8 Ways on How to Become Best Bail Bondsman

How to Become Best Bail Bondsman: Being a bail bondsman can be a profitable, yet risky, business.

Not all states allow arrested persons to post commercial bail.

However, these companies are very popular in the states that do allow the businesses.

Consider the following if you are still interested in taking the steps to become a bail bondsman.

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How to Become Best Bail Bondsman: BusinessHAB.com

How to Become Best Bail Bondsman

How to Become Best Bail Bondsman

1. Find out your state’s private bail bond policy.

Check to see if the state where you plan to work as a bail bondsman allows private bail bonds for posting bail.

Some states do not allow private bonds,  and a few other states have special guidelines regarding private bonds.

Check with your state’s Department of Insurance to find out your state’s policies.

  • States, such as Illinois, Kentucky, Oregon, and Wisconsin do not allow commercial bail.
  • Massachusetts allows it but has rigorous requirements for new bail bondsmen when it comes to licensing. Texas and Georgia also have special guidelines pertaining to bail bondsmen.

2. Gain information pertaining to being a bail bondsman in your state.

Each state may have different rules and regulations for licensing.

Even if you are already licensed in one state, do not assume you can operate in another.

Most states only require a high school diploma as a prerequisite to becoming a bail bondsman.

But an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree in finance, business, economics, or law would be helpful.

  • You may not be able to be a bail bondsman if you have a felony conviction on your criminal record, so expect a background check. In states where there is no certification or licensing of bondsman, a felony conviction does not preclude your from becoming a bail bondsman, though it may still be difficult to find a firm that will hire you.
  • Ask your state’s State Department of Insurance for information about bail bondsman schools and licensing requirements.
  • Keep in mind that while there can be a lot of benefits to being a bail bondsman—mostly having to do with the financial gain—there is also considerable risk. If you serve as the recovery agent for offenders who do not report to their court dates, you could risk violent encounters. Some bail bondsman hire bounty hunters from outside their business for this reason. You may also be held accountable for the balance of bail fees should a client miss his or her court date.

How to Become Best Bail Bondsman

3. Complete any pre-licensing courses or requirements.

Your state may require you to complete a pre-licensing course in order to be eligible to become a bail bondsman. Such courses are designed to help with preparation for the licensing exam and the rest of the licensing process.  Again, your states Department of Insurance should be able to give you the information you need about pre-licensing courses or requirements.

  • Your state may offer but not require a pre-licensing course, but it is a good idea to complete it anyway.

4. Take a written examination if required by your state.

The examination may last an hour and include 50-60 multiple-choice questions.

You may have to pay an examination fee of between $40 and $100 to take the test.

Check with the State Department of Insurance to find out where and when the test is being given and how to sign up.

  • You may also have to get your fingerprints recorded at the time of the exam, which may incur a separate fee.

5. Apply for Your license with the state.

Once you have passed your examination and met all other eligibility, you may apply for your bail bondsman license.

You will likely have to submit an application with the State Department of Insurance and pay a fee via check, money order, or credit card.

  • You will also need your score from the state licensing examination.
  • Other requirements may vary by state.

How to Become Best Bail Bondsman

6. Join or start a bail bond company.

Joining an existing company may help you get the experience you need should you ever want to open your own bail bond business.

This may also help you to create a network of financial partners.

Starting your own business may require a separate license.

And other requirements including a surety bond, and incorporation.

7. Take continuing education courses.

Continuing education courses may be necessary to renew your license.

Licenses may be valid for between one and three years.

  • Some states require 6 or more hours of educational classes each year.
  • Be certain to check with your state when you apply for your license.

How to Become Best Bail Bondsman

8. More tips

  • You will probably want to find a person or agency to act as a bounty hunter for your business.
  • These individuals help track down any people that skip town after you have posted bond for them.


  • Look into all of the consequences in the event that your client does not return to court.

  • Be certain to check on adequate insurance to cover yourself and your family.

  • It is extremely important for anyone desiring to become a bail bondsman to carefully study the laws and be aware of the risks that he or she is taking.

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