25 Ways to Pass Police Examination Test in Nigeria

Pass Police Examination Test: In life, there aren’t any paper tests.

But in school, they seem to be all the time.

It should be so simple as to read the material and go to class.

But sometimes that’s not enough.

We’ll cover how to study effectively, how to get your brain going.

And what do to during the test to ensure that you pass it with flying colors.

Pass Police Examination Test
Pass Police Examination Test: https://www.legit.ng

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1. Pass Police Examination Test

Studying has never been known to be pleasant.

Not even by the most intelligent students.

Examination success has more to it than what just meets the eye.

Here are a few essential hints to help you pass easily.

See Steps below to guarantee that you knock this next one out of the park!.

Pass Police Examination Test

2. Organize yourself.

Before you start walking the road to success in the exam.

You’ll be a lot more productive (and a lot less distracted) if you get organized.

Before you sink into the couch and are past the point of no return, think about the following:

  • Make a schedule. Your life is probably jam packed with hobbies, social obligations.
  • And a whole bunch of stuff you’d rather be doing. So make a schedule and stick to

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3. Get all your papers.

Even those assignments you completed a long time ago may come in handy.

It’s vital to have the most important thing of them all – your syllabus.

4. Practice constant rehearsal of the matter.

This technique helps information to be moved from short term memory into long term memory storage.

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5. Make use of mnemonics.

This involves using key alphabets to remember and retrieve large amounts of information.

6. Build interest.

You need to love and have interest in the subject you want to study.

Interest forms a magic elixir and motivates you to learn.

And it will help change your wrong concept of studies as a “mental torture”

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7. Associate key words and topics to the people that you know or are familiar with.

This also helps recall the information more easily.

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8. Change your study environment as much as possible.

Recalling information becomes much easier when you attach significance to the surroundings you studied in.

A new environment also breaks the routine and this makes learning more interesting.

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Pass Police Examination Test

9. Remind yourself that this ‘mental torture’ is momentary.

Focus on the good things to come, after your examinations.

This will motivate you to accelerate your study mode.

Knowing that better things like fun and enjoyment are yet to come.

10. Do not procrastinate.

When mentally tired or when laziness creeps into your study time.

Do yourself justice by simply reading through the subject material.

Read with comprehension and understanding.

This will help you tie up information on the day of exams.

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11. Trust yourself and your memory.

Self doubt will set you back and these feelings will inhibit your study programme.

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12. Try the verbal approach.

Read out loudly. This method utilizes two sensory systems.

One is the audio-hearing and the other is visual-seeing.

Another alternative is to let someone else recite the information out to you.

This technique is very useful as you will associate the study material.

With a different voice at the back of your mind.

Pass Police Examination Test

13. Study well in advance.

This will give you more control and enough time to tie up loose ends.

Knowing that you have control over the situation, will ensure greater success.

This will also avoid nervousness and unnecessary exam jitters.

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14. Work with a few friends.

The best study groups have no more than 3-4 people.

And the best study groups are extremely effective (if you work well with people, that is).

In order to make sure your study group gets you where you need to be.

And isn’t just you and three friends eating snacks and discussing the latest TV shows.

Keep this information in mind:

  • Have one person designated as the leader (you can take turns if need be).
  • They have to keep the group on track.

16. Keep or stay away from other negative candidate.

Their constant self pity and complaints will do you no good and this will reduce your chances of passing.

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17. Always remember at the back of your mind that you are not alone.

There are others out there feeling the same feelings.

Experiencing the same insecurities and having the same doubts as you.

18. Take breaks.

It’s not slacking — it’s you supercharging.

It’s science you can blame — it says that breaks help your brain get back into the game and replenish your attentional deficits.

So take a 5 or 10 minute break every hour.

It’ll help — not hinder — your memory and focus.

  • If you really want to get serious, take that break to do some jumping jacks or go for a quick jog.
  • Getting your blood pumping gets your brain pumping.
  • Also, if you can sneak off to the gym for a bit, even better.
  • It turns out that exercise can increase work stamina.

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19. If you don’t know the answer, skip it for now.

Since your test is timed, the last thing you want to be is preoccupied by the clock.

Instead of that ticking getting louder and louder as you stare at the blank question, just skip it.

Tackle all the ones you could do with your eyes closed.

And your hands tied behind your back and then get to the harder questions.

Your mind will be primed with everything it definitely knows, making the rest a bit easier.

  • When you’ve answered all of the easy ones, go for the ones that have the greatest point value.
  • If you don’t answer a question that’s worth 10% of your grade, there’s little hope for the rest of your test.
  • So if you’re in that position, weigh your options.

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20. Double-check your answers.

If there’s any chance you missed a question, misinterpreted a question.

Or just filled in the wrong circle.

You’ll know you’ve caught it if you check and double-check your answers.

Provided you have the time, of course.

Also, remember to consider the most important of all — did you write down your name?

  • Avoid the temptation to change your answers.
  • Often your gut instinct is the right one.
  • If you find yourself checking your answers and wanting to change them, only do so if you’ve had a revelation you had forgotten about.

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21. Keep a positive attitude.

You know the whole “fake it till you make it” mantra? That totally goes for test taking.

Thinking positive and being confident can actually help you do better.

If for no other reason than it keeps you relaxed.

And being relaxed helps your mind think straight.

Walk in there with your head held high so you can walk out the same way.

  • Turns out trusting yourself is a big part of the game.
  • When you trust your memories, they strengthen and become concrete.
  • So be confident in your brain! The more you rely on it, the more it can reward you with the right answers.
  • In case you didn’t know, your brain is pretty phenomenal!

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22. Pass Police Examination Test

  • On the other hand, people who do poorly can come up with some very seductive but self-deluding excuses to try to encourage you to join their ranks.

    Leave their pessimism and poorly based excuses to one side and keep your focus on succeeding.

  • Avoid comparing yourself with other students.

    High scoring candidates who show off lack social skills and consideration for others.

    Doing well in exams is not about making others feel inferior.

    Don’t let such people leave you feeling that you’re not good enough––you are.

  • Relax while completing the test, and don’t stress yourself just because the time limit or any factor.

    Keep calm and steady.

  • Complete all the easy questions first, then proceed on the difficult ones, as most easy questions account for 40%-80% of the test.

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23. Read all of the questions carefully.

Underline important words and information.

And carefully read through answers to choose (for multiple choice quizzes).

For essays and writing, make sure your answer matches what the question asks of you.

Don’t think of test as an instrument to show you how smart you are.
That will distract you from your goal of achieving good grades.
As well as making you look bad to friends and teachers alike.
Remember to pass the test with fairness and don’t bluff about your score to other people.

Don’t cram. You’ll feel tired and anxious when the test paper is in front of you, making your score even worse.

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