16 Tips to Start Selling Specialty Produce

Start Selling Specialty Produce: If you are an aspiring or established entrepreneur looking to open a small retail business.

There are many things to consider before opening your doors.

Options abound with regard to location, types of merchandise you will sell.

And other factors that will ultimately affect the success of your store.

It is important that you or someone you will partner with has extensive experience.

Working in various roles within a small or large retail business.

To navigate through the process of opening a retail business.

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Start Selling Specialty Produce

Start Selling Specialty Produce: https://www.linkedin.com

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Start Selling Specialty Produce

1. Choose a product in which you have interest and knowledge.

You don’t have to be an expert.

But you should have a working knowledge of and a genuine interest in the product you will be selling.

Understanding your product will help you to make good business decisions in the future.

Also, you may already have contacts with suppliers.

And other professionals in the business who can help you get yours up and running.

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2. Evaluate your hobbies.

If you have a hobby about which you are passionate.

Investigate whether it could turn into a retail opportunity.

If you already spend a lot of time on something, chances are you know a lot about it.

Your excitement for and knowledge about the product could help you to educate customers.

Which translates into more sales.

Start Selling Specialty Produce

3. Use your line of work and education to inspire you.

Your education and work experience have likely imparted useful knowledge.

That you can use to run a retail business.

Think about the skills and practical knowledge you have acquired while building your career.

Ask yourself if could see yourself selling related products.

  • For example, a hair dresser might consider running a beauty supply store.

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4. Gauge the demand for a product.

No matter how much you love something, it will not sell if there is not a real need or desire for it.

Do some market research. This will allow you to determine whether or not people will purchase your product.

Visit retail stores that already sell the product you’re thinking of selling.

Evaluate performance by noticing how long the products have been on the shelf.

And if they sell for full price or only when they’re marked down.

Ask proprietors what their bestsellers are.

Melissa's Produce on Twitter: "We teamed up with @sproutsfm to ...

Start Selling Specialty Produce

5. Get the sample produce

[ Specialty Produce]
– Avocados
– Garlic
– Hojas Santos
– Mushrooms
– Nopales
– Olives
– Smoke Dried Tomatoes
– Wheatgrass

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6. Search for actual facts and figures.

This information will not only help you to gauge the market.

But it will also be useful for creating the financial projections you need in order to obtain financing.

Start Selling Specialty Produce

7. Estimate your potential profit margin.

Figure out how much it will cost you to produce or procure the product you want to sell.

Compare this with the amount for which you can sell it.

Determine if the profit margin is enough to make the business worthwhile.

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8. Know suppliers

Get to know suppliers through trade organizations.

By attending trade shows or by visiting online platforms like Thomasnet.com.

Compare wholesale information, trade prices and minimum order requirements.

9. Determine the retail price

Determine the retail price by researching what other stores are asking for the product.

Visit an online marketplace or a brick and mortar store to do this research.

Compute an estimated direct costs margin.

The formula is Direct Costs Margin = Sales Price-Total Direct Costs.

Calculate the direct costs margin percentage.

The formula is Direct Costs Margin Percentage=Direct Costs Margin/Sales Price*100.

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Start Selling Specialty Produce

10. Conduct research on your potential business location.

Search public records of how the location was used previously and statistical data.

Such as the average income in the area.

Find out if there are competitors and similar ventures nearby.

  • When you find a potential location, observe the area for a few hours and analyze the foot traffic in the neighborhood. Is it near public transportation or highways? Is there enough parking? Being near the competition can help attract the right customers if you believe your products will be superior.
  • You will want to also analyze the demographics of the area. Does the income level match the type of clientele you hope to attract? Your local librarian or commercial real estate broker can help provide this information.
  • Once you find a location purchase insurance policies for general liability and fire insurance.

11. Determine your needs.

Find a location that exposes you to your customers and is consistent with your image.

Make a floor plan and look for a location with suitable space and layout.

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12.  Consider proximity to suppliers.

Evaluate the local labor market to determine if the area has potential employees.

Research the local zoning regulations.

Research the local crime rate to ensure the safety of your customers and employees.

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13. Develop a budget.

Determine what you can afford to spend on rent each month.

Be aware of hidden costs, such as repairs.

Start-up costs may include renovations and decorating your space.

Budget for local property taxes.

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14. Plan for future growth.

If you plan on expanding your store within the next few years, find a building with extra space.

Communicate with the landlord about the availability of extra space in the future.

Extra space may include a second floor or outdoor space.

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15. Determine your expenses.

Lists all of the expenses your business will incur when starting out.

You may have to lay out a lot of money at first before you start making any money.

Planning how to spend money will help you spend it wisely and start earning money sooner.

16. Identify funding sources.

Know where to look for financing to help kickstart your retail business.

If borrowing money from friends or family members, preserve your relationship with a written agreement that specifies the terms of the loan.

Banks offer traditional commercial loans, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) partners with the government to offer several loan programs for entrepreneurs.

State, county and municipal economic development offices support small businesses that boost the local economy by offering financial resources, loans and grants.

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