How to Start Block Industry

How to Start Block Industry

Housing  is one of the basic need  to man. Apart from what to wear or what to eat, your home is as necessary as food is, and as necessary as clothing is.

But home or shelter to me is a fundamental basic necessity to man, and since every man needs shelter to protect himself from some sort of unnecessary outside infringement of his rights.

As well as unfavorable weather, that in effect means that for every man to own at least a house then the demand for housing is likely to be on the high side.

Having said that, of recent there is increase in house rent in cities within Nigeria.

More so, because of the exorbitant house rent in cities.

Some Nigerians who have the money have decided to Invest in real estate business, for example by building residential houses for the interested members of the public.

However, looking at Nigeria critically, one will discover that there is an ever-increasing demand new offices, new churches, schools, mosques, shopping malls.

Therefore this and many other needs of Nigerians have shown or validate the boom in the block business in Nigeria.

However, the way people described Nigeria is that Nigeria is among the fast growing economy globally.

Be that as it may, the ever-increasing demand for building structures in order to meet the housing needs of the all Nigerians.

These and many more are some of the reasons that make block industry a lucrative business that anybody can invest in.

Interestingly ,block business is one of the money spinning businesses in Nigeria.

And learning to understand the business proper could be good starting point to succeeded in block  industry in Nigeria.

How to Start Block Industry in NigeriaHow to Start Block Industry in NigeriaHow to start block industry: 


  • Look for place to establish your block industry:

One of the first things you will do if you really want to start block industry in Nigeria will be to look a convenience place that will be suitable for your block business.

Having securing the land for which you want to start your block business.

You can engage some people to clear the piece of land for a fee.

And be sure that where start your block industry will determine the extent at which you will success.

Therefore ,you should site your location, that is your business place close to people who will be in need of your products.

For example have your industry close to where developing building projects are, that means you will be close to your potential customers.

Please, take not, you have to make proper verification before you get into any land.

And my suggestion will be to make inquiry.

Get to know the owner of the land you are using for your block business.

And having known him you will begin to bargain for the land.

Whatever thing you agreed will come as the rent paid for that property.

Be sure that your land is spacious enough to serve other purposes other than block production.

The space should include;

Where to dry your blocks,

Warehouse to store your cements.

Another important thing you should endeavour to have, should be at least one shed in your business place.

Facilities needed to start you block industry:

There is some equipment you will make readily available before you start your block industry, and these facilities include;

  • You will need Cement Block Carrier: the equipment will serve a great deal of purpose in your cement molding factory.
  • You will need this equipment for water mixture, sand and cement alike.
  • There is this other machine called Vibrating Block moulding machine.
  • And one of the advantages of this equipment is that it help mould block faster.

You will have to also have a truck in your block business so as to help convey products from your company to your clients’ construction site.

As well as for the conveying of cement from wherever you may them to your ware house.

  • You will need head pans and shovels in your business.

You should have constant power supply in your company, and in this kind of business.

You do not anyhow generator, your generator should a diesel generator.

It will be the most suitable in block production.

Materials you will need to start and run your business:

  • Ready water supply:

Infarct, one of the most essential ingredients in block molding business is water.

Therefore water should constantly be available.

Because it is water that is use to mix all recipe of that produced block.

Without water, there is no production, and to succeed in your block molding business.

There should be availability of water.

  • Availability of cement:

You will need cement in larger quantity to be consistent in your block production and meeting the demand of your clients.

You should have your cement supply to you at affordable prices.

And you should also have a suitable place to store your cement since it is the principal material in the production of blocks.

Please note, where you store you cement should be a dry place and endeavor to cover your cement to avoid them being damaged by either rain or sun.

You should also note that not all cements are suitable for the production of block particularly for commercial scale.

So what you will need do would be to choose a type of cement that will facilitate quickly dried of these blocks.

  • Source for suitable sand:

There are quite different kinds of sands in the market.

Therefore you should be able to differentiate between sans that are used for block molding and the one that is used for plastering.

Get out there, and make an enquiry about where to source for this different sand, at affordable prices.

You must also the important of sand in production of block.

However, the most suitable sand for block production is called sharp sand.

  • You can employ helping hands:

Block production business that you cannot necessarily run a lone.

That is why more often than not, you will need some helping hands to help you grow your business.

To succeed, you need the operators of these machines, people who are well vested with the business of block production.

With this information you successfully start your block industry in Nigeria.

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