How to Get a Perfect Score in Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship

Cooking mama 2 speedrun: It’s time to test your skills in the kitchen once more! In Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship, you must prep, cook, and serve all types of food as quickly as possible. That means no mixing up the orders or failing to catch those falling ingredients. But with a lot going on at once, it can be challenging to remember what needs doing next. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
If you want to become the ultimate cooking champion and win all of those fabulous prizes, you’re going to have to put your game face on and start thinking about how you’re going to do this. Getting a perfect score in Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship is not easy – but it certainly isn’t impossible either. Follow our tips below for some helpful tricks and strategies on how to get a perfect score in Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship!

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How to Get a Perfect Score in Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship

Cooking mama 2 speedrun:

In Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship, there are a variety of challenges you’ll need to conquer in order to win that coveted trophy. In some cases, you may think your best bet is to take the easy road and rely on memorization and luck rather than strategy. However, this is a competition where points matter, and if you want to stand out above the rest, it’s time to get serious about cooking! In this article, we will go over some strategies for getting a perfect score in every single challenge in Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship. We recommend going through the first few levels of each chapter as many of these tips will not be apparent until playing further into each stage. If you need help beating a specific challenge or have any questions about our tips, leave them in the comments below!

How to Get a Perfect Score in Cooking Mama 2

Cooking mama 2 speedrun: As we mentioned before, this is a game where points matter, so getting a perfect score in every recipe is essential. Thankfully, there is a general strategy that will work in almost every circumstance. This method is called the “cook-and-hold” strategy. What this means is that you will start your recipe, cook it until it is almost finished, and then hold it for the remainder of the time. When you start cooking, use the “start-cooking” button. At this point, the “start-cooking” and “start-frying” buttons are identical in function. (You will not be able to fry until you have finished cooking.) When you finish cooking your recipe, use the “finish-cooking” button. From here, you will have a few moments to press the “start-frying” button. This will fry your recipe for the remainder of the time. This is how you perform the cook-and-hold strategy.

Don’t Risk Points on Failed Frying Attempts

Cooking Mama 2 is a game where timing is everything. While it’s important to keep an eye on the clock, it’s more important to pay attention to your frying timer. The frying timer is the timer above your frying pan. A recipe with a short frying time is only a few seconds long. A recipe with a long frying time will take longer than a minute. In order to get a perfect score, you need to get every single recipe right. If you take a risk and fail to fry, or if you have a failed frying attempt, you will be penalized. The amount of points you lose for a failed frying attempt varies depending on the recipe. Some recipes only cost you a few points if you fail to fry them correctly, while others can cost you upwards of 50 points if you mess up. To avoid wasting points, try and always follow the frying times indicated in each recipe when frying.

Learn to Combo Cook

Cooking mama 2 speedrun: Combo cooking is a technique that allows you to make several recipes at once. With combo cooking, you will have a “start-cooking” button, a “start-frying” button, and a “finish-cooking” button. When you start the first recipe, you will have to press the “start-cooking” button. At this point, you can start cooking the first recipe. With the first recipe cooking, you can then start cooking the second recipe by pressing the “start-cooking” button again. At this point, you will have to press the “finish-cooking” button for the first recipe, and then the “start-frying” button for the second recipe. When you finish cooking the second recipe, you will have to finish cooking the first recipe again. This will allow you to cook two recipes at once. This will increase the speed at which you complete recipes, and allow you to be more efficient with your time.

Utilize Special Skills and Ingredients

Cooking mama 2 speedrun: There are a variety of special skills and ingredients that can help you get a perfect score in multiple challenges. These items can be extremely useful, but you need to make sure you’re using them correctly. Special Skills – These are skills that are activated when you click on the “skills” button at the bottom of the screen. Once activated, a skill will stay active until it is clicked off. You can only have one skill activated at any given time. Special Skills can help stretch the amount of time you have to complete a recipe, as well as increase the quality of your recipe. You can activate and deactivate skills by clicking on the “skills” button at the bottom of the screen. Make sure to keep an eye on the timer, and turn off skills if they are taking too long to finish. Ingredients – Ingredients can be purchased in the store, found in the world, or received as a reward after completing a challenge. They can be equipped to your cooking utensils by clicking on the “info” button. From here, you can choose which utensil to equip an ingredient to. Ingredients can provide a variety of different benefits to your cooking. For example, the “Oriental Spice” can help increase the quality of your recipe, while the “Wooden Spoon” can help you achieve Perfect scores more often. Be sure to equip the best ingredients you can to maximize the benefits they provide.

Be Strategic About Your Temperatures

Each recipe in Cooking Mama 2 has a recommended temperature. These temperatures will vary depending on the recipe. The recommended temperature is the ideal temperature for the recipe. If you cook your recipe at the recommended temperature, you will automatically receive a Perfect score. However, if you do not have a thermometer, or a thermometer is not recommended for the recipe, you can cook it at a higher temperature to increase the rate at which the recipe finishes. By cooking a recipe at a higher temperature, you will have a reduced amount of time to finish the recipe compared to cooking it at the recommended temperature. The reduced time will allow you to complete multiple recipes in the same amount of time.

Bigger Doesn’t Mean Better

Cooking mama 2 speedrun: Some recipes will have a higher quality than others, while some recipes will be smaller than others. Sometimes, you may find that you want to cook smaller recipes because they will finish faster, allowing you to cook more recipes in the same amount of time. However, cooking smaller recipes will result in lower scores. Bigger recipes will result in higher scores. Because points matter, you need to pick the recipes that will get you the most points. This is where the recommended temperature comes into play. You can cook a recipe at a higher temperature to reduce the amount of time it takes to finish, but you will receive fewer points for the recipe if you cook it at a higher temperature.

Don’t Forget to Season

Cooking mama 2 speedrun: The last thing we will mention when it comes to getting a perfect score is seasoning. Every recipe calls for a different amount of seasoning. If a recipe does not have a recommended amount of seasoning listed, you can add any amount of seasoning you like. Seasoning a recipe raises its quality, and can be very helpful if you’re trying to reach a Perfect score. This is especially true if you’re trying to reach a Perfect score with a large recipe. Adding a little seasoning to a large recipe can make a big difference in the quality of the recipe.


Cooking mama 2 speedrun: In this article, we’ve gone over how to get a perfect score in every challenge in Cooking Mama 2: The World Championship. This includes starting every recipe with a low amount of seasoning to maximize points, always using the “start-cooking” button to start a recipe, and combo cooking to make the most out of your time. There are a few other small tips that can help you get a perfect score, but these are the main ones to keep in mind. Cooking Mama 2 can be challenging, but with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to victory! END

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