10 Best Ways to Setup Standard University

Standard University: With time a university that provides an environment that attracts global talent to teach.

Draws students from across the world to its campuses.

And whose education methodologies and systems are comparable to the best in the world will attain global recognition.

By so positioning itself such Universities will, in time, be recognized as international brands.

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Standard University: https://www.researchgate.net

Standard University

Standard University

Let us take a look at other things that need to be done to Setup Standard University in Nigeria.

Even though they will culminate in the approval of the Federal Executive Council.

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Standard University

1. What are Standards?

Standards are published documents that establish specifications and procedures designed to ensure the reliability of the materials, products, methods, and/or services people use every day.

Standards address a range of issues, including but not limited to various protocols to help ensure product functionality and compatibility, facilitate interoperability and support consumer safety and public health.

Standards form the fundamental building blocks for product development by establishing consistent protocols that can be universally understood and adopted.

This helps fuel compatibility and interoperability and simplifies product development, and speeds time-to-market.

Standards also make it easier to understand and compare competing products.

As standards are globally adopted and applied in many markets, they also fuel international trade.

Standard University

2. How is a Standard Created?

The process of developing a standard is typically facilitated by a Standards Development Organization (SDO).

Which adheres to fair and equitable processes.

That ensure the highest quality outputs and reinforce the market relevance of standards.

SDOs such as IEEE, IEC, ISO, and others offer time-tested platforms.

Rules, governance, methodologies and even facilitation services that objectively address the standards development lifecycle.

And help facilitate the development, distribution and maintenance of standards.

While the goals of each SDO are essentially the same.

Each SDO applies its own rules, processes, terminology to the standards development process.

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Standard University

3. Why Standards Education is Important

Technical standards are formal documents that establish uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes and practices developed through an accredited consensus process. Recognizing the important role standards play within the engineering, technology and computing fields, IEEE is providing resources to help introduce and teach undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professors and educators, about technical standards. Knowledge of standards can help facilitate the transition from classroom to professional practice by aligning educational concepts with real-world applications.

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4. Source for Funds

Funding is a great aspect of running an education enterprise the statue of a university. You need to have an ample supply of funds for registration, infrastructure, equipment and facilities, library, research, employment and administration. You may work well within a budget but you may well exceed that budget if you want to build a university of repute, or if you are not careful enough to follow your plans to the letter. You will always find things that remain unresolved or underachieved at any point in time during the planning and running of your university.

It is important to have a timeline for achieving your goals. For instance, you may not be able to purchase of the equipment at the same time, sometimes, some departments may need to share some equipment sometimes. Funding can be by sole proprietorship or partnership. As stated earlier, at least 200 million naira will be needed for this venture. This is excluding money for land and registration purposes.

Standard University

5. Land Acquisition

The minimum requirement for land for a university campus is 100 hectares. This land will have to be easily accessible. The campus should also have a water source and electricity source. This land is going to carry infrastructure such as hostel accommodation, classroom and lecture halls, hostel, hospital, security and administrative offices among others. The land should be purchased in the state the university is going to operate from.

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Standard University

6. Branding your University

It is important that you decide the name of your university early enough. By the time you are submitting the letter of intent, the name of the university should have been decided and should reflect. This is what your university will be known by. Also decide on the logo that will be easy to read from afar and people will easily identify with.

You need to build a website. The website should be fully functional and secure as a lot of personal information and sensitive information will be on it. It should be equipped with a portal for students and staff. It should also have feature for an e-commerce site where payment such as fees and dues could be made.

It should also feature an e-library so that students’ and other researchers could correspond with other libraries around the world.

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Standard University

7. Build Infrastructure

Infrastructure such as classroom, laboratories, roads, bridges where applicable, hostel, staff quarters, security posts and outposts, lecture theatres and classrooms, hospital, car park, administrative building, sport facilities, etc., need to be built according to the plan submitted to the NUC. Follow standard building guidelines for to ensure that quality work is carried out. It is important to build standard infrastructure because this is a long-term investment.

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Standard University

8. Employment, Academic Planning and Related Activities

Employment is a very critical aspect of the university setup. You need to employ both teaching and non-teaching staff who will carry out the day to day running activities of the university. Before employment is carried out, you need to have determined how many faculties, departments and programs that will be created and offered yearly.

The management staff which include the board of trustees, principal officers including the pro-chancellor, vice-chancellor, deputy vice-chancellors and registrar etc., need to be appointed and their function spelt out in detail in the university constitution. Functions of the bursar, chief librarian, deans of faculties, Heads of Departments, need to also be spelt out. Committees, like the senate, disciplinary, finance and general purpose committee should also have clearly spelt out functions.

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Standard University

Everyone in the university at any point in time, needs to know what duties are assigned to them for smooth running. Much information on the function the university is expected to achieve can be found in the University of Nigeria Act.

You will need to employ such staff like lecturers, support staff, IT personnel, cleaners, security, doctors and nurses, facility managers etc. Employ the best.

Lastly, an academic calendar needs to be drawn up. This calendar will define the schedule as a timeline of activities to be carried out annually. It will must have a beginning and an end of academic session. The academic session should define the time for resumption, matriculation, duration of semester, examination, convocation and times of meeting of the senate of the university among others.

Standard University

9. Equipping the University

Employers and infrastructure will be incomplete without equipment and facilities needed to improve productivity and make work easier. You need to purchase laboratory equipment, furniture for office and lecture, some of which may be permanent fitted. Sport facilities, vehicles for conveyance, medical equipment and facilities, fire extinguishers, security gear, classroom boards and such things that are necessary.

Computers, printers, photocopiers, telephone and fax machines and internet facilities need to be installed for ease of work. Air conditioners and fans should be installed for comfort as learn should be carried out in a conducive environment.

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Standard University

A source of power should be decided upon. It is possible to generate power internally or to use the electricity distribution company in your area. If later will be used, owing to the erratic supply or power it is expedient to also acquire a generator capable of powering the school at any point in time.

Office stationery such as files, paper, letterhead, stapler, paper clips, and filing cabinets need to be purchased.

More than one of these items listed above will be acquired so it is advisable to purchase in bulk. There is no harm in contracting someone to handle procurement while you supervise inventory of supplies.

Lastly, a university must have a library. Books and research materials need to be purchased. They will be mounted on shelves previously installed alongside other furniture for the library.

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Standard University

10. Market Your University

There is no end to this. You need to do rigorous marketing through media and news print. It is important to start early, at least two years before the commencement of academic activities. Indicate the courses available in every advertisement made. Marketing is something that will continue for as long as the university continues to exist. For this reason, the reputation of the school must be kept intact. Students will tell their friends how good the school is. In fact, they are your biggest advertisers. Secondly, once they are done, they will be employed in the marketplace by companies and NGOs etc. They will appraise the quality of every student from your university.

In fact the NUC regularly accredits universities and as such you have a duty to maintain your standard and even improve it as the years go by.

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Ensure you carry out studies and make relevant deductions from your studies.

With this I believe you can start a university of your choice.

Updated: March 22, 2024 — 11:08 am

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