Fentanyl Overdose: How to Prevent and Survive

Fentanyl overdose symptômes: Fentanyl is a strong opioid that’s become more common as the U.S. opioid epidemic continues to worsen. In some parts of the country, even small communities are being hit hard by the crisis. Between 2015 and 2016, drug overdoses increased by 21 percent in rural areas of the U.S., which has prompted local leaders to try new strategies for combating the problem.
Fentanyl is a life-threatening synthetic opioid that can be found in prescription painkillers called opioids or used in non-opioid medical treatments like lollipop, nasal spray, and injection for severe pain such as after major surgery or burns.

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Fentanyl overdose is dangerous because it involves a high volume of fentanyl entering your bloodstream all at once. The same goes for any other concentrated dose of fentanyl—even if it’s smaller than what you would find in a pill or powder form—because it can greatly increase your risk of overdose death within a short amount of time.

Fentanyl Overdose: How to Prevent and Survive

As the opioid crisis continues to rage, more and more users are turning to alternative opioids like fentanyl. The drug is cheap and easy to access online or on the dark web, which has led many struggling opioid addicts back into their old habits. Now, with an overdose epidemic and a rising number of deaths from fentanyl, it’s important that everyone understands what a fentanyl overdose looks like and how to prevent or manage one effectively. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what a fentanyl overdose is, why it happens, the risks involved, and how you can stop yourself from going down this same path.

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What is a Fentanyl Overdose?

A fentanyl overdose is one that results in dangerous or even fatal symptoms and complications. The signs and symptoms of overdose are different depending on the route of administration. The signs and symptoms of a fentanyl overdose can include: – Breathing issues, including shallow or slowed breathing, or difficulty breathing, or even apnea (no breathing at all), especially in people with respiratory issues – Seizures – Coma and/or blackouts – Heart issues, including rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, or slowed heartbeat that can result in cardiac arrest – Extreme drowsiness that might lead to unresponsiveness or unconsciousness – Severe nausea and vomiting – Severe confusion or disorientation – Severe or persistent muscle spasms or twitches – Pain – Severe itching – Abnormal or unusual sensations such-as unexplained euphoria, hallucinations, or delirium

Why Do People Overdose on Fentanyl?

The opioid epidemic has lead to a rise in fentanyl overdoses, as many users don’t realize that ordering this drug online can be extremely risky. Most people don’t realize that when they order fentanyl online, they aren’t getting the same thing as the fentanyl they get from their doctor. These online dealers cut their fentanyl with other opioids- or even other illegal drugs, like cocaine or methamphetamine. Once it’s cut, it’s easy to overdose on fentanyl, even in small amounts. Online dealers also often mix fentanyl with other substances to make it stretch further. Fentanyl can be 50 times as powerful as morphine, so if someone buys a kilo of fentanyl and cuts it with other substances, they could be selling a very dangerous product. Drug-seeking behavior can also lead to fentanyl overdoses. If you’re going to the doctor to get prescription opioids, you can’t just keep going back and getting more. But if you’re an opioid addict, you’ll do whatever it takes to stay high. This could mean going to multiple doctors and getting multiple prescriptions or even buying prescription opioids on the black market.

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Signs of a Fentanyl Overdose

While a fentanyl overdose can happen to anyone, it’s important to know the signs so you can prevent it or know when to seek help. If you have someone who has overdosed on fentanyl near you, or if you’re worried that you may be overdosing, look out for these signs: – Breathing issues, including shallow or slowed breathing, or difficulty breathing, or even apnea (no breathing at all), especially in people with respiratory issues – Seizures – Coma and/or blackouts – Heart issues, including rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, or slowed heartbeat that can result in cardiac arrest – Extreme drowsiness that might lead to unresponsiveness or unconsciousness – Severe nausea and vomiting – Severe confusion or disorientation – Severe or persistent muscle spasms or twitches – Pain – Severe itching – Abnormal or unusual sensations such-as unexplained euphoria, hallucinations, or delirium

Managing a Fentanyl Overdose

If you suspect that someone has overdosed on fentanyl, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. While there is no one-size-fits-all method for treating a fentanyl overdose, there are some general things you can do to help. – If you see someone having a seizure, put them in the recovery position. If they are unconscious, put them on their side with their mouth open, so that they don’t choke on their saliva. – If there is more than one person present, call 911 immediately, and then call for help from someone else. – If the person has stopped breathing, begin CPR as soon as you can. – Administer naloxone if the person is having an opioid overdose and has signs of respiratory distress. Naloxone is a medication that can help reverse an opioid overdose. – Stay with the person until they are breathing on their own or help arrives.

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Fentanyl is a powerful opioid that is a great alternative to dangerous, hard-to-get prescription opioids. However, it’s important to be careful when taking fentanyl, especially if you don’t know what you’re buying. This drug can be deadly if you take too much, or if you take it and mix it with another drug or drug combination. If you have a fentanyl addiction, it’s important to seek help from a medical professional as soon as possible. For those without an addiction, it’s important to learn about fentanyl and how to avoid a fentanyl overdose. Get help and stay safe! ##END##

Warning Signs

– You use more of the drug than usual. – You take the drug more often than usual. – You’re taking more of the drug than you used to, but you don’t feel as good after taking it. – You know that you are taking more of the drug, but you don’t know why. – You have taken the drug several times and it has made you very sick or you have passed out.

What to do when you see warning signs

– If you see any of these signs, it is important to get help right away. – The longer you delay getting help, the more likely it will be that the situation will get worse. – If you need help but you don’t know where to go, there are lots of places you can turn to. – You can talk to a therapist, a doctor or a counsellor. – You can also call 911 if you need urgent medical help. – You can also call a helpline if you are feeling alone or confused. – You can also reach out to friends and family for support and help.

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How to overcome addiction

– Unlock your addiction by identifying what keeps you feeling trapped and isolated. – Express your feelings and find a way to deal with them. – Let go of the past and forgive yourself for any mistakes you have made. – Find support from friends and family who can help you through this difficult time. – Reach out to others who have been in your situation and ask them how they got through their addiction.

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Why do people relapse?

– Relapse is very common when it comes to addiction. Studies show that more than half of all people who have ever been addicted to anything will relapse at least once. This is just a part of the process. – You will have good days and bad days. It is important to remember that you are not alone. – There are many ways that you can prevent a relapse. – You can find a support group and meet with them regularly. – You can also talk to a therapist or a counselor. – You can also keep busy by joining a hobby or taking up a new challenging activity.

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