Door to Door Electronic Maintenance Services: Technological tools are used in the everyday life of average Nigerians. And as these tools are used, there will be need to repair them.
It is cheaper to maintain installation and infrastructure than to replace it.
There are huge opportunities in Nigeria for businesses that offer maintenance services for mechanical.
Air conditioning, electrical, plumbing, and other facilities.
Door to door can be a difficult and intimidating way to conduct business.
Still, in many instances it is the best way to bring certain products and services to people’s attention.
If you have the right approach, you can increase your chances of success.
And maybe even find some enjoyment in the process.
You need to look presentable to the customers you want to reach.
In most cases, wearing a tie looks much better than jeans and a t-shirt.
You will be walking around in these clothes, so they do need to be comfortable.
Don’t overdo your clothing. A new, finely tailored suit can be somewhat intimidating.
Especially if it makes you look incredibly out of place in the neighborhood you are walking through.
2. Pick the right time
During the work week, most people are at home and willing to answer their door between the hours of 5:00 and 9:00 pm.
You may get people at home during traditional 9:00 am to 5:00 pm work hours, but not as many.
Early in the morning is not good, as many people up and about are looking to go to work, not listen to a sales pitch.
Door to Door Electronic Maintenance Services
3. Knock on the door or ring the doorbell.
Step away from the door after knocking. It’s less intimidating and respects personal space.
4. Start with a greeting.
Avoid your sales pitch at first. A simple, “Hello, how are you today?” treats each person as an individual rather than just a potential customer. You want the person to trust you and want to talk to you.
Observe your surroundings when approaching the door and gather hints on the customer’s interests to help break the ice.
Tweak your introduction from time to time to keep things fresh.
It can be easy to fall into a rut, and act like you are reading prepared remarks rather than talking to someone.
5. Be friendly and confident.
You aren’t just selling a product, you are selling yourself as a trustworthy representative of the company you work for.
Potential customers should want to invite you in for more information.
It’s always better to smile and make eye contact as much as possible.
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