8 Steps to Start Flipflop Production Business

8 Steps to Start Flipflop Production Business: Any individual can initiate Flipflop making business as small scale basis.

Flipflop are considered as a household consumer durable item and are used by men, women, and kids.

Flipflop are lightweight footwear made up from rubber.

Flipflop making process is very simple.

From a small scale unit, you can produce Flipflop.

Additionally, you can start production with some simple machinery and rubber sheet as main raw material.

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Flipflop Production BusinessFlipflop Production BusinessFlipflop Production Business

1. Flipflop Making Market Opportunity 

Both the urban and rural population use slippers in the world.

The product has export potential also, India is the largest global producer of footwear after China, accounting to approx 13% of world footwear production which is close to 16 billion pairs.

The major importing countries are USA, Germany, France and UK.

Flipflop (Hawai Chappals) is close to 10,000 crores with per capita consumption are estimated to be 1 pair.

Nowadays besides being a necessity, it has become an important fashion accessory available in different designs.

8 Steps to Start Flipflop Production Business

2. Registration & License For Flipflop Making 

In starting a Flipflop making project in Nigeria, you will need to register your firm first with ROC.

For a small scale unit, it is advisable to register as an OPC or LLP format.

Apply for Trade License from local Municipal Authority and SSI Unit registration from DIC.

This type of manufacturing unit does require pollution permission.

3. Finance For Flipflop Making Business

Generally, two types of the financial requirement are involved with slipper making project.

One is Fixed Capital and another one is Working Capital.

In any small business initiation, angel investment is the best way of funding.

For Fixed Capital, you will need to apply term loan, and to satisfy the Working Capital requirement apply for a cash credit or overdraft facility.

8 Steps to Start Flipflop Production Business

4. Flipflop Making Unit Setup

First of all, you must prepare a customized project report prior.

You can identify how much capital you need.

Who are the machinery suppliers.

What machines you need to install.

From where you will source the raw material etc.

Before installing the machinery, layout plan is important. Arrange other utility items like electric supply and water resource.

Flipflop making unit initiative involves following formalities:

  • Registration and Other formalities
  • Land identification and acquisition
  • Construction Work
  • Machinery Purchasing and its Installation
  • Trail Production

5. Flipflop Making Machinery

According to the product specification and desired production output.

You will need to select the right machinery carefully.

Here we list some of the main machinery required for Flipflop production business:

  1. Flat Bed Sewing Machine with Motor, Stand & Table Clutch Type
  2. Drilling machine
  3. Combined Finishing Machine
  4. Stapling Machine
  5. Plastic Last
  6. Cutting dies of different sizes and shapes
  7. Hand operated tools & equipment

8 Steps to Start Flipflop Production Business

6. Raw Material For Flipflop Making

The major raw materials are rubber sheet and strap.

You will also need to procure the packaging consumables.

Additionally, you can procure these raw materials from the local wholesale market or from the manufacturer directly.

7. Flipflop Making Process

First of all, obtain the micro cellular sheet from other units, then give them the desired shape with the help of cutting machine/mold.

Also, you can obtain straps from other units. Thereafter, fix these straps to the chap pals with the help of foot operated machine.

To give finishing touches to it, put the straps in finishing machine.

After the quality check of these chap pals, pack them in a polythene bag.

Finally, dispatch them for the markets.

Rubber Sheet → Sole Cutting → Drilling → Strap Fittings → Finishing → Final Inspection → Packing

8 Steps to Start Flipflop Production Business

8. Flipflop Making Quality Control

At present no quality specifications for Flipflop are available.

But for export order, specifications are provided by the buyers only.

For export, you must procure good quality raw materials in Flipflop making.

Read also: 6 Steps to Start Rubber Gloves Production Business 


  1. Would Like to learn more in detail about the flip flop production business ie machines raw materials etc
    and if training is available

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