Synonyms for Contractor: What They Mean and How to Use Them

Entrepreneur synonym: When it comes to the construction industry, words can become extremely specific. Even general terms can have very specific meanings. For example, what does the word “contractor” mean? It could refer to just about anyone who works in construction, right? Not exactly. When you work with this industry on a daily basis, you begin to see the different terms that people use when referring to various professionals.
In fact, there are a number of synonyms for contractor, and they all have their own meaning depending on the context they’re used in. Keep reading to learn more about what these words mean and how you can use them in your day-to-day life as a contractor or someone who works with contractors frequently.

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Synonyms for Contractor: What They Mean and How to Use Them

entrepreneur synonym:

Entrepreneur synonym: When you think of a contractor, you probably picture a carpenter or electrician. But those aren’t the only types of contractors out there. There are many more job roles that fall under the umbrella of contractor, and knowing the specific meaning of each one can help you find the right professional for your project. The different types of contractors can have an impact on things like taxes, liability and insurance — which is why it’s important to understand what these words mean when it comes to your home renovation or construction project. Here’s everything you need to know about contractor terminology:

What does a general contractor do?

As a general contractor, you’re in charge of everything related to a construction project. If a project has a general contractor, it means the contractor will hire all of the subcontractors directly and be responsible for paying them and managing the project. If there is no general contractor, then the project will have multiple contractors who are responsible for their respective areas (like the electrician, plumber, etc.). As a general contractor, you need to have a thorough understanding of construction, experience with the local building department, a good credit history and insurance coverage in case something goes wrong. A general contractor can be a contractor who has multiple crews or a general contractor could be one person who takes on all aspects of the project themselves.

What does a subcontractor do?

Entrepreneur synonym: If you’re a subcontractor, you’ve been hired by the general contractor to do a certain part of the project. For example, say your general contractor is building a new deck. The general contractor will hire the electrician to wire the lights and someone else to wire the outlets you’ll plug the lights into. The people who wired the lights and outlets are subcontractors — they’re hired to do a specific part of the project. Subcontractors are often hired if they have the necessary expertise and equipment to do the job. For example, if you are building a deck and you don’t have a nail gun, you’ll hire a subcontractor with a nail gun (the contractor with the nail gun would be the subcontractor). You’ll pay the general contractor, who will then pay the subcontractor.

What is a Mech? Or a Const?

Entrepreneur synonym: If you see a bid for a mech or a const, it’s a contractor who does site-specific work. For example, if you need a sidewalk built, you’d hire a site engineer. The site engineer would be responsible for the design of the sidewalk, but maybe not the building materials. You’d hire the contractor who owns the equipment to get the materials to the site — that would be the subcontractor. A general contractor will hire a site engineer to do the design, a contractor to do the building materials and a subcontractor to get the materials to the site. If you see a bid for a mech or const, you’re seeing materials-only bids. Those bids are for materials like cement, building materials, not design.

What does an architect do?

An architect is the person who creates the design of your home. This person will help you to pick out wall colors, floor plans, window types and more. The architect will create blueprints and a design and will also work with your contractor to make sure everything is being built to code. An architect will provide you with the blueprints for your home — which is why when you walk into a home, there’s a blueprint on the wall. You’ll need these blueprints to get your home approved for an occupancy permit.

What does a development manager do?

A development manager (also known as a project manager or a construction manager) is hired at the beginning of a project (normally before any bids are put out) to oversee the project. This person ensures the project is on track, meets timelines and is being done correctly. They manage the contractors and make sure they’re staying on track — making sure they get paid and making sure everything gets done according to plan. The development manager has experience dealing with contractors, so they know how to keep them on the right schedule and make sure they’re doing a good job. They can help to avoid issues like delays, cost overruns or problems that could arise from poor planning or communication issues.

What does a builder do?

A builder is someone who specializes in the construction of your home. They’ll be responsible for the blueprints and putting the design into practice. They’ll hire subcontractors to do electrical work, plumbing work, etc. The builder will also work with the architect (or engineer) to make sure everything is built to code. A builder often has a team of people working with them — so they’ll be in charge of the project, but they’ll have people working under them. A builder will also be responsible for the budget of the project. This can come in handy if there are cost overruns — the builder can help to find a solution.

What’s the difference between drywall and plastering?

Entrepreneur synonym: Drywall is what’s used to create the wall on which you’ll hang your artwork. Plastering refers to the thickness of the wall — a traditional 2-inch drywall wall will be much thinner than a plaster wall. Plaster typically has a thicker consistency than drywall, so it can be used to dampen the sound in your home. Drywall is a much thinner material that is often used when the space requires fewer sound-dampening qualities.


If you’re planning a home renovation or construction project, it’s important that you know the difference between contractors. This will help you to hire the right person for the job and understand what they’re responsible for. A contractor is someone who is hired to perform a construction project. A contractor can be a general contractor (in charge of the entire project) or a subcontractor (in charge of specific parts of the project). When hiring a contractor, it’s important to choose someone you trust. It’s also important to have a written agreement outlining the terms of the project so both parties are on the same page.

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