27 Tips to Start Commercial Milling Business

Commercial Milling Business :Do you want to know the steps to setting up a Commercial Milling Business?

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Do you want to know how to get your own custom package rice product to sell?

This article will show you all the steps involve.

In our earlier article, we have discussed in details how to start a rice farming business.

The steps discuss will help you put your rice business idea into reality.

Today, I will be sharing the procedures to starting a Commercial Milling Business

Grains like rice are staple food in most of the countries in the world.

The grains farmers grow, sell them and use them as their major daily food source.

Commercial Milling Business
Commercial Milling : https://www.alibaba.com

Commercial Milling Business

Commercial Milling Business has been around for a long time.

Especially in countries where rice farming is their major source of income.

According to reports, the middle east is the leading import and export region.

This account for 35% of worlds rice imports and about 75% of total exports.

However, rice milling business is one of the business in the agriculture that grows fast and help in economic development.


1. What is Commercial Milling Business ?

This is the step in the post production of rice and other grains that involves the removal of husk and bran layers, which produce rice that can be edible free of impurities.

The  grains comprises of about 20% of husk and 11% bran layers, which leaves you with about 69% edible grains free from impurities.

Want to start a Commercial Milling Business? Do you want to invest in Commercial Milling Business?

If your answer is yes, read on. In this article, you’ll have a complete overview on how to start and run Commercial Milling Business

Commercial Milling Business:

2. Why start Commercial Milling Business

The business opportunities in the Commercial Milling Business industry are enormous.

If you’re going to join the business, here are some of the benefits.

Commercial Milling Business:

3. The raw material is available

The major raw material is rice cultivated from the rice farmers.

Its going to be difficult to run out of it.

Because more people are starting their rice farm.

You can find people who will need the services of your Commercial Milling Business in removing their husk and padding.

See also:Top 10 Ways to Start Farming Business 

Commercial Milling Business

4. Profit can come from the husk too

Apart from the services and the product you do, the rice husk can also make you profit.

The husk is used to create poultry feed and sheep.

5. Youre reducing unemployment

Modern rice milling process requires the use of modern grains milling machines.

Which will be handled by people you employed.

It simply means you’re reducing people redundancy by creating job opportunities.

Challenges of Commercial Milling Business.

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Commercial Milling Business

6.It can be capital intensive

Modern  milling machines are what makes the milling process easier and get the desired finish product.

But the machines can be capital intensive.

For many who are not financially buoyant, youll need to find investors who can invest in the business.

And you cant find someone to finance the business, it becomes really difficult to put the milling business idea to work.

Read also: 8 Tips to Start Livestock Farming Business 

Commercial Milling Business

7. Constant maintenance is required

Unlike traditional milling machines, the modern machine will require routine maintenance for it to give the required efficiency that produces the desired output.

The cost of maintaining such machines can be expensive.

Commercial Milling Business

Grains milling process

8. The business requires expertise

The business will require the hiring of an expert who will show the technical aspect of the business.

Even though the rice milling business requires huge capital.

The article will outline how you still can get your own custom milling product to build a network of your distributors.

Starting a milling business

Now that you know the benefits and challenges, its time we move into the steps in setting up a rice milling business

 See also: 41 Analytical Fact on Livestock Farming Business 

Commercial Milling Business:

9. Decide on the rice milling type

There are three ways you can start the business.

All the method works but the profit level defer from one another.

1. 1.One pass

This is the method where husk and bran are removed at the same time.

1.2 .The two step process

This process involves the removal of the husk and bran separately.

The top two method of the rice milling process employs the use of traditional milling machines that many communities do.

Most of the rice in the above are done locally for local consumption with communities.

See also: 8 Tips to Start Spawn farming Business 

1.3 .Commercial milling

This is the method where rice undergoes several modern rice milling process using modern rice milling machines, before taking it to the market.

Every step is carefully taken to ensure the desired result is realized because it’s meant for the wider market.

The process involves the following:

1. Pre-cleaning

2. Dehusking

3. Paddy removal

4. Polishing or whitening

5. Grading and separation of white rice

6. Mixing

7. Mist polishing

8. Weighing of rice

9. Bagging of rice

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Commercial Milling Business

10. Acquire the required knowledge

Market size matters a lot.

You can’t plan a strategy, start a  milling business.

Or make an investment without understanding key facts about the milling industry.

Do your research and know about the milling business.

Get your hands on the available documents you can get that can help you in the business.

If you have a milling factory in your area.

Visit the place to know the mode of operation and some equipment.

The knowledge will give you a clear picture of what you need and expect from the business.

Read also:13 Tips to Start Souvenir Supply Business 

Commercial Milling Business

11. Write a milling business plan

By now, you should have known a lot about rice mill and the things you need to run the business.

Its now the stage where you need to put everything into a business plan.

The business plan should contain all the money required to buy and set up the business.

A number of people you intend to hire, profit and loss analysis, cash flow analysis and the projected mill business.

The milling business plan is what will keep you on track.

When you want to deviate from the business goals.

It also is another document that you can use to attract investors.

Commercial Milling Business

12. Get the funds

Since you know the money you need to for capital and recurrent expenditure.

Then you can begin sourcing for the money that you can use to finance the farming business.

You can ask family and friends, look for investors or loan to finance the business.

Using your business plan, it becomes easier to convince investors to build the business.

