Top Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot): Beet juice can be healthy as well.

Just 200 ml of the juice a day is all you need to reap its benefits.

The juice also has a higher concentration of betalains. However, cooked beets contain more fiber.

But you can include both in your diet; while beets offer the crunch.

The juice seems to contain all the nutrients that might otherwise be lost in the process of cooking (and is easier to digest as well)

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot):

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Is it okay to eat beetroot daily?

You can safely eat beets a few times a week. If you are eating daily, it’s fine, but do so in limited quantities. You can have beet greens in larger quantities as well (but keep in mind the oxalate content).

Can you eat beets raw?

Yes,you can eat beets without cooking them. Make sure you wash them properly.

How do I eat beets?

You can eat them raw or have them roasted with goat cheese. You can also include them in a salad. Refer to the recipes in this post.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Are pickled beets good?

They are more than good. In fact, Olympians use pickled beets for faster recovery. Pickled beets contain sodium that helps prevent muscle cramps. They are also rich in magnesium and potassium. They are good for the heart, give you energy, and prevent fatigue and loss of appetite. But since they are high in sodium, exercise caution, especially if you have hypertension issues.

How many calories in beetroot?

A100 grams of beets contains 43 calories. They also are naturally sweet, and you can try replacing the sugar in your foods with beetroot shavings. This might help with your weight loss goals, although there is no research to prove it either.

Can you eat beet skin?

Yes. Baby beets are especially easy to eat as their skin is tender. The skin is replete with fiber.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Can you eat beet stems?

Yes. They are full of nutrients. But since they are extremely fibrous, you probably need to soften them a bit by cooking. Sometimes, beet stems can be too woody to eat, which is when they can go along with the stock veggies.

Are canned beets healthy?

Yes, canned beets seem to be as nutritious and healthy as fresh beets. They offer good amounts of fiber and folate and also retain the original flavor.
The only consideration is that canned beets contain more salt than fresh ones. Hence, if you rinse canned beets before eating them, you can reduce the amount of sodium by as much as 40%. Also, the process of canning destroys the bacteria, which is why food preservatives are not added to canned beets.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Are beets good for babies?

Yes. The best time to introduce beets to your baby is when (s)he is 8 to 10 months old. If you are concerned about nitrates, you can either boil or steam the beets.
Limit to 1 to 2 teaspoons of beets until your baby is one year old. Later, you can increase the amount gradually.
More importantly, do the 4-day test. You must do this test before introducing any new food to your baby. You must introduce only one food at a time. Introduce beets and wait for 4 days. If there is no symptom of any allergy, you can give them to your baby regularly.
Beets benefit your baby in numerous ways – they reduce the risk of anemia, improve digestion, and offer various other essential nutrients.

Can beet greens be eaten raw?

Yes, but it is better to include them in salads.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Improves exercise stamina

According to a small  studyTrusted Source, drinking beet juice increases plasma nitrate levels and boosts physical performance.

During the study, trained cyclists who drank 2 cups of beet juice daily improved their 10-kilometer time trial by approximately 12 seconds. At the same time, they also reduced their maximum oxygen output.

May improve muscle power in people with heart failure

Results of a  study suggest further benefits of the nitrates in beet juice. The study showed that people with heart failure experienced a 13 percent increase in muscle power 2 hours after drinking beet juice.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

May slow the progression of dementia

According to a 2011 studyTrusted Source, nitrates may help increase blood flow to the brain in older people and help slow cognitive decline.

After participants consumed a high-nitrate diet that included beet juice, their brain MRIs showed increased blood flow in the frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are associated with cognitive thinking and behavior.

More studies are needed, but the potential of a high-nitrate diet to help prevent or slow dementia is promising.

Helps you maintain a healthy weight

Straight beet juice is low in calories and has virtually no fat. It’s a great option for your morning smoothie. It’ll give you a nutrient and energy boost as you start your day.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

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May prevent cancer

Beets get their rich color from betalains, which are water-soluble antioxidants. According to a 2016 studyTrusted Source, betalains have chemo-preventive abilities against some cancer cell lines.

Betalains are thought to be free radical scavengers that help find and destroy unstable cells in the body.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Good source of potassium

Beets are a good source of potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that helps nerves and muscles function properly. Drinking beet juice in moderation can help keep your potassium levels optimal.

If potassium levels get too low, fatigue, weakness, and muscle cramps can occur. Very low potassium may lead to life threatening abnormal heart rhythms.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Good source of other minerals

Your body can’t function properly without essential minerals. Some minerals boost your immune system, while others support healthy bones and teeth.

Besides potassium, beet juice provides:

  • iron
  • magnesium
  • manganese
  • sodium
  • zinc
  • copper
  • selenium

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Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Good source of folate

Folate is a B vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects, such as spinal bifida and anencephaly. It may also decrease your risk for having a premature baby.

Beet juice is a good source of folate. If you’re of childbearing age, adding folate to your diet can help you get the daily recommended amount of 600 micrograms.

Supports your liver

You may develop a condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease if your liver becomes overloaded due to the following factors:

  • a poor diet
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • exposure to toxic substances
  • sedentary lifestyle

The antioxidant betaine potentially helps prevent or reduce fatty deposits in the liver. Betaine may also help protect your liver from toxins.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

May reduce cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, consider adding beet juice to your diet.

A  study on rats found that beetroot extract lowered total cholesterol and triglycerides and increased HDL, or “good,” cholesterol. It also reduced oxidative stress on the liver.

Researchers believe beetroot’s cholesterol-lowering potential is likely due to its phytonutrients, such as flavonoids.

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Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)


Your urine and stools may turn red or pinkish after eating beets. This condition, known as beeturia, is harmless. However, it may be startling if you don’t expect it.

If you have low blood pressure, drinking beet juice regularly may increase the risk of your pressure dropping too low. Monitor your blood pressure carefully.

If you’re prone to calcium oxalate kidney stones, don’t drink beet juice. Beets are high in oxalates, which are naturally occurring substances that form crystals in your urine. They may lead to stones.

Health line Newsletter (Beetroot)

Next steps

Beets are healthy no matter how you prepare them. However, juicing beets is a superior way to enjoy them because cooking beets reduces their nutritional value.

If you don’t like beet juice straight up, try adding some apple slices, mint, citrus, or a carrot to cut through the earthy taste.

If you decide to add beet juice to your diet, take it easy at first. Start by juicing half a small beet and see how your body responds. As your body adjusts, you can drink more.

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