Solar Panel Building Business: Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that not only benefits you but the environment as well.
With the effort you put into making a homemade solar panel.
You can help prevent environmental pollution by reducing fossil fuel usage.
What’s even better is that you’ll save money on you electric bill.
To build your own solar panel, you’ll need to assemble the pieces, connect the cells.
Build a panel box, wire the panels, seal the box.
And then finally mount your completed solar panel.
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Solar Panel Building Business
1. Purchase the cells.
The specs should be listed when you purchase the cells.
2. Solar Panel Building Business
- Make sure to buy extras. These cells are extremely fragile.
- Cells can most easily be bought online through websites like Ebay.
- But you may be able to purchase some from your local hardware store.
- It may be necessary to clean wax off of the cells, if the manufacturer ships them in wax.
- To do this, dip them in hot, but not boiling, water.
- Each cell shouldn’t cost more than $1.30 per watt.
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Solar Panel Building Business
3. Measure and cut a backing board.
Then measure the dimensions and cut a board to that size.
- Leave an extra inch or two at both ends of the board.
- This space will be used for the wires that connect the rows together.
- Wood is a more common backing material to choose because it’s easier to drill through.
- You’ll need to drill holes in it for the cell wires to pass through.
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Solar Panel Building Business
4. Measure and cut all of your tabbing wire.
Solar Panel Building Business
5. Flux the work area.
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Solar Panel Building Business
6. Solder the tabbing.
Use a soldering iron to melt a thin coat of solder onto the back of the cell strips.
- This step is not necessary if you purchase pre-soldered tabbing.
- Which is often a better option because it cuts time in half, heats up the cells only once.
- And wastes less solder. However, it’s more expensive.
Solar Panel Building Business
7. Bond the wire to the cells.
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Solar Panel Building Business
8. Glue the cells to the board.
With just the two pieces sticking up between each cell.
9. Solar Panel Building Business
- Keep in mind that one row will have to run in the direction opposite to the one next to it.
- So that the tabbing wire sticks out at the end of one row and on the opposite side of the next.
- You should plan to put the cells in long rows, with a fewer number of rows.
- For example, three rows each consisting of 12 cells placed long side to long side.
- Remember to leave an extra inch (2.5 cm) at both ends of the board.
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Solar Panel Building Business
10. Solder the cells together.
Then, take the free sections of tabbing wire and solder them to the entire length of the pads.
- The tabbing wire connected to the back of one cell should connect to the front of the next cell in every case.
Solar Panel Building Business
11. Connect the first row using bus wire.
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Solar Panel Building Business
12. Connect the second row.
You will need to prepare the first cell of the second row with extra tabbing wire, as you did with the first.
- Connect all four wires to this bus wire.
Solar Panel Building Business
13. Continue connecting the rest of the rows.
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Solar Panel Building Business
14. Measure your cell panel.
If there will not be a free 1 inch by 1 inch (2.5 cm x 2.5 cm) square spot at each corner after adding the panel, also leave room for this.
- Make sure that there is enough space for the bus wires at the end as well.
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Solar Panel Building Business
15. Cut the flat back.
Solar Panel Building Business
16. Form the sides.
Cut these pieces you have measured and secure them together using deck screws and butt joints.
- It’s important that the sides aren’t too tall because then they may shade the cells when the sun is coming from a sharp angle.
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Solar Panel Building Business
17. Attach the sides.
Solar Panel Building Business
18. Paint the box.
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Solar Panel Building Business
19.Attach the solar unit to the box.
Solar Panel Building Business
20. Connect the final bus wire to a diode.
The other end should be wired to the negative end of your panel.
- This prevents energy from travelling back through the solar panel from the battery when it isn’t charging.
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Solar Panel Building Business
21. Connect the other wires.
Solar Panel Building Business
22. Connect your panel to a charge controller.
Using color coded wire to keep track of the charges.
- If using more than one panel.
- You might want to connect all of the positive and negative wires together using rings.
- To make sure you end up with two wires.
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Solar Panel Building Business
23. Connect the charge controller to your batteries.
Solar Panel Building Business
24. Use the batteries.
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Solar Panel Building Business
25. Get a piece of plexiglass.
You can get this from a specialty shop or from your local hardware store.
- Make sure you get plexiglass and not glass, as glass is prone to breaking or chipping.
Solar Panel Building Business
26. Attach block stops for the glass.
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Solar Panel Building Business
27. Insert your plexiglass.
Solar Panel Building Business
28. Seal the box.
Solar Panel Building Business
29. Mount your panels on a cart.
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Solar Panel Building Business
30.Mount your panels on your roof.
This will limit you to only getting full exposure at certain times of day.
- This option is best if you have a large number of panels and very little ground space to place them on.
Solar Panel Building Business
31. Mount your panels on a satellite stand.
The stands usually used to mount satellite dishes can also be used to mount solar panels.
They can even be programmed to move with the sun.
However, this option will only work if you have a very small number of solar panels.
32. Things You’ll Need
- Solar cells
- Tabbing wire (pre-soldered preferred)
- Bus wire
- Flux pen
- Silver solder (small)
- Soldering iron
- If you are not certain about working around electricity, contact a professional.
- Don’t electrocute yourself!
- Be careful with all tools.
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