Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic: If you’ve had nothing but bad jobs in the past.
You know there’s a difference between getting “any” job and getting a “good” job.
There are certain tasks you’ll need to follow when looking for employment.
But if you’re serious about enjoying the work you do.
You also need to spend more time separating the good opportunities from the bad ones.
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Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
1. Balance talent with passion.
“Do what you’re passionate about” is common advice, but it isn’t entirely accurate.
While it’s important to like the job you have.
It’s equally important to have some natural skill or talent for the type of work you’re involved in.
- Identify your “motivated skills.” These include any skills you’ve actually enjoyed developing, even if you haven’t had the opportunity to develop them much. When looking for new jobs, try to find an opening that will allow you to continue using and developing these abilities.
- The keyword, however, is “skill.” If you aren’t able to do the job correctly, both you and your new employer will be dissatisfied, no matter how much interest you have in the task.
2. Evaluate the path to each goal.
It’s possible to get a good job at nearly any level of experience.
But you probably won’t get your “dream job” right away.
Before you set your sights on your ideal, though.
Make sure that you can handle the path you’ll need to travel on your way there.
- For example, most successful authors have faced prolonged periods of financial strain, tedious self-improvement, obscurity, and rejection before achieving their status. If you aren’t prepared to do likewise, you probably shouldn’t make “successful author” your career goal.
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3. Avoid over-committing to an uncertain path.
You can accept a job offer without determining whether or not you’ll enjoy the work, but you should avoid dedicating large amounts of time or money to a certain career path before you’ve made that determination.
- Don’t be afraid of job hopping while you’re searching for the right job, especially if you can demonstrate that each move actually follows along the same path. It’s natural to quit when you realize you’re in the wrong place, and sticking it out any longer than that is ultimately bad for both you and the company.
- Avoid going to graduate school if you’re still uncertain about that field of study. The amount of time and money you’ll spend will force you to look for high-paying work in that field simply for the sake of returning your investment and paying off your debt, even if you end up hating the field once you get into it.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
4. Know when to quit your current job.
It’s actually relatively common to quit your current job before finding new work, but before you hand in your resignation.
You should make sure that you’re in a position to stay financially afloat while you search for a new source of income.
- If you hate your current job, it’s better to quit sooner rather than later.
- Continuing to stay at that job can drain your energy and lower your self-confidence, making it more difficult to find a new job as time passes.
- On the other hand, make sure you can afford to quit. If you’re unable to support yourself financially while you search for work, you’ll feel rushed and may end up settling for another lousy position.
- If you don’t have a current job or already quit your old one, consider looking for temporary work while you continue looking for permanent work. While there’s no guarantee, the right contract or part-time position may even turn into a full-time job.
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5. Break out of your search routine.
If you’ve every searched for a job before, you’ve probably got the basics down.
Oftentimes, though, the really great jobs won’t be found in the places everyone else is looking.
So you’ll need to break away from these basics and try something new.
- Skip generic job sites. It’s possible to find a good job through these websites, but since they’re so popular, they’ll be flooded with poor jobs that don’t relate to your desired field. Job sites that target your desired field or job type will give you a higher volume of higher-quality results.
- Search for a good company. A good work environment can be just as important as the tasks you’ll perform at work. Search for companies that interest you, then look for reviews or ask current workers if they enjoy the experience there.
6. Increase your efforts.
Evaluate how much effort you’re currently putting into the job search.
If you aren’t happy with the current results, you may need to search more actively and more often.
- Instead of calling five contacts each week.
- Try to call an average of five contacts each day.
- Attend two to three times more networking events than you currently attend.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
7. Consider relocating.
The right position might exist somewhere outside your current city.
Determine if relocation is a viable option.
And if it is, broaden your search parameters to include jobs located in promising locations.
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8. Research the city and state before blinding relocating:
Though Some areas thrive more in times of economic downturn than others.
Additionally, the cost of living in certain locations can be much higher than what you might be used to.
So a higher paying job in these states might actually give you less financial support than a lower paying job in less demanding locations.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
9. Make allies.
Get on friendly terms with others who are currently looking for work.
Share advice and experiences with one another.
And consider passing along possible job opportunities when it seems appropriate.
- For instance, if you spot a job opportunity that seems perfect for one of your allies, forward it along with a note of support. With any luck, your ally will return the kindness when the opportunity presents itself.
10. Answer quickly when opportunity knocks.
Respond as soon as possible when you hear about a new job opportunity that might fit your needs.
Don’t let procrastination stand between you and your new career path.
- As a general rule, you should apply for a job the same day you hear about the opening.
- If you need to contact someone about the position before you can submit your application, call that individual during normal business hours the following business day.
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11. Improve your resume.
You’ve probably read about the importance of a good resume countless times.
But that’s because it really is extremely important.
Depending on the size of the company.
