Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Apply For NTI Programme In Nigeria

NTI: The National Training Incentive Scheme (NTIS) is a government program in Nigeria that aims to help unemployed youth get training and access new job opportunities. Through the program, the government offers financial aid to youth who want to pursue vocational training. If you are an unemployed youth or someone looking for ways to help your future, read on to know if you qualify for NTI Scheme in Nigeria.
If you are reading this article, there’s a high chance that you are unemployed because of a variety of factors such as location, age, educational qualifications and others. However, no matter what your circumstances are – there is always opportunity for those willing to seize it.
To learn more about the National Training Incentive Scheme (NTIS) in Nigeria and find out if you qualify for it, continue reading!

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Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Apply For NTI Programme In Nigeria


Do you know that the National Technical Institute (NTI) Programme is one of the most effective ways for you to begin a career in your chosen field? It’s a residential training and education program designed to help you gain the skills required for almost any trade, including technology, engineering, science, digital media and more. If you’re thinking about embarking on an exciting new career path in 2019 but are not sure where to start from, read on. In this article, we shall be focusing on why you should apply for NTI programme in Nigeria if you want to pursue a career in technology or engineering.

List of NTI Programmes In Nigeria

Even though the National Technical Institute has been around since 1972, only recently is it getting the attention it deserves. This is because the institute runs under different names based on what area of engineering or technology you are interested in studying. Some of these programmes include:

Aviation Technology

– Automobile Engineering

– Chemical Engineering

– Civil Engineering

– Electrical Engineering

– Electronic Engineering

– Mechanical Engineering

– Mechatronics Engineering

– Mining Engineering

– Oil and Gas Engineering

– Printing Technology

– Textile Technology

– Welding Engineering

– Computer Science

– Data Science

– Information Technology

– Software Engineering

– Internet of Things (IoT)

– Cyber Security

How does the NTI programme work?

The NTI program works by pairing each participant with a mentor who is an expert in their field.

You will be expected to attend seminars and workshops, conduct research, and make a presentation on the topic.

You will also be expected to make use of the on-campus resources such as a fully equipped laboratory or experimental facilities.

The NTI programme is a residential program.

This means that you will have to move onto the campus where you will be living, studying, and making friends with other participants who are going through the same thing as you.

The program lasts for a period of 2 years.

However, if you choose to study the field of engineering, the program will be extended to 3 years.

So you can acquire the skills required to pass your Engineering Council of Nigeria (ECN) professional examinations.

Why should you apply for NTI in Nigeria?

There are many reasons why you should apply for NTI in Nigeria. We have listed some of them below:

– You will be trained by world-class experts

– There are a number of leading experts and mentors who are available to train you.

Some of these include Dr. Omolola Ette, Dr. Francis Chukwuemeka, Prof. Ambrose Ukwu, Prof. Aderonke Idowu, and Prof. Moses Olurunji.

You will be learning the latest trends in your industry thanks to these experts.

– You will be exposed to cutting-edge technologies

– You will be given the chance to experiment with the latest technology and trends in your industry.

This will prepare you for a bright and successful future as an expert in your chosen field.

– You will be exposed to a high level of competition

– You will be living and studying with a number of other students coming from different backgrounds.

This will help you learn how to compete with the best.

– You will have the chance to network with successful professionals

– As part of the NTI programme, you will be expected to form partnerships with experts in your field.

This will help you gain the necessary skills to succeed in your chosen industry.

– You will be given a scholarship

– If you qualify, you will be given a scholarship that will cover your tuition fee, books and other expenses.

6 Things You Should Know About NTI Programme In Nigeria

– The NTI programme is a great solution if you are looking to start a career in engineering or technology.

– You will be expected to live on the campus where the program is being held.

– You will be paired with a mentor who will be guiding you throughout the course.

– You will be given the chance to experiment with the latest technologies in your chosen field.

– You will have to pass a screening and entrance examination before you can enrol in the program.

– You can choose to attend full-time or part-time depending on your lifestyle and availability.

3 Reasons To Be Excited About NTI Programme In Nigeria

– You will be exposed to the latest technology trends in your chosen field.

This will help you stay relevant in your industry for a long time.

– You will be given the chance to network with experts in your industry.

This will help you get a job in your chosen field with relative ease.

– You will be given a scholarship if you qualify for the program.

This will ease your financial burden and help you finish your degree with ease.

2 Reasons To Be Concerned About NTI Programme In Nigeria

– The program is a residential program. This means that you will have to live on the campus for a period of 2 years. – The program is extremely competitive. If you are looking to enrol, you will have to be the best.


The NTI programme is a great way to kick-start a career in engineering or technology.

If you are looking to make a change in your life and find a job that will give you satisfaction.

Then this is the programme for you. You will be given the tools and training required to excel in your chosen field.

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