8 Equivalent Rice Powder Production

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit: The production process

Is a component appearing under the operating plan of the overall business plan.

The production process is the process a product.

Or service takes in order for it to become ready for customers to buy.

Production will certainly depend on the type and nature of your proposed business.

Generally, a manufacturer will have a more sophisticated production process.

Compared to a retailer or service provider.

This is not to say that retail and service based businesses are simple.

But rather, these types of businesses usually require fewer “processes”.

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Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit
http://vdeltagoods.com rice-flour

See also: Ginger Powder Production Tips in Nigeria

Production is a process of combining various material inputs and immaterial inputs plans.

Know-how in order to make something for consumption the output.

It is the act of creating output, a good or service which has value and contributes to the utility of individuals.

Economic well-being is created in a production process.

Meaning all economic activities that aim directly or indirectly to satisfy human wants and needs.

The degree to which the needs are satisfied is often accepted as a measure of economic well-being.

In production there are two features which explain increasing economic well-being.

They are improving quality-price-ratio of goods and services.

And increasing incomes from growing and more efficient market production.

The most important forms of production are:

The production process of a manufacturer.

In its simplest form, may consist of the following steps.

    1.   Fabrication (where individual parts are made into raw materials)
    2.   Assembling the raw materials into finished products
    3.   Quality Control (inspections)
    4.   Testing of finished products
    5.   Packaging the finished products
    6.   Shipping the finished products to retailers, wholesalers, etc.

The above items are major events that occur when manufacturing a typical product.

But many other, smaller events may occur during the production process.

And can be briefly described in the Operating Plan.

For example, welding, machinery setup, heating, molding, cooling, wiring.

Sodering, melting, bending, scratching, drying and cutting, just to name a few.

When writing the production process section of the operating plan.

A manufacturer must carefully explain each step of the process.

So that the business plan reader fully understands how the product will be produced.

When explaining the production process in the operating plan.

Try to avoid technical jargon or terms only people within the industry would know.

In addition, try to be concise and to the point – you do not want to bore the reader.

Rice flour is one of the foundation ingredients in gluten-free baking.

But it’s something I don’t keep in my pantry.

I recently came across an interesting recipe that called for a single cup of superfine rice flour.

I could have substituted with cake flour (which I do have in my pantry).

But I really wanted to keep the recipe authentic at it’s base level.

Rice flour (also rice powder) is a form of flour made from finely milled rice.

It is distinct from rice starch which is usually produced by steeping rice in lye.

Rice flour is a particularly good substitute for wheat flour.

Which irritates the digestive system of some people.

Rice flour is also used as a thickening agent in recipes that are refrigerated.

Or frozen since it inhibits liquid separation.

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

1. Production

Rice flour may be made from either white rice or brown rice.

To make the flour, the husk of rice or paddy is removed and raw rice is obtained.

Which is then ground to flour.

Must see: 7 key ways to Start Custard Powder Production Business

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

2. Tools needed:

  • Blender
  • Fine-mesh Strainer
  • Paper towels
  • Large Skillet
  • Heat-resistant Spatula
  • Sifter

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

3. Ingredients:

  • White Basmati Rice- Raw (not instant rice)
  • Water

Every cup of raw rice will yield almost 1 1/4 cups of sifted Rice Flour.

Step 1:  Rinse the rice thoroughly under cold running water. Drain briefly.

Put the rice into a bowl and cover with cold water.

Soak for 3 (minimum) to 6 (maximum) hours.

Step 2:  Drain the rice in a fine-mesh strainer for 10-15 minutes.

Spread the rice out on a triple layer of paper towels to dry for an hour or so.

The rice should be just slightly damp... not wet.

Step 3:  Use your blender to grind the rice in 1/2 cup increments.

Begin with the pulse setting, allowing the rice to settle in between 3 second pulses.

When the rice has broken down into small granules, blend on high until the texture is powder-fine.

Repeat this process until all the rice has been finely ground.

Step 4:  Heat a large skillet over medium heat.

Working in 1 cup increments, add the rice flour to the pan.

Stir constantly until all of the steam has evaporated.

Continue cooking for a couple more minutes.

Note: The resulting rice flour should be snow white

If it begins to brown, immediately lift the pan up and lower the heat.

Test for doneness (dryness) by taking a pinch between your fingers.

Properly dried flour will not stick together.

Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

Step 5:  Sift the rice flour.  Return any residualclumps”

Back into your blender for reprocessing, then sift again.

Store refrigerated in an airtight container… or get cookin’…

Because now you have rice flour for that special recipe you’ve always wanted to try.


Must read: How To Start Cake Making Business

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

4. Soaking:

The purpose is to soak the grain soft easy pulverization.

While soaking, the water will seep into the grain (hydration) softened grain,

Cell membranes, helps the rice milling and starch is released is easy to grind.

Soaking time 1-2 hours at room temperature.

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

5. Grind:

The grind will break the grain structure and cell membranes, frees.

Greek starch powder contained in the grain cells. In addition,

This process also helps to form uniform grain rice powder to powder.

For this process to be easy, as milled rice is added to water the rice water ratio is 1: 1

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

6. Stirring:

The aim of the course will help stir the starch molecules to escape completely.

From the Greek flour bag retrieval performance increases starch.

In addition to stir some minor impurities are mixed in the rice will rise and be removed easily.

The process also helps stir lipid (fat in rice) and emerging escape and will be removed.

If you do not stir the ingredients are mixed with rice flour lipids will create unpleasant odors during storage.

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

7. villages:

To remove the dough from the two countries can use filtering,

Decanting or centrifugal sedimentation.

Because the starch granules tend to clump very smooth

And very easy to do so clogged filter should make long-time filtering, and thus prone to sour dough.

About decanting method has good performance and simple tool.

That can make large amounts of time but lasted about decanting than the centrifugal method.

Time takes place in about 3 to 4 hours for a firm.

However, the centrifugal method requires expensive equipment investment should be less applicable.

Other post: 59 Most Affordable Manufacturing Business

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

8. Divide dough wet deposition, decant will be obtained powder.

This dough will be split bamboo tray wrapped in cloth.

Volume divided evenly on the great need to ensure that all dried powder.

Cloth will help to ease the powder obtained as a dry powder.

F. Dry powder after the split will be exposed and dried to below 15% moisture.

Exposure time of about 46 hours.

The process of drying will reduce the moisture content of rice flour to below

The necessary microorganisms and mold can grow damaging powder.

After the dry powder can be packaged and preserved finely ground powder

Or may already packaged for value and convenience in the sensory processing of food products.

Equivalent Rice Powder Production Unit

In conclusion...

As mentioned earlier, the production process is usually less demanding for retailers and service providers.

For example, a clothing retailer would simply purchase their products from a supplier.

Unpack the products as they are shipped, place the products in storage,

Place the products on the shelves as they are needed.

And finally sell the products.

This process is so obvious that many retailers write a one sentence description

In the operating plan to describe their production process.

In addition, such retailers would also discuss one or two major aspects of the process,

Such as inventory control and ordering.

If you are planning on establishing a retail business or a service business,.

Simply provide in your operating plan a one sentence description of the production.

Process and discuss your planned inventory practices and ordering policies.

Also, if you are proposing a unique production process.

Or a structure different from your competitors.

Be sure to fully explain it.

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