11 Tips to Produce Baby’s Mixed Nutrients

Baby’s Mixed Nutrients :Agriculture produces the food people eat and is the primary source of livelihood (employment, income) for most the world’s poor, who, in turn, are most vulnerable to ill health and malnutrition.

Agricultural development has enormous potential to make significant contributions to reducing malnutrition and associated ill health.

With its close links to both the immediate causes of under-nutrition (diets, feeding practices, and health)

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And its underlying determinants (such as income, food security, education, access to WASH and health services, and gender equity).

The agriculture sector can play a much stronger role than in the past in improving nutrition outcomes.

Baby food production is a rapidly developing category worldwide.

Characterized by strong, science-driven innovations for added value and care for babies beyond simply nutrition.

Product diversification to focus on health and fitness, organic, ethical and sustainable products.

As well as fortification with functional ingredients to support immune systems, aid sleep and reduce risk of allergies.

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For example, are major trends that places high demands on your production and product innovation.

Consumers also priorities quality and safety over price, demanding a strong, safe brand image and good health credentials.

By making your own food at home, you can save money and you’ll always know exactly what is going into your baby’s body.

Foods prepared at home will last in your freezer about one month.

Baby's Mixed Nutrients

Baby’s Mixed Nutrients

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Baby’s Mixed Nutrients :Get the basic recipes

The production of mixed nutrient has to do with the combination of six difference types of food like:

  1. Millet
  2. Wheat
  3. White guinea corn
  4. Red guinea corn
  5. Maize
  6. Rice

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  7. Baby's Mixed Nutrients

    Baby’s Mixed Nutrients

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Baby’s Mixed Nutrients :The Process

1. Baby’s Mixed Nutrients :After purchasing these things in the market, the selection has to be done. This is to remove diet particles, sands and stones.

2. Baby’s Mixed Nutrients :Thoroughly wash them to remove dirt and possible pesticides.

3. Dry the washed food under the sun or oven to make it dry for easy grinding.

4. Puree the food in a blender or food processor, or process with a food mill until the food reaches the right consistency for your child’s stage of eating

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5. Strain the food to remove any stray peels.

Alternately, before cooking food, you can remove the peels at that time to avoid this step.

6. Spoon the pureed food into ice cube trays and cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer.

When the cubes are frozen, you can put them in zip lock bags or another food storage container.

Be sure to label with the type of food and the date it was prepared.

7. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always best, but you can also use frozen or canned. Canned fruits are especially good to use when fresh fruits are out of season.

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8. When your baby is just beginning to eat solids, remember to introduce only one food at a time to identify possible allergies. As your child gets older and you know which foods have been tolerated well, you can start to blend two or three different fruits or vegetables together.

9. Use few additives such as salt, sugar, or preservatives.

Your baby doesn’t need them, and some such as lemon juice can cause an allergic reaction in very young babies.

10. Some fruits do not need to be steamed or cooked, such as kiwi fruit and bananas.

11. Some good fruits and vegetables to start out with are apples, plums, pears, apricots, peaches, bananas, carrots, peas, green beans, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes.

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Baby’s Mixed Nutrients :Pre Caution

Baby foods are either a soft, liquid paste or an easily chewed food since babies lack developed muscles and teeth to effectively chew.

Babies do not need to have teeth to transition to eating solid foods.

Care should be taken with certain foods that pose a choking hazard, such as under-cooked vegetables, grapes, or food that may contain bones.

Babies begin eating liquid style baby food consisting of pureed vegetables and fruits, sometimes mixed with rice cereal and formula, or breast milk.

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Homemade baby food is less expensive than commercial baby foods.

 Homemade food is appropriate only when the family has a sufficient and varied diet, as well as access to refrigeration and basic sanitation.

 It is important to follow proper sanitation methods when preparing homemade baby food such as washing and rinsing , as well as the cooking and packaging materials that will be used.

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Homemade food requires more preparation time than opening a jar or box of ready-to-eat commercial baby food.

Food may need to be minced or pureed for young babies, or cooked separately without the salt, intense spices, or sugar that the family chooses to eat.

Avocados and bananas are foods that can be easily mashed and are high in vitamins and nutrients, making them ideal starter foods for an infant 6 months in age or older.

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