhealthy fumes. Take your time to find eco-friendly building materials, and they’ll last you a lifetime.

Make smart renovation choices

Before you renovate your current home or start building a new one, consider your eco-friendly options. If you’re remodeling, opt for a more energy-efficient system, like a tankless water heater. You can also remodel your bathroom to make it more efficient. Install low-flow toilets, which use one-third less water than standard models. Similarly, if you’re building a new home, consider the impact your choices will have on the environment. Build your home with an eye toward going green. You’ll save money in the long run and reduce your carbon footprint by using eco-friendly building materials. If you’re planning to build, consider how the materials you’re using impact the environment. Wood and concrete are great materials to build with, but they release carbon dioxide when they’re manufactured. Design your home with an eye toward going green. You’ll save money in the long run and reduce your carbon footprint by using eco-friendly building materials.


Going green is no longer a choice, but a necessity. As we face the challenges of climate change, environmental pollution and a rising population, we need to make our planet a better place for the generations to come. With these 8 best solutions for creating a greener home, you are sure to be on the right track to a more sustainable lifestyle.

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