16 Ways on How to Start Blog for Small Business

How to Start Blog for Small Business: Are you passionate about some-related activities?

Are you interested in starting a photography blog and making good money?

If yes, you have come to the right place.

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How to Start Blog for Small Business

1. Why choosing the business:

Here in this post, we will guide you step by step on how to start a photography blog and make money easily.

Firstly you must be very clear on why you want to start a blog on photography.

Broadly two types of blogs are popular.

One is by professional photographers and the other is by recreational photographers.

2. Create your blog:

Whether you are a professional or an amateur photographer, it is better that you learn how to make a blog and create your own photography website.

3. Identify various business blog:

 If you want to be really successful and make good money in photography blogging, you must focus on a niche.

You must either be passionate about that niche or have sufficient experience in that subject.

You must also check whether people have an interest in the subject.

Check your niche is not too narrow. In that case, you will not have a larger audience following your blog.

Read Related Post, Top Music Blog Business Guide 

4. Create the Right Domain Name for your Blog:

 This is the most important step in the process of starting a photography blog.

Try to devote as much time as possible before deciding on the domain name.

Firstly, the domain name should relate to the content of the photography blog. Try to make your domain name as short and catchy as possible.

We recommend you to take a .com domain unless your blog is region-specific.

Secondly, you must consider the cost of the domain name. Do not worry we will cover it here.

Normally a domain name cost is around $70 a year. I offer you a very simple solution to make it entirely free!!

If you host your blog with SiteGround you will get a free domain name.

How to Start Blog for Small Business

5. Set up Hosting for Your  Blog:

 Just follow the following steps and you will be able to easily install your blog easily within 5 minutes.

Visit www.BusinessHAB.com and click on “Sign Up” or “See Plans” If you are a beginner, I will personally recommend you to select the start-up plan.

When your blog grows you can upgrade your plan accordingly.

Select a domain name of your choice as I have here https:BusinessHAB.com

6. Review and complete order:

 I like BusinessHAB more than other hosting providers because here only you will get the discount on any plan for any duration, unlike other companies.

Other providers generally offer discounts for longer hosting duration.

That’s it. You have successfully finished both domain and hosting processes! Congrats.

How to Start Blog for Small Business

7. Install WordPress: 

To install WordPress using the SiteGround Wizard, first access your Customer Area.

After you signup for our WordPress hosting package, you will receive all the necessary information you need to log in.

Once you log in to your Customer Area for the first time you will see a popup asking you if you want to have WordPress pre-installed on your account.

Select that option and click on the Proceed button.

The next page consists of two parts, in the first one enter the login information for your new WordPress application.

Next, pick one of the free WordPress themes available in the Wizard and click on the Submit button once again.

Finally, you will see a quick summary of your WordPress installation Including where to access your admin area, your username, and your password.

How to Start Blog for Small Business

Done! No need for coding, Nothing!

You can now go to the front page of your site and check out the newly installed WordPress application.

If any problem arises in the process, take help from the customer service people.

I can assure Siteground customer support is the best in the industry. They are available for any problem 24/7 round the year.

You can now go to the front page of your site and check out the newly installed WordPress application.

Congratulations! You have created a functional WordPress Blog!

How to Start Blog for Small Business

8. Find a Proper Photography Theme:

 Now you can move on to the fun stuff like finding a good theme.

You need to download the theme as instructed.

Log in to the WordPress blog you just created, Click on Appearance – Themes – Upload, upload the zip file.

You will now in your way of creating a fully functional photography blog.

9. Design your business Blog: 

If you are starting your blog with less budget, I will not advise you not to think much or invest initially. However, if you want to have a nice-looking logo, a bit of customization of the theme.

I will recommend going to Fiverr. You will find plenty of designers according to your budget who will do the job.

Just check the reviews and examples of the designer you choose.

10. Know the Essential Plugins for Blog:

See, 25 Tips to Start Designing Blogging Business 

Mention below our recommended essential plugins:

  1. Akismet
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Yoast SEO
  4. Sumo me
  5. Better Click to Tweet
  6. W3 Total Cache
  7. Geo Mashup

Contact Form

How to Start Blog for Small Business

11. Create Pages  for Your  Blog:

 The first part of starting a blog is to create some basic pages. Before you start writing articles, make sure to create an About and Contact Page.

About page is the place where you provide information to the readers about yourself and the content of the blog.

You also must have a Contact page for readers to connect you. You can add pages if your blog demand so.

12. Start Blogging: 

Content is the king. Try to write three articles a week initially till you reach 100 articles published.

However, it is not mandatory, Never ever write posts for quantity sake.

Finally, it is the quality of the post and not the quantity which will matter.

Decide on the topics and just write.

You will yourself find which one is working and which one is not.

Just be honest with yourself while writing.

Some examples of content:

  • Camera/equipment reviews
  • The story behind each photograph
  • Photography tutorials
  • Photographers you admire

Related Post, Top Advice for Bloggers

13. Upload Pictures for Your Photography Blog: 

Always remember visual aspect is very important in photography blogs. People come here to see good-quality images.

How to Start Blog for Small Business

Things to remember while uploading pictures for your Blog:

  • Never upload your originals to your blog. Upload your pictures as JPEG files (probably the best format for viewing photos on the web)
  • Never forget to save your original files. Always edit after you save the files.
  • Make sure to resize images so that they’ll fit the page
  • Use photo-editing software to resize photos. Check the photos fit comfortably with the page. Some options for photo-editing programs are GIMP, Pixlr, etc.

14. Know how to Make Money with your Blog:

 You can make money by selling your own uploaded photographs.

You can also make money through affiliate marketing writing reviews of different cameras, equipment, and photographs of other persons.

How to Start Blog for Small Business

15. Get Adsense for the site: 

  •  Apply for Google Adsense after writing some posts. If approved, Google Adsense will start putting advertisements on your blog.  A lot of bloggers make 5 figure money with Google Adsense only. You can try websites like BuySellAds. They will get a cut of every ad space that you sell through them. You can contact ad space selling companies directly. Photography Sites you can get inspiration from:
  • There are plenty more ways to make money like writing an ebook, creating a membership option, etc. As your traffic grows a lot of companies will offer you deals that will grow your income.
  • Sell Ad Space

PhotoFocus (http://photofocus.com/)

  1. Joe McNally ( http://portfolio.joemcnally.com/ )
  2. Sprouting Photographer ( http://www.sproutingphotographer.com/ )
  3. Shutterstock Blog ( https://www.shutterstock.com/ )
  4. Jasmine Star  jasminestarblog.com 

See Other Article, 10 Best Blog Post Formula for Blogging Business 

16. Get Traffic for your Photography Blog:

Concentrate on getting traffic organically from search engines.

Writing quality articles is the key to getting traffic from search engines. Take the help of Google Keywords in finding popular topics which readers are searching for.

Try to write good-quality posts.

If your posts get attention from search engines, traffic will automatically start visiting your photography blog.

Don’t forget to create a page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., and promote your blog from those pages.

Lastly, get to know the Top 15 Tips to Start Photography Blog Business

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