5 Ways You Can Still Make Money in the Stock Market Even When It’s Closed!

Stock market hours: Even though the stock market is closed on Mondays, that doesn’t mean you can’t make money.

The stock market closing on Mondays means there are only about 260 trading days in the year, which means more time for you to make money outside of the stock market.

In this blog post, we will discuss 5 ways you can still make money in the stock market even when it’s closed.

When people hear that the stock market is closed because it’s Monday, they panic and think they can no longer invest or make money from stocks until the next week.

However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are several ways for you to invest and make money in the stock market even when it’s closed!

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5 Ways You Can Still Make Money in the Stock Market Even When It’s Closed!

Stock market hours: BusinessHAB.com‍The stock market is closed for a few days every year, usually around major holidays like Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day, and – most recently – Hurricane Florence. That leaves only about 250 trading days in the year. But what happens if the stock market is closed one of the few trading days you have? Do you just give up and not invest until the next time it opens? Of course not! Even if the stock market is closed today or tomorrow, there are plenty of ways to make money in stocks even when they’re not open. Here are 5 tips to help you invest in stocks even when the market is closed.

Research, Research, Research

The first thing you should do before investing in stocks is research, research, research. Start by looking at the companies you would like to invest in. Do some research and find out what their financial health is like. You don’t have to become a financial analyst, but you need to know the basics of their business and how to analyze their stock chart. Do you think the stock is a good investment? If so, when is the best time to buy it? How much money should you invest in each company? How much does the company earn? How much debt does it have? What is the company’s growth rate? What is the company’s stock chart like? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you make an investment. You also need to know who the company’s competitors are, what the industry is like, and where it is headed. If you want to invest in stocks even when the market is closed, you need to have all the information you need before then. You can’t just wing it and hope you got the right stocks.

Watch the News

When the stock market is closed, you can also watch the news to find out which stocks are likely to increase in value. There are several financial news websites out there that cover stock market news, like The Wall Street Journal and Forbes. If you monitor the news, you can see which stocks are on the rise and which are on the decline. This can help you decide which stocks to invest in even when the market is closed. When you’re watching the news and monitoring stock movements, look for certain trends. For example, if a certain sector is doing really well lately, you may want to consider investing in it. But if that same sector is doing poorly, you may want to stay away from it.

Go Over Your Portfolio

Another way to make money in stocks even when the market is closed is to go over your portfolio. There might be some stocks that aren’t doing as well as others. If so, you may want to sell them and use that money to invest in other stocks that are doing better. For example, if the stock market is closed and the stock you have in Intel is doing poorly, you may want to sell it and use that money to buy shares in IBM. Of course, you should always make sure your stocks are in line with your investment strategy. This is especially important when the stock market is closed. If the market is closed and you suddenly have a lot of extra cash, you need to decide how to invest it. You can’t just leave it in your savings account. You need to put it somewhere, and where you put it can greatly impact your financial future. So even when the stock market is closed, you can still make money in stocks.

Find Events That Will Impact Company’s Performance

One of the best ways to make money in stocks even when the market is closed is to find events that will impact a certain company’s performance. For example, Intel’s earnings report is coming up soon. If Intel’s stock is currently trending down, you can bet the earnings report is going to have a big influence on the company’s stock. So you can find out if the stock market is closed when Intel’s earnings report is due to be released. Once you know the earnings report is coming up, you can look for related events that could influence the company’s performance. For example, if Intel’s stock has been dropping because of concerns over the trade war between the U.S. and China, you may want to hold off on investing in Intel until after the report. Since the earnings report will probably be the talking point during the report, it could have a big impact on the stock price. So when the market is closed, you can watch for these events and impactful news.

Trade Commodities and Currency Instead of Stocks

Another way to make money in stocks even when the market is closed is to trade commodities and currency instead of stocks. There are commodity exchanges that are open 24/7, 365 days a year, even when the stock market is closed. So you can trade commodities and make money in stocks even when the market is closed. You can also trade currency to make money in stocks even when the market is closed. When the stock market is closed, you can’t trade stocks, but you can trade commodities and currency instead.


The stock market is open for just 250 days out of the year, so if you’re trying to make money in stocks and the market is closed, you need a new plan. When the market is closed, you can still make money in stocks, but you have to be creative. You have to research stocks, watch the news for events that could impact companies’ performance, go over your portfolio, find events that will impact company’s performance, and trade commodities and currency instead of stocks.

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