Top 16 Training Manuals for Interns Workers

Training Manuals for Interns Workers : When you hire a new employee, you give them an employee manual.

But when a new intern joins your company, it’s a good idea to give them a customized training manual.

We’ll explain how to go about creating a training manual for interns in your business.

The quality of a business internship program is largely dependent on the amount of structure.

And guidance the company gives its interns.

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Training Manuals for Interns Workers:

Training Manuals for Interns Workers

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1. Training Manuals for Interns Workers

Strong job descriptions, clear expectations and honest feedback are a good start – but they’re not enough.

A training manual for interns collects the information interns need in a central, organizing document.

To be useful, your training manual will need to address a comprehensive list of internship topics.

That quickly and efficiently integrate them into your workplace.

All interns should receive a copy before they begin active service.

They should also understand that failure to comply with the terms.

Described in the training manual could jeopardize their internship status.

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Training Manuals for Interns Workers

2. Program term.

Since internships are limited in duration, the internship handbook should clearly identify the program term.

To avoid the possibility that some enterprising young person might mistakenly think they’ve been hired permanently.

3. Policies & procedures.

The meat of the handbook will contain a list of office policies and procedures.

What you include in this section is entirely up to you.

But internship veterans have found it useful to discuss things like office hours, workplace attire, computer usage.

Cell phone usage and a multitude of other items that have the potential to create chaos or disruptions.

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Training Manuals for Interns Workers

4. Instructions.

Interns need guidance about basic workplace functions that you and your employees take for granted. Instead of taking the time to personally walk every intern through basic functions like setting up an e-mail account, using Microsoft Office or filling out reports, codify simple instructions in the intern training manual.

5. Evaluation methods.

The manual you give your interns should discuss the process you will use to evaluate their performance.

At the end of their internship, they will expect to receive a letter of recommendation.

The evaluation process you describe in the handbook will make it easier to write a recommendation that has real value.

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6. Housekeeping items.

Interns have lots of questions about mundane items you don’t even think about anymore.

Restroom keys, lock up procedures, alarm system operation.

Kitchen use and many other things can be handled in the manual.

So you can avoid tedious details during intern orientation.

Training Manuals for Interns Workers

7. Disciplinary policy.

Occasionally it will be necessary to terminate an internship before its term has expired.

It’s not something anyone looks forward to.

But if the intern is not working out it’s better for both of you to cut your losses and move on.

Articulate how your company handles intern-related problems.

As well as the circumstances that may necessitate termination of the relationship.

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8. Training Manuals for Interns Workers

Looking back, there are some things business owners wish they knew before they hired interns.

Hindsight is 20/20 and you can benefit from the lessons other business owners learned the hard way.

9. Expect the occasional disaster.

No matter how thoroughly you recruit and screen your interns, from time to time you’ll bring on an intern who is a complete disaster.

To be fair, internships give young people the opportunity to explore career options and test their skills in a real-world business environment.

When an intern fails to achieve, don’t get upset.

Instead, use the experience to facilitate the individual’s personal and career development.

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10. Interns translate into more work for you.

One of the biggest misconceptions regarding internship programs is that they offload work from owners and key staff.

In fact, internships usually have the opposite effect.

Young and inexperienced interns frequently require more handholding.

And micromanagement than permanent hires.

Training Manuals for Interns Workers

11. Interns don’t know their way around the workplace.

Every workplace has unique policies, procedures and personalities.

When a new intern joins your business, it’s usually their first experience in an office environment.

More often than not, they will stumble through the workplace completely unaware of office etiquette and politics.

It’s not uncommon for interns to be involved in the kind of workplace drama you usually try to avoid at all costs.

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12. Expect diverse outcomes.

Anticipate huge swings in the quality of work you will receive from interns.

Some highly capable interns will surprise you by producing better deliverables than your permanent employees.

Others will produce work that is borderline, at best.

Don’t put yourself in the position of relying on an intern for a mission-critical project.

Or a project that has a tight deadline.

Internships are one of the primary vehicles most students use to get a foot in the door of the company they hope will employ them in the future.

Internship programs are very beneficial to employers for a number of reasons.

Training Manuals for Interns Workers

13. Brand recognition

There are only a number of ways to expose your company and improve your brand recognition.

Advertising costs a lot of money to be effective.

And will only do so much for your company’s name.

Internship opportunities give prospective employees a chance to work with your current staff.

Assimilate into your corporate culture and get a sense of what your company represents in the market place.

Nothing will improve your company’s name better than a junior in college going back to his or her university.

Or college and telling her peers about the experience she had over the summer with your staff.

And the best part about internship opportunities is they do not all have to be paid.

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Training Manuals for Interns Workers

14. Helps recruiting

This point is directly linked with brand recognition.

Establishing a reputation is easy with internship opportunities.

The best people to talk about your company are really not the people who work at your company.

But the students who want to work for your company in the future.

And have interned with your organization.

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15. Training Manuals for Interns Workers

Most people will believe more of what other people have to say about you.

And less of what you have to say about yourself.

Keep in mind that a lot of companies are very selective with their internship opportunities.

As well and only offer a handful.

I would recommend being flexible with your internship opportunities.

And offer a variety of them to students.

The more exposure your company has, the better.

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Training Manuals for Interns Workers

16. Increases knowledge-base of current staff

A great intangible of having interns is that it forced your current staff to teach more.

You learn a lot by doing but you retain a lot more by teaching.

Having people on site who have no knowledge of how your business runs.

And constantly need supervision will not only improve the knowledge-base of your staff.

Because they are forced to teach, but will also boost their confidence that they actually know their job.

In fact, they will find that they know a lot more about the day to day activities of the company than they originally thought.

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