What are Strategies for Infection Control?(Read 30 Tips)

Strategies for Infection Control: The infection control practitioner.

Helps to prevent healthcare-acquired infections.

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Infection Control Centre
Infection Control Centre: https://www.biotecnika.org

1. Strategies for Infection Control

They systematically collect, analyze and interpret health data.

In order to plan, implement, evaluate and disseminate appropriate public health practices.

They also train healthcare staff.

Through instruction and dissemination of information on infection control practices.

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2. Strategies for Infection Control

The role of Infection Preventionists (IPs).
Has expanded beyond traditional infection prevention and control.
IPs are now expected to be organizational leaders.
And assume responsibility for occupational health.
Antimicrobial stewardship, product evaluation, facility design.
Business planning, emergency management.
And development of surveillance and prevention systems for non-infectious events.

3. Strategies for Infection Control

The purpose of this descriptive study.
Was to examine a convenience sample of job descriptions (JD).
To determine if expanded IP responsibilities were included.
If you own a small business with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees.
You are not required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

To provide health insurance to your employees.

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4. Strategies for Infection Control

However, if you decide you want to offer health insurance.
The plan you offer must meet the requirements for group health plans established by the ACA.
The simplest and most cost-effective way to satisfy ACA healthcare requirements.
As a small business is to purchase a policy.
Through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) marketplace.

Strategies for Infection Control

5. Verify that you meet all eligibility requirements.

In addition to having between 1 and 50 FTE employees.

You must satisfy a few additional requirements to maintain your ability to use.

  • The SHOP marketplace generally isn’t available if you only have one employee, and that employee is your spouse or child – and you can’t count yourself as an employee either.
  • You must enroll in a plan available in the state where your business has a primary business address, unless you have an employee whose primary workplace is in a different state than the state where your primary business office is located.
  • You must extend healthcare coverage to all employees who work an average of 30 hours a week or more.
  • Your state may have additional requirements, which you can find by reading the fact sheets available at the SHOP marketplace.

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6. Browse the plans available in your state.

You have the ability to view the plans in the marketplace and their prices before you start your application.

So you can compare and choose the plan that’s right for your business.

  • Checking plans in advance is especially beneficial if you need to consult business partners, managers, or other employees before you make your final selection.
  • Plans are organized in the marketplace by metal level. You can evaluate bronze, silver, gold, and platinum plans.
  • While plans in each category offer the same coverage of essential medical services, they differ in terms of the amount of money your employees will have to pay out of pocket.
  • Plans with higher premiums tend to have lower out-of-pocket costs, including lower deductibles and smaller copays.

7. Decide whether to offer a single plan or a choice of plans.

The SHOP marketplace rules allow you either to offer a single plan for your employees.

Or to choose a category of plans and allow your employees to choose the plan they want from that category.

  • If you have employees in more than one state, you’ll have to decide whether you want to offer different plans in each state or the same plan for all employees.
  • If you choose to offer the same plan for employees in multiple states, make sure the plan you choose is provided by a national or multi-state provider network.
  • Offering employees in multiple states the choice of plans in a category operates the same as it would if all your employees were in one state.

Strategies for Infection Control

8. Consider adding a dental plan.

Even if you decide to offer a health plan to your employees.

You aren’t required to offer a dental plan as well.

But you can if you feel so inclined.

As with health plans, you can browse the plans available in your state before you commit.

  • Dental plans are organized into two categories, high and low.
  • As with health plans, each category corresponds to the amount of money your employees will have to pay out of pocket for dental care throughout the year.
  • You don’t have to offer a health plan to offer a dental plan.
  • However, if you offer dental and an employee wants to get dental coverage for a dependent.
  • That employee must first enroll for dental coverage for themselves.
  • If you decide to offer both health and dental plans, employees can choose to opt in to either plan or none at all.

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Strategies for Infection Control

9. Determine how much you want to contribute.

As a small business owner, you have the power through the SHOP marketplace to control the percentage of your employees’ premiums that you will pay.

  • How you determine your contribution depends on how you plan to offer coverage.
  • If you’re offering a single, identified plan, you may choose what percentage of that premium you’ll pay.
  • Keep in mind that each employee’s actual premium cost may differ depending on their age.
  • If you are eligible for and plan on taking the small business health care tax credit, you must pay for at least 50 percent of your employee’s premiums.

    Strategies for Infection Control

  • If you’ve decided to offer your employees a choice of plans within a certain category, you can either contribute a fixed percentage, or you can fix your contribution based on a reference plan.
  • When you use a reference plan, you set a percentage based on the premium of that plan, and that amount is the maximum dollar amount you’ll contribute towards the employee’s premium, regardless of the price of the plan they choose.

    Strategies for Infection Control

  • For example, if you choose to set your contribution using a reference plan that has a premium of $200, and you want to contribute 50 percent, your contribution would be $100.
  • Following that example, if an employee chose a plan in the same category with a premium of $150, you would still contribute $100, even though that would be more than 50 percent of that employee’s premium.
  • The advantage of using a reference plan, however, is that you can be fairly well assured for budgetary purposes of the exact amount healthcare will cost your business.

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10. Create an account.

To enroll in a healthcare plan through the SHOP marketplace.

You must create a healthcare.gov account for your business.

Simply go to healthcare.gov, click on the employer tab, and select your state.

  • If you own businesses in more than one state.
  • You’ll have to create your account in the state where you have your primary place of business.
  • You have the option of creating additional marketplace accounts in each state where your employees work, if you want to choose different plans for employees in each state.
  • Some states have their own websites to which you will be redirected after selecting your state from the list. The page will list the name of the state site you need to use to apply for coverage, and you’ll be sent to that site when you click the “apply now button.

