Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury lawyer kansas city If you’ve been injured in an accident and are unsure about what to do next, hiring a personal injury lawyer might be your best option. In any type of personal injury case, legal representation greatly improves the chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries.
A personal injury lawyer can help explore your legal options, build a case against the liable party, and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible outcome from your case. Depending on the circumstances of your accident and how much risk you’re willing to take personally, there are several benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer.

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Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer


Personal injury lawyer kansas city If you’ve been injured due to the negligence or wrongful act of another party, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages from time off work, and psychological or emotional stress. However, hiring a personal injury lawyer won’t be cheap. In fact, it can cost several thousand dollars for their services. Do you know if it’s worth it? Here are some top reasons why hiring a personal injury lawyer is a great investment in your future.

You Need a Skilled Advocate on Your Side

While no one likes to end up in a situation requiring the services of a lawyer, it’s important to know that hiring one is just as much about defending yourself against the other party as it is about getting compensated for your injuries. Knowing how to negotiate with the other party on your own may not be in your best interests. These are just a few of the reasons why hiring a skilled advocate on your side is the best way to put yourself in the position of strength and put the odds in your favor. At the very least, you’ll need someone to represent you in court and help you receive proper compensation.

You May Recover Much More Than Medical Costs

Personal injury lawyer kansas city While the main reason people hire a lawyer to handle their personal injury case is to get compensated for their medical bills, there’s a good chance you’ll receive more money. In fact, the average settlement in the U.S. is more than $50,000 and can be significantly higher in the event of a fatality. By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you greatly increase the chances of recovering compensation for additional expenses, such as lost wages, loss of future earnings, and pain and suffering. This means your personal injury lawyer may be able to help you recover compensation for the full impact of the accident, including expenses you’re not yet aware of. This is great news for you, as it means you may be able to recover enough money to put you on the path to financial stability for the rest of your life.

It Helps Establish Fault & Set Aside Deductible

Personal injury lawyers are adept at establishing fault, which is crucial if you want to maximize the amount of compensation you receive. In fact, you may be able to recover compensation from more than one person or company involved in the fault, including the person who caused the accident and the company they work for. By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you also help set aside any insurance deductible you have to pay before receiving compensation, which is great news if you’re not prepared to pay out of pocket. If your insurance company finds out you hired a lawyer, they will likely try to remove you from the claim, even if you’re fairly certain you don’t have a case. This is because they don’t want to pay out more than they’re required to, especially if the other person is a “hard claim”. You need a personal injury lawyer to fight for you and your rights.

Negotiating Power w/ Insurance Co. & Mega-Co.

Once you’ve hired a personal injury lawyer, you’ll notice the insurance company begins to take you much more seriously. In fact, hiring a lawyer is the best way to negotiate with insurance companies and mega-companies. By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you’re showing the insurance company that you’re serious about receiving compensation for your injuries. You’re also setting a boundary and letting them know you’re not going to settle for anything less than you deserve. Unfortunately, insurance companies and mega-companies have the upper hand in most negotiations, often bullying injured individuals into accepting significantly less than they deserve. You need a personal injury lawyer to help you gain negotiating power and make the most of your claim.

No Fee Until You Recover Compensation

You need to know that personal injury lawyers don’t get paid until you recover compensation. This means you’re not out any money up front, and you’re not tied to an ongoing fee. Instead, you pay your lawyer a percentage of the compensation you receive at the end of your case. By hiring a lawyer, you’re not tied to any fees or monthly obligations. You pay nothing unless you receive compensation. However, it’s important to note that not every personal injury lawyer operates this way. Make sure you understand the terms of your lawyer’s service before signing any contracts.

Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Acts is Short

Personal injury lawyer kansas city It’s crucial to note that you have a very short amount of time to file a claim against the responsible party for causing your personal injury. The Statute of Limitations varies for each state, but most are less than two years. By hiring a lawyer, you’ll ensure your claim is filed in the proper time frame. If you attempt to file the claim on your own, you may miss the deadline, which means you won’t be able to recover compensation for your injuries.

Protecting Your Rights & Reputation

You never know what the long-term consequences of a personal injury will be. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for an individual to experience long-lasting damage that affects their future earnings and career path. By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you help to protect your rights and reputation. If you file a legitimate claim, you’ll receive compensation to help cover bills and lost wages. If your claim is legitimate, there’s no reason to believe it’ll negatively impact your reputation. However, if you try to file a claim on your own and it turns out you don’t have a legitimate case, your reputation could be damaged.


If you’ve been injured due to the negligence or wrongful action of another person, you may be able to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages from time off work, and psychological or emotional stress. Hiring a personal injury lawyer won’t be cheap, but there are many reasons why it’s a great investment for your future. You need a skilled advocate on your side, and you may be able to recover much more than medical costs. It also helps establish fault and set aside any insurance deductible. Plus, you have no fee until you recover compensation. Protecting your rights and reputation, and safeguarding your future are just a few of the many benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer.

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