12 Top Laptop Maintenance Business Tips

Laptop Maintenance Business :If you want to start your own laptop repair business then read the article below to know all the details and make it a reality.

The laptop have become indispensable working tools for all individuals,

Small business and large corporations and cannot live without it.

A person using computer will only know how frustrating it will be if the computer does not work.

You may be upset and paralyzed without using it and feel dull with no activities to do.

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Laptop Maintenance Business:

Thus, it is essential for all users of laptop to ensure that the laptop function effectively.

Large corporations can afford to have an IT department to handle computer related issues.

There is a need of IT personnel in small or start-up companies but they cannot afford to hire full time staff.

In this case, the only option is to outsource the repairing service

To external body who can be either and individual or a firm.

A business opportunity is created for anyone who wishes to start computer repair business.

It is one of the best business ideas which can be started with little capital.

The computer repair business can be started as a home business.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

Laptop Maintenance Business:

Starting a Computer Repair Business … pagedesignshop.com

See also: Starting a PC Repair Business

Laptop Maintenance Business:

1. Prominent Factors –

Computer Skill

To start a computer repair business, you must possess computer skill.

And have knowledge of both software and hardware.

The different system configurations and specifications should be known to you.

You must be able to demonstrate your computer skill to other.

Specially the customer before they entrust their computer to you.

In case you do not have enough computer skill,

you will be destroying or spoiling other people’s computer instead of repairing it.

This will lead to damages and you be held responsible for the losses.

If this happens in one or two case then you will be out of computer repair business.

Hence before starting your business.

You should be perfect in starting your computer repair business.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

2. Updating Knowledge regularly

On a regular basis, before starting your computer repair business.

You need to update your knowledge.

If you cannot undertake training.

Then you can take training on the internet from various sources.

Internet is a rich source of information.

And you can find many websites providing computer related issues.

Some of such websites are CNet.com and ZDNet.com.

See also: Small Business Ideas for Computer Experts

Laptop Maintenance Business:

3. Basic Certification

For the repair business you do not need any certificate.

But a basic certificate will add credit to you computer repair business.

In case you wish to deal with corporate client.

If a client wants to fix the compute they will of course not ask for a certification.

But to be considered for corporate works it is essential if you possess a basic certificate.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

4. Good Customer Service

You should treat your customer very well in computer repair business.

As you will have to deal with customers with different temperament.

Some customers may ask you to fix their computers immediately.

You should talk to them in a polite manner as not to provoke them.

They may sometimes be provoked since their system is not working

And you should not add fuel to their injuries.

A part of good customer care is prompt delivery of service.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

5. Register your Business –

To prove the legality of your business it is essential to get it registered.

Think of a name which has not been registered previously.

Or else the name will not be approved.

You should come up with two business names.

And submit the same of the sear cod availability with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

Once the search is completed, one name gets confirmed for use.

This name should be used by you to as a Business name to complete the application form.

If both the names are not approved then you will have to repeat the process.

Unless the name of business is approved.

You can also try business name generator in case you find difficulty in finding appropriate name.

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Laptop Maintenance Business:

6. Develop a Business Plan –

For your computer repair business you need to prepare a business plan.

And mention in detail the services you wish to offer in detail.

You should also mention your target markets like individuals.

And small businesses that cannot afford to hire full time IT personnel.

Your repair business should be restricted only to computer repair services.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

7. Services that can be offered –

Computer Repairs – Computer Repairing work is one of the main reasons of starting your business.

You can start your on-site repairs or if you have a shop you can bring it there.

But if someone is operating from home the on-site repairs will be suitable.

You should always carry with you portable tools which can be used in client’s office.

Software support – Besides providing hardware,

You should also be capable of providing with software support too.

Software services include testing the compatibility of the operating system.

Along with the software and the installation of such software.

Training – In the present age everyone wants to be computer literate.

Training can be provided by you on how to use certain programs in computer.

It will be an added benefit if you care specialized in training programs like Microsoft Office,

comprising Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.

High fees can be charged if you are skilled in specialized software like accounting software.

Networking – Both small businesses and large corporation have their own Local Area Network (LAN)

For efficiency and quick dissemination.

And sharing of information which can either be through cable of wireless.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

Software Upgrade – There is always an update of Information Technology.

The software manufacturers are coming up with new updates on regular basis.

By having knowledge of the upgraded software,

Will help you in providing steady revenue for your computer repair business from clients.

Anti-Virus – Every computer user fear of virus attacks.

No computer user will have his computer to be attacked or infected by virus.

There is thus a high demand of anti-virus software.

Clients can be provided with both the installation.

And updating of anti-virus on their systems.

Backups – Your anti-virus may be powerful but the computers may still suffer attack.

Besides this, there are other things like natural disasters which can make system to crash.

It is good to provide backup service.

Hardware Supplies – Since you will be in computer repair business.

There may be many instances where people will consult you to supply them computers.

They believe and trust you as you would be aware of the correct specifications and configurations.

You can purchase computers at a good price and sell it to them keeping your profit margins.

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Laptop Maintenance Business:

8. Marketing Your Business –

You may be skilled in your computer repair business but no one will come.

