Investment one: It is never too soon to start investing. Investing is the smartest way to secure your financial future and to begin letting your money make more money for you. Investing is not just for people who have plenty of spare cash. On the contrary, anyone can (and should) invest. You can get started with just a little bit of money and a lot of know-how. By formulating a plan and familiarizing yourself with the tools available, you can quickly learn how to start investing.
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Investment one
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1. Make sure you have a safety net. Holding some money in reserve is a good idea because (a) if you lose your investment you’ll have something to fall back on, and (b) it will allow you to be a bolder investor, since you won’t be worried about risking every penny you own.
- Save between three and six months’ worth of expenses. Call it your emergency fund, set aside for large, unexpected expenses (job loss, medical expenses, auto accident, etc.). This money should be in cash or some other form that’s very conservative and immediately available.
- Once you have an emergency fund established, you can start to save for your long-term goals, like buying a home, retirement, and college tuition.
- If your employer offers a retirement plan, this is a great vehicle for saving, because it can save on your tax bill, and your employer may contribute money to match some of your own contributions, which amounts to “free” money for you.
- If you don’t have a retirement plan through your workplace, most employees are allowed to accumulate tax-deferred savings in a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. If you are self-employed, you have options like a SEP-IRA or a “SIMPLE” IRA. Once you’ve determined the type of account(s) to set up, you can then choose specific investments to hold within them.
- Get current on all your insurance policies. This includes auto, health, homeowner’s/renter’s, disability, and life insurance. With luck you’ll never need insurance, but it’s nice to have in the event of disaster.
Investment one
2. Learn a little bit about stocks. This is what most people think of when they consider “investing.” Put simply, a stock is a share in the ownership of a business, a publicly-held company. The stock itself is a claim on what the company owns — its assets and earnings. When you buy stock in a company, you are making yourself part-owner. If the company does well, the value of the stock will probably go up, and the company may pay you a “dividend,” a reward for your investment. If the company does poorly, however, the stock will probably lose value.
- The value of stock comes from public perception of its worth. That means the stock price is driven by what people think it’s worth, and the price at which a stock is purchased or sold is whatever the market will bear, even if the underlying value (as measured by certain fundamentals) might suggest otherwise.
- A stock price goes up when more people want to buy that stock than sell it. Stock prices go down when more people want to sell than buy. In order to sell stock, you have to find someone willing to buy at the listed price. In order to buy stock, you have to find someone selling their stock at a price you like.
- The job of a stockbroker is to pair up buyers and sellers.
- “Stocks” can mean a lot of different things. For example, penny stocks are stocks that trade at relatively low prices, sometimes just pennies.
- Various stocks are bundled into what’s called an index, like the Dow Jones Industrials, which is a list of 30 high-performing stocks. An index is a useful indicator of the performance of the whole market.
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3. Familiarize yourself with bonds. Bonds are issuances of debt, similar to an IOU. When you buy a bond, you’re essentially lending someone money. The borrower (“issuer”) agrees to pay back the money (the “principal”) when the life (“term”) of the loan has expired. The issuer also agrees to pay interest on the principal at a stated rate. The interest is the whole point of the investment. The term of the bond can range from months to years, at the end of which period the borrower pays back the principal in full.
- Here’s an example: You buy a five-year municipal bond for $10,000 with an interest rate of 2.35%. Thus, you lend the municipality $10,000. Each year the municipality pays you interest on your bond in the amount of of 2.35% of $10,000, or $235. After five years the municipality pays back your $10,000. So you’ve made back your principal plus a profit of $1175 in interest (5 x $235).
- Generally the longer the term of the bond, the higher the interest rate. If you’re lending your money for a year, you probably won’t get a high interest rate, because one year is a relatively short period of risk. If you’re going to lend your money and not expect it back for ten years, however, you will be compensated for the higher risk you’re taking, and the interest rate will be higher. This illustrates an axiom in investing: The higher the risk, the higher the potential return. But higher risk often means higher potential for loss for many investments.
Investment one
4. Understand the commodities market. When you invest in something like a stock or a bond, you invest in the business represented by that security. The piece of paper you get is worthless, but what it promises is valuable. A commodity, on the other hand, is something of inherent value, something capable of satisfying a need or desire. Commodities include pork bellies (bacon), coffee beans, oil, natural gas, and potash, among many other items. The commodity itself is valuable, because people want and use it.
- People often trade commodities by buying and selling “futures.” A future is simply an agreement to buy or sell a commodity at a certain price sometime in the future.
- Futures were originally used as a “hedging” technique by farmers. Here’s a simple example of how it works: Farmer Joe grows avocados. The price of avocados, however, is typically volatile, meaning that it goes up and down a lot. At the beginning of the season, the wholesale price of avocados is $4 per bushel. If Farmer Joe has a bumper crop of avocados but the price of avocados drops to $2 per bushel in April at harvest, Farmer Joe may lose a lot of money.
- Joe, in advance of harvest as insurance against such a loss, sells a futures contract to someone. The contract stipulates that the buyer of the contract agrees to buy all of Joe’s avocados at $4 per bushel in April.
- Now Joe has protection against a price drop. If the price of avocados goes up, he’ll be fine because he can sell his avocados at the market price. If the price of avocados drops to $2, he can sell his avocados at $4 to the buyer of the contract and make more than other farmers who don’t have a similar contract.
- The buyer of a futures contract always hopes that the price of a commodity will go up beyond the futures price he paid. That way he can lock in a lower-than-market price. The seller hopes that the price of a commodity will go down. He can buy the commodity at low (market) prices and then sell it to the buyer at a higher-than-market price.
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5. Know a bit about investing in property. Investing in real estate can be a risky but lucrative proposition. There are lots of ways you can invest in property. You can buy a house and become a landlord. You pocket the difference between what you pay on the mortgage and what the tenant pays you in rent. You can also flip homes. That means you buy a home in need of renovations, fix it up, and sell it as quickly as possible. Real estate can be a profitable vehicle for some, but it is not without substantial risk involving property maintenance and market value.
- Other ways of gaining exposure to real estate include collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), which are mortgages that have been bundled into securitized instruments. These, however, are tools for sophisticated investors: their transparency and quality can vary greatly, as revealed during the 2008 downturn.
- Some people think that home values are guaranteed to go up. History has shown otherwise: real estate values in most areas show very modest rates of return after accounting for costs such as maintenance, taxes and insurance. As with many investments, real estate values do invariably rise if given enough time. If your time horizon is short, however, property ownership is not a guaranteed money-maker.
- Property acquisition and disposal can be a lengthy and unpredictable process and should be viewed as a long-term, higher-risk proposition. It is not the type of investment that is appropriate if your time horizon is short and is certainly not a guaranteed investment.
Investment one
6. Learn about mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Mutual funds and ETFs are similar investment vehicles in that each is a collection of many stocks and/or bonds (hundreds or thousands in some cases). Holding an individual security is a concentrated way of investing – the potential for gain or loss is tied to a single company – whereas holding a fund is a way to spread the risk across many companies, sectors or regions. Doing so can dampen the upside potential but also serves to protect against the downside risk.
- Commodities exposure is usually achieved by holding futures contracts or a fund of futures contracts. Real estate can be held directly (by owning a home or investment property) or in a real estate investment trust (REIT) or REIT fund, which holds interests in a number of residential or commercial properties.
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