10 Best Interactive Marketing Campaigns in Singapore

Marketing interactive: Interactive marketing is all about giving customers the opportunity to engage with your brand in a more personal way. Rather than simply being exposed to ads, customers are prompted to take action in some way. Whether that’s by taking the first step towards making a purchase, signing up for your email newsletter, or some other type of interaction. Interactive marketing campaigns can be used for almost any brand or business, no matter how big or small. They’re also perfect for businesses that want to target millennials. Interactive marketing helps businesses stand out from their competitors and gives them an edge over other brands.
Interactive marketing campaigns are a great way to leverage the power of technology and cater to an increasingly digital audience. Read on to discover 10 examples of interactive marketing campaigns done right in Singapore.

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10 Best Interactive Marketing Campaigns in Singapore

Marketing Interactive is Asia's leading source of advertising, marketing & media news. News coverage includes Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong, reaching out to all marketing & advertising related professionals.

Interactive marketing is an innovative technique that helps brands stand out in a busy and cluttered media landscape. The digital age has made people more impatient, so creating ads or campaigns that require viewers to click or tap on something to proceed isn’t going to cut it anymore. Interactive marketing instead encourages users to participate directly with brands in order to unlock hidden content or access special offers. Whether you are looking for inspiration for your next campaign or need some ideas for your upcoming marketing initiatives, check out these interactive marketing campaigns from recent Singapore advertising case studies:

Instagram for beauty and wellness brands

Marketing interactive: Beauty and wellness brands can take advantage of Instagram’s geofilters and AR features to enhance user engagement and target their ideal customer base. For example, Swiss skincare brand Niveine created a campaign using Instagram’s geofilters to encourage users to interact with its product. The brand created geofilters that users could overlay onto their photos wherever they were in the world. This allowed users to use the same filtered format as the brand’s influencers, making it easier for people to engage with the brand and share their experience with others. While this is an excellent way to encourage Instagram users to tag their location, Niveine also provided a special code that allowed users to unlock additional content when they posted with the filtered photos. This encouraged users to engage with the brand beyond just liking or commenting on the photo. Users were able to unlock a special discount code and content that explained the benefits of the brand’s skincare products. The giveaway code was only available for a limited time, making it easier for the brand to convert these new followers into customers.

Google’s TGV customised bus shelter ads

Marketing interactive: Google Singapore partnered with Singapore’s Land Transport Authority to create a campaign that encouraged people to adopt digital health tools such as Google Calendar. The idea was to promote the Google Calendar app in a creative and engaging way. The campaign featured bus shelter ads with giant calendar tabs that snapped shut when people came near. This way, passersby were encouraged to touch the giant tabs to get them to open. The idea was to make people aware that they can use the Google Calendar app to keep track of their appointments and other important events. The giant tabs also featured a reminder to use the app: “Touch to add to your calendar.” The campaign generated a lot of organic media coverage and was even awarded a Bronze pencil at the prestigious Cannes Lions advertising awards.

Google Singapore’s “Google Shhh” ad campaign

Marketing interactive: Google Singapore partnered with the Singapore Book Council to create a campaign that encouraged people to read more books. The idea was to create awareness about Books-to-Read – a free service that lets users borrow eBooks from a public library’s digital collection. This campaign featured posters with giant speech bubbles that shushed people who were making noise with their phones. The bubbles also included a prompt asking people to “Shhh! Read a book” and linked to Books-to-Read. This campaign was created to be flexible, allowing the Book Council to change the prompt that appeared in the speech bubbles on the posters. The campaign generated a lot of interest from the media and was featured in various articles, TV segments, and online news sites.

Starbucks Singapore’s Frappuccino art ad campaign

Marketing interactive: Starbucks Singapore partnered with art education platform Zeiss to create an art-themed ad campaign that encouraged users to discover the joy of art with their loved ones. The campaign featured posters featuring the artwork of Singaporean artists who used the app to create their art pieces. The posters included prompts that encouraged people to upload their photos and create a collaborative art piece with their friends and family. This campaign was ideal for families and groups of friends who were looking to do something creative together. The campaign was featured in the media and generated a lot of social media engagement, creating more awareness about the Zeiss app.

HP Singapore’s “Touch and Feel” Print Ad

HP Singapore partnered with creative agency BBH Singapore to create an invisible print ad that encourages readers to explore the human senses. The ad featured a message that read “Touch to experience sound.” The ad invited readers to touch the print on the page to hear a sound that related to one of the five human senses. The campaign was featured in the media and generated a lot of attention, helping HP Singapore engage with a younger demographic.

M1 Singapores VR gaming ad campaign

Marketing interactive: M1 Singapore created a VR ad campaign that encouraged users to explore and navigate the city from the comforts of their living room or offices. The campaign featured posters that contained QR codes that led people to a virtual reality experience. The VR experience let users explore a city from the top of a building or the streets. This campaign was ideal for gamers looking for a new VR experience. The campaign generated a lot of social media engagement and was featured in the media.

Microsoft Singapore’s Xbox Adaptive Controller ad

Marketing interactive: Microsoft Singapore partnered with disability organisation SEND to create a campaign that encouraged people to use adaptive technology. The campaign featured posters that contained a QR code that led people to an ad that featured the Xbox Adaptive Controller, an assistive device designed to help people with limited mobility use their Xbox consoles. The ad featured an audio-description narrator that provided more context to the visuals, making the ad accessible to users with visual impairments. This campaign was ideal for people who needed help using adaptive technologies and for people who were interested in learning about such technologies. The campaign generated a lot of social media engagement and was featured in the media.


Marketing interactive: From interactive ads to printed experiences, interactive marketing campaigns have come a long way since the early days of computers and the internet. In order to stand out from the crowd, brands need to create campaigns that require their users to participate and engage with their brands. Over the years, digital technology has evolved, allowing brands to create more engaging and interactive experiences that let their users have fun while interacting with the brand. This future of marketing will be more personalized and relevant to each individual. With all of these new opportunities and trends, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed—or even a little anxious. If that’s the case, take a deep breath and remember one thing: marketing is always changing, but it’s not always changing you.

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