Salesforce Backup and Recovery: Tips for Disaster Recovery Testing

Businesses rely on Salesforce for critical processes, customer engagement and data storage. As a result, having the right backup and recovery plan in place is essential to ensure that data is safe from potential disasters. 

This article provides an overview of 10 tips for testing your Salesforce disaster recovery plans to ensure they are effective in restoring your business operations quickly.

1) Establish Clear Objectives: 

Before beginning any test of your disaster recovery plan, it’s important to understand what you are trying to achieve with the test. Are you ensuring that all systems can be recovered quickly? Are you validating that the backups taken have been successful? Having clear objectives will help focus the testing process and make sure resources are focused on the right tasks.

2) Create a Test Environment: 

Creating a test environment to run your recovery tests is the best way to ensure that no important data or system components are impacted by the tests. This allows for a safe testing space, free from unexpected problems and results in more accurate testing outcomes.

3) Document Your Plan: 

Having a detailed document of your disaster recovery plan is essential for running successful tests. Ensuring all steps are clearly outlined and available during the test will make it easier to follow along, troubleshoot issues, and quickly identify any gaps or flaws in the plan.

4) Schedule Regular Tests: 

Regularly scheduling tests helps ensure that the backup processes are working properly and that any changes made to systems are accounted for. It’s important to test your disaster recovery plan on a regular basis, at least once per quarter, to ensure that it is up to date and working properly.

5) Test the Complete Process: 

Running backups and restores separately can be useful for understanding how each process works but it’s important to also test the complete disaster recovery process. This includes running both backup and restore tests together to make sure they are successfully integrated with one another.

6) Use Real Data: 

Testing with real data will help you identify any potential issues more accurately than if you were using simulated or dummy data. Using real data also has the benefit of reducing the time required to do manual comparisons between the original data sets and those restored from the backups.

7) Automate Tests: 

Automating tests is an effective way to quickly validate results and reduce the time required for manual testing. Automated tests can be used to run through different scenarios and environments, ensuring that the process is repeatable and reliable.

8) Involve All Departments: 

Having all teams involved in the disaster recovery plan ensures that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities during a disaster. It’s important for every team to understand their part in restoring business operations quickly as well as any potential risks associated with relying on Salesforce data or processes.

9) Monitor Performance: 

Monitoring system performance during the test will help identify any areas of improvement needed before a real disaster occurs. This includes ensuring that the backups are being taken at the right frequency and that restores can be completed quickly.

10) Create a Report: 

Creating a report of the test results is essential for understanding how your disaster recovery plan performed and identifying any areas of improvement needed. The report should include an analysis of the tests run, any issues identified during testing, what worked well, and recommended changes or improvements based on the findings. 


By following these tips for testing Salesforce’s disaster recovery plans, businesses can ensure that their operations will be quickly restored in case of an emergency. Having well-tested plans in place will help reduce risk and ensure business continuity when disaster strikes. 


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