And knock your door to give computers for repair.

It need good amount of marketing.

In computer repair business this is the most challenging job.

Especially if you wish to start from your home.

Get flyer printed and distribute them in your locality.

You can also visit small business establishment around your area.

Gaining your first client may be difficult but not impossible.

It is of course challenging to grow up to the level of growing recurring income.

It is better to start computer business as a side business.

And after establishing it fully, you can focus completely on it.

You can open your computer repair business near to the shop where they sell computers.

You can also open in a place where there is good concentration of small businesses.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

9. Business Strengths

Good Practical Experience – Skills and experience is need in computer repair business.

Theoretical knowledge is not only sufficient.

Without practical experience you cannot claim to be skilled in computer repair.

You need to learn the skills before you start computer repair business.

You can either work with any established computer repair company.

And learn the work or sign in as a learner. In both the options,

You will improve your skills and knowledge.

Never try to rush into computer repair business without prior skills.

Or else you will land into trouble by spoiling the client’s computer.

You may be fined and spoil your reputation.

Good Reputation – Trust and reputation is of wide importance in this business.

This will give you strength among your competitors.

Strength in the way that you will be able to gain good will of corporate clients easily.

Than one who does not have any certification.

High Quality service – Since you are in this business,

Your service should go beyond fixing computers for your clients.

The best quality service delivered by you will go a long way in boosting your business.

The positive feedback from customers will go a long way in determining your quality service to clients.

Variety of services – If a computer repair company offers variety of service.

Then it will out-perform other which provides only single line of service.

You can get a wide client base by pick up of computer;

drop off, on-site services and hardware support.

This way you can increase the number of clients in the long period.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

Customer loyalty – The reward of high quality service is customer loyalty.

Customer retention rate is a good indication of the fact that they are enjoying your business.

If customer comes back to you then it means you have satisfied them.

It is cheaper to retain the existing customer rather to run after new customers.

Which mean you do not have to spend more on marketing.

The savings on marketing will give a positive effect on your business.

Access to computer parts and accessories – You can easily resolve your customers problem.

If your repair business is located near to a place.

Where you can access to components easily and cheaply.

This will avoid your travelling to far place to procure.

A components and this will help you save costs of travel.

Alliance with used computer vendors – People selling used computers.

Well know that many of these do not work.

Hence, the service of people who are good at computer repair.

Is necessary to fix it before it is available for sale.

In case your shop is near to the computer vendor then you can always secure your business.

You can negotiate your price so as to make a gain on their inventories.

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Laptop Maintenance Business:

10. Business Weaknesses

Some of the points mentioned above may turn out to be your weakness.

In case you find that you are weak in any area you can work on them quickly.

One major weakness in repair business is when you work from home.

Working from home saves you cost as you need not have to pay additional office rent.

The nature of your work may need you to constantly go out to find good business opportunity.

The amount you spend on transportation and cost of taking the computers to.

And fro from your clients office may incur you lot of money.

This can amount to huge amount at the end of the day.

Corporate organizations will prefer to work with computer repair companies.

Having official address placed in the same area.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

11. Opportunities

Recessionary Economy – Recession has a lot to do with this business.

You may be wondering what it has to do with recession.

People cannot afford to buy new things including computers during the recession period.

People spend mainly on basic need during this period.

They will prefer to maintain or repair their existing computers since they cannot afford to buy new ones.

Thus this business is ideal small business which are recession proof.

Increasing number of computer users – The number of people using computer daily is increasing in Nigeria and abroad.

Any computer literate will dream to possess a computer for them.

The more the number of computer users the more the need for computer repair.

New software and Computer Components – The computer manufactures make use of new software

And new computer components.

And hence there is constant need for computer up gradation.

Hence there is need of computer repair services.

Laptop Maintenance Business:

Computer viruses- The computer is exposed to dangers with the use of flash drivers,

Memory cards which transfer data from one computer to another.

During the process on the internet computers are exposed to dangers.

Sometimes the computer needs to be reformatted.

At this time a computer repair business will be booming.

Even if you have installed an anti-virus software in your computer.

There is no guarantee that the computer sill not be affected by a virus.

Every day new viruses are being released.

If your system does not have a strong anti-virus to fight the virus,

then the system may get damaged.

New markets – Today this business is not limited to desktop only as there is a market for laptops,

smartphone and Androids.

The market has now expanded a lot.

A single person or company alone cannot capture or dominate the market.

Hence new entrants can enter and there are ample amount of opportunities.

Without a threat to the existing computer repair businesses.

New Technology – Computers these days do not come with operating system.

Hence, the customer who has purchased the computer will need the service of a computer repair company.

To help install various software’s and carry out the initial configurations.

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Laptop Maintenance Business:

12. Threats To This Business –

Do it yourself tendency – Internet provides all information freely to users

And they can learn to troubleshoot and fix minor issues on their systems without the help of computer Repair Company.

This may at such time cut the revenue potential of computer repair business.

What are you waiting for, if you have knowledge of computer repair service

And confident about your work then grab the opportunity and start your new business.

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