Commercial Milling Business

13. Acquire the land

Get the land you intend to build your mill factory.

The location should be in a place that will be easily accessible to both young and old.

The land should have enough space for sun drying the grains, setting up the mill and storage place.

Commercial Milling Business

14. Work the land

Start working on the land.

Youll need to put a structure that should have a place for drying and storing.

A place where the process of mill takes place.

Provide security by building a fence wall that reduces intruder.

Create a section where you can receive customers and sell your item.

Commercial Milling Business

15. Buy the equipment

In the milling business, youll have to get some equipment in other to carry on the process of milling successfully.

Some of the modern milling machines are:

· cleaning machine

·  de-stoner machine

· Paddy husker machine

· Rice color sorter

· Paddy separator machine

·  whitener machine

·  polishing machine

· Grading machine

· Grain dryer

· Measure and packing machine

·  milling detection machine

· Lighting equipment

Most of the equipment are durable and stands the test of time.

Some of the equipment can be fabricated.

The fabricated one will be less expensive compared to the real one.

Note that youll need to be sure that the fabricated machine will do the work it was meant to be else.

You’ll only waste your money.

Commercial Milling Business

15. Install the equipment

By now your milling machines have arrived.

Its time to start installing them.

The services of an expert will be required in other for the installation to be successful.

Most often the company that sells the machines will always have an expert that will do the work for you.

You’ll only need to ask them.

Commercial Milling Business

16. Register the business name

Get and register a business name to give you a unique identity.

Once you build a reputation, its your name that will keep singing a good song.

It also prevents other business from stealing your identity.

Commercial Milling Business

17. Get licenses

Get the license from the start and the federal government.

To ensure that you have the certification and permission to go on with the business.

Commercial Milling Business

18. Design the milling business mode of operation

For you to be in control of the business.

Its important to design the mode you want the milling business to operate.

This should let you know whether it’s the way that can deliver the work faster.

You can design and redesign until you get to a point where you become convince that its the mode of operation that will work effectively.

Once these are done, the work of everyone you hire to work in the mill will have a defined role in the business.

Commercial Milling Business

19. Hire personnel

It’s time to hire people who will help in running the business.

In  milling business one important factor to consider when hiring people is their experience.

This will ease the stress going through the process of training before kicking the work.

Its important to hire both technicians and administrators.

The technicians are responsible for operating and maintenance of the machines.

While the administrators do the paperwork on a daily basis.

Each person you hired can be given a defined role that will ensure the process of milling works in an effective way.

If your milling business will only thresh rice for customers alone.

Then you can begin your operations.

If you intend to produce your own packaged and create chains of distributors.

Then you can continue reading.

20.Getting your raw material

The rice milling business success will be on how you maintain production all year round.

Getting raw materials from guaranteed sources is really important.

There are two ways to go about the entire process.

Commercial Milling Business

a. Creating a rice farm

This is where you start a rice farming business where you grow and harvest your grains.

Making sure that the land can produce enough grains required for the milling business.

This method when done right increases milling business profit.

You can read in details method on how to start a rice farming business.

b. Buying from suppliers

This method will be when you buy rice from farmers or using the farmers market.

Using this method ensures that you get rice irrespective of the season.

The method of buying rice from suppliers is hugely affected by the market price.

Commercial Milling Business

21. Start your production

By now, you must have everything in place.

You can go ahead and begin production.

22. Package your product

Packaging is really important.

In other to get people to notice your product in the marketplace.

Youll need to package your product in a customize sack.

Attractive designs help in marketing your product.

However, you can hire a graphic design firm to do the designs for you.

Commercial Milling Business

23. Set your prices

Set your packaged  prices.

The price should be competitive to attract customers.

You can do a market research to know the prices in the market before setting your own.

But you have to make sure it covers all expenses and brings profit.

The prices for suppliers should be different from consumers.

Commercial Milling Business

24. Market your business

Begin to let people about your new business.

Use social media, TV ads, and print media to pass the message.

Do a road show, hold raffle draw to attract and further expose the business.

Commercial Milling Business

25. Build your chain of distributors

You can build a chain of distributors who can help sell your products.

Give them an incentive to attract the distributors.

Commercial Milling Business

26. Rice mill business profit

The milling business profit will come when you have put the effective management in place.

And then target both low and high-income earners by creating products that accommodate all.

Sometimes youll need some time to begin to see the result of your hard work.

Commercial Milling Business

27. Bonus tip

Maybe you have a small business idea about starting your own package  business.

But the problem is, you can’t raise the money to set up a rice mill.

Here is a way you can start. Work to a mill and express your desire to become a distributor.

But this time, the grains will be packaged in your own customize sacks.

Most of the mills youll approach will agree with you.

Some will even produce and send it to your location.

Simply because the concept of companies willingness to create a custom product is becoming the in thing in the world of business today.

The company is also building a network of business partners which will increase their sales.

Of cause, youll need to sign some agreement before all things will go on.

Once you begin, you too can build a network of your distributors who can buy and distribute it to the final consumers.

But to be able to do it successfully, you’ll have to approach a company who have the capacity to execute that business model.

Final thought

Commercial Milling Business : There you go, the complete steps to setting up a milling business irrespective of your location.

One thing that will continue is people will continue to use rice as a staple food making the demand always high.

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