An employer may see hundreds—or even thousands—of different resumes throughout the hiring period.
So you’ll need to make yours stand out if you want them to pay attention.
- Brush up on the basics of making your resume before doing anything else.
- Yours needs to have some essential components before you work on the bells and whistles.
- You can tweak your resume by changing the font type and color, or by printing it on nice stationery. If you feel especially daring, you can try creating an infographic resume or an Internet landing page that can serve as an interactive resume.
- Regardless of the format used, you should avoid redundant phrasing. You may also need to tweak your resume based on the job you’re applying for to better highlight your applicable skills.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
12. Ace the interview.
If you’re fortunate enough to get called in for an interview.
You need to make the interview a success from the moment you walk in to the moment you leave.
- Your appearance will be the first thing the hiring manager notices about you.
- Business casual is usually a safe bet, but it’s better to call the company beforehand and specifically ask about the dress code for the interview.
- Prepare to answer common questions. Research some common interview questions and learn about the intent behind those questions. You don’t need to create a script for yourself, but you should practice answering some of the usual questions beforehand so you can present an impressive answer.
- Converse as naturally as possible. While you should always answer the questions asked to you, don’t recite off your answers like a machine. Try to develop the tone of the interview into a professional yet natural conversation. Doing so makes you seem more likable and more confident.
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13. Follow up.
You should follow up with a company twice after the interview.
Express your gratitude the first time and inquire about the position during the second time.
- Your first follow-up should happen immediately.
- Try to send an email or make a phone call the same day as your interview.
- Your second follow-up should happen three days to one week after the interview.
- If you haven’t heard back from the company by then, call and ask if you’re still being considered for the position.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
14. Accept rejection.
Very few people land the first job they apply for.
Everyone will get rejected. When it happens to you, accept the rejection gracefully and quickly move beyond it.
- Accepting rejection means accepting that rejection is part of the process without adopting the attitude of a reject. Instead of despairing and lowering your sights, keep pressing forward along the path you’ve set for yourself.
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15. Demand respect.
Conventional advice tells you to bend over backwards pleasing a prospective employer.
But in reality, issuing one-sided and unconditional respect.
To a prospective employer without demanding some basic level of respect in return.
Will probably lead you to a miserable work environment.
- Everyone has his or her own breaking point, but as a general rule, look for potential employers that stick to their promises and commitments. If you were promised a phone call by Wednesday and you don’t hear back until the following Tuesday, it could suggest that the company doesn’t value its employees’ time or needs. As a result, the working environment might easily devolve into a negative one.
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16. Focus on the good.
You probably know what you don’t want in a job, but you won’t be able to know if a job is “good” based on that alone.
Focus on the positive qualities of a potential offer instead of fixating only on an absence of negative qualities.
- Think about the times you’ve enjoyed work in the past and ask yourself what circumstances made that enjoyment possible. Ask yourself if this new job offer can create circumstances similar to those.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
17. Adjust your perspective on money.
The highest paying job is not necessarily the best job—in fact.
It may not even be a “good” job in terms of overall satisfaction.
Make sure that you can earn enough to support yourself.
But don’t assume that more money equals more happiness.
- More money isn’t always a bad thing, of course, but you need to weigh it against other factors.
- For instance, you’ll probably be better off in a job that meets your financial needs at 40 hours a week than you would be with a job that pays 15% more but demands 60 hours a week, especially if the two jobs are similar in scope.
Secure Jobs in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
18. Look beyond the glitz and glamour.
Many jobs come with small perks that seem more significant than they actually are.
When evaluating each supposed benefit.
Ask yourself if it’s truly important before factoring it into your decision.
- Unnecessary perks usually include special privileges, titles, and status. In other words, being the “First” Assistant Manager isn’t necessarily better than being a “Secondary Assistant Manager” unless the pay and responsibilities reflect the change in title. Similarly, use of the company car probably won’t mean much to your long-term job satisfaction, so it ultimately shouldn’t weigh into your decision.
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19. Expect every employer to have some downfall.
No job is perfect. Even if you land a good job, you will undoubtedly have the occasional bad day at work.
To that end, you shouldn’t necessarily decline a job offer on the basis of one or two small flaws.
- Similarly, you shouldn’t assume that a job will be perfect just because it seems to be from the outside looking in. Both employers and employees present their best sides during the hiring process, so there are bound to be a few downsides you weren’t aware of. Always maintain a realistic perspective before accepting any job to avoid major letdowns once you start working.
20. Get the school background:
Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic is a tertiary learning institution in Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It was founded in 1991. The polytechnic has schools of Applied Sciences, Communication Arts, Preliminary Studies, Business and Management, Engineering, Environmental Studies and Legal Studies. The polytechnic is owned by Akwa Ibom State. In 2010, the state allocated about N1 billion to enhance the polytechnic.