Top 3 Profitable Ideas to Start Okra Farming Business
Top 3 Profitable Ideas to Start Okra Farming Business : Okra is a tasty and healthy vegetable that is used to prepare a lot of popular soups.
Okra is packed with nutrients particularly vitamins A, B, K and C.
In addition, it contains iron, calcium and zinc. Okra can reduce blood sugar levels in addition to stabilize cholesterol levels. The vitamin A within okra helps to improve immunity and also improves eyesight.
Okra farming business quite enticing with the fact that it’s not capital intensive and it’s extremely rewarding. Additionally, okra does nicely on most soil types.
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The Land to be utilized for okra farming demands tilling in preparation for the planting period.
All rocky or stony materials and other unwanted materials must also be removed.
Additionally, it’s necessary that the property to be utilized for okra farming is nicely exposed to sufficient sunshine.
It doesn’t matter whether it is merely a little garden or a huge part of property, it’s necessary that you ensure there are nothing that prevent adequate exposure of the ground surface to sun.
Okra does badly on waterlogged soil so it’s essential that the soil you will be using is well drained.
A Superb Method of preventing waterlogging because of excess rain or watering is by producing station of leave for all these water
2. Planting:
The planting season ought to commence from the dry season once the weather remains warm and bright.
Normally, cold weather or temperature impacts germination negatively; nevertheless you can shield the seedlings by covering them with plant substances
Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in water for 1 or two days.
This helps to accelerate the procedure of germination.
Additionally, it’s ideal to plant your own okra on higher beds.
The plant will flourish better on a bed that is raised than once planted on a set soil.
Moreover, you do not need to plant okra alone.
It may be intercropped with other crops like maize, beans, vegetables and berries.
After planting the okra seeds, then the plant ought to be watered once each week.
Though, these crops can perform well even in small water, routine water will help to enhance the growth.
Thinning can also be significant when the plants start to sprout.
The Perfect spacing between plants must be approximately 1 foot
3. Harvesting:
On the other hand, the technique of harvesting depends on your final product.
As an example, if the aim is to harvest the pods for ingestion purpose then you can begin harvesting after the pods remain tender.
The pods in this stage of harvest are approximately 2-3 inches in length.
It isn’t a good idea to wait no more than those or you’ll get fibrous and inedible pods.
Ideally, harvesting ought to be performed every two weeks.
This also can help to stimulate the production of more pods.
Okra is a very popular and nutritious vegetable farmed and consumed by many people across the country.
But some Nigerian farmers hardly see okra farming as big business.
However, those who engage in the venture have a lot of success stories to tell.
You don’t just make money by farming okra, but by knowing the secrets of okra farming and following them diligently.”
For one to reap bountifully and make gains from okra farming.
The farmer must first and foremost plant on a very fertile soil in a good location, particularly flat land.
After getting a good location, the next thing is to go for improved okra seeds.
The variety I plant, matures in 40 days. I plant twice in the rainy season and once in the dry season,” the farmer disclosed.
Once you have chosen the right location and the right variety.
The next thing to do is to keep to time and carry out good crop management practices.
“The best thing to do is to plant on ridges.
Because it makes the soil more available to the plants.
But okra also performs very well if planted on flat soil.
I plant on tilled flat soil and I am getting good yield.
Okra farmer should be very observant to detect if the soil he or she plants on is already fertile.
So as to avoid waste of money by applying fertilizers that the crops don’t even need.
“Mere looking at this soil you know is rich, so I don’t apply fertilizer, not even manure, but the crops are flourishing.
But if you must apply fertilizer, apply the right type at the required dosage, and at the right time as well,” she stressed.
The farmer should weed the farm manually when it is noticed that weeds have come up to a level.
Because they always compete for nutrients with the crops, adding that, “You must also keep pests away when the need arises.”
It is also good to intercrops the farm with maize.
Searches related to Okra Farming Business
problems of okra production .
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