Strategies for Infection Control

11. Get the Business Objectives

At the completion of this section the Infection Preventionist (IP) will be able to:

  • Create, implement, and evaluate the position description for the IP
  • Apply the principles of infection prevention outlined in the position description in the development of educational and training programs
  • Verbalize understanding of the authority statement in the position description enabling the IP to act independently in emergent situations requiring immediate action

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12. Find a first step instead of a destination.

You should always start with a business model that can be up and running quickly on a low budget.

Too many small businesses start with grandiose goals that will require a large amount of startup capital and investors.

However, successful businesses will have a model that can be used on a smaller scale.

This proves to potential investors that your idea is a valid way of making money.

And increases your odds of ever getting investment money (if thats what you’re looking for).

13. Get the Responsibilities:

  • The infection control practitioner plans, develops, directs, implements and evaluates infection prevention within a hospital or health care facility.
  • They instruct personnel in proper infection control procedure.
    They investigate infection control problems and arrange follow-up care for patients exposed to infectious diseases.
  • They conduct rounds, discussing and monitoring infection control practices with staff.
  • They collect infection data from departments, maintaining records for each case; trains staff on implementation of infection control practices.
  • They investigate incidents of infection.
  • They report incidents to the director of nursing.
  • They ensure the availability of supplies required for infection control.

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15. Know the Skills:

  • The infection control practitioner must be a very energetic individual with the desire to develop and implement infection control training programs.
  • They should be able to plan and conduct training seminars and exercises with a working knowledge of nursing practice and theory.
  • They must possess excellent written, interpersonal, time management and presentation skills with flexibility to meet a wide range of service needs.

16. Get the Knowledge:

  • The infection control practitioner holds a bachelors degree in nursing, a diploma in hospital infection control.
  • They should have at least two to three years of experience in a hospital setting.
  • Having a masters degree in epidemiology, public health or a related field is preferred.
  • Having previous experience in teaching, curriculum development and instruction design is also desired.

17. Understand your customer.

Before you get started, take some time to do market research and get to know your customers and your industry.

The Small Business Administration.

Provides a great deal of information on which services and products are in demand.

You will also want to think about who will be buying your product or using your service.

And learn the best way to appeal to this population.

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18. Create a support network.

One of the most important parts of successful business ownership is getting over your own ego and seeking help.

Your biggest sources of advice are going to be your group of business associates and other professionals that share your goals.

Surround yourself with knowledgeable and successful people and feed off of their ideas and enthusiasm.

  • Also seek general small business tips online; the web is a goldmine of information.
  • Just be sure your information is from a reliable source.

Strategies for Infection Control

19. Find a mentor.

A good mentor in this case is someone who has already run or is running a successful business of their own.

A good example would be a family member or family friend that has been successful in business.

This mentor can help you with anything.

From knowing how to manage your employees to properly filing your taxes.

Because their knowledge comes from direct experience.

They’re able to help you more personally than any other source could.

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Strategies for Infection Control

20. Focus only on your primary operations at first.

That is, avoid being caught up in every business opportunity that comes your way.

Its better to be perfect at one thing than mediocre at five.

This applies as much to making decisions to diversify your business.

As it does to deciding to take on additional projects for yourself outside of your primary business.

Focusing on one thing will allow you to commit all of your resources there and be more productive in that endeavor.

21. Keep detailed records.

In order to be successful, you’ll have to make a habit of recording.

Each and every expense and revenue that your company has.

As well as every dollar that flows through it.

By knowing where exactly your money is coming in.

And where it’s going.

You’re more capable of recognizing financial difficulties before they arise.

In addition, doing this will give you a better idea of where exactly you can make cuts to expenses or increases to revenues.

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22. Limit expenses as much as possible.

While this may seem obvious, just try to think of areas where you could generate the same effect by spending less money.

Consider using pre-owned equipment, finding cheaper forms of advertising (for example, fliers rather than newspaper ads).

Or negotiating better payment terms with suppliers or customers to save a few dollars here and there.

Try to maintain very low spending habits and only spent money when and where you absolutely have to.

Strategies for Infection Control

23. Consider supply chain efficiency.

Your costs, and therefore your profits, depend on a successful supply chain organization.

By fostering good relationships with your suppliers, organizing deliveries.

And consistently providing customers with timely service.

You can increase your profitability and reputation.

Successful supply chain management.

Can also help you eliminate any part of your business with wasted resources, like raw materials or labour.

Strategies for Infection Control

24. Consider finding strategic partners.

Much like a good mentor, a strategic partner can provide you the boost you need to grow your business.

Foster strategic partnerships by reaching out to businesses you think could benefit yours.

Whether they are suppliers, technology providers, or complementary businesses.

A good relationship with another company can provide you both free advertising.

Lower your costs of doing business, or allow you to expand to new markets.

Depending on the partners you choose.

Strategies for Infection Control

25. Be responsible when it comes to debt.

It’s very important that you realistically assess your ability to pay back any debt that you take on.

While starting and running a business is always risk.

Try to minimize your liabilities by only taking out as much as you absolutely need.

And when you do take on debt.

Be sure to structure your cash flows.

Such that you are paying it off as quickly as possible.

Prioritize debt repayment before you do anything else.

Strategies for Infection Control

26. Earn a reputation for good service.

Earning a positive reputation is like free advertising.

Your customers will spread the word of your business to friends and come back frequently.

Treat each and every sale like the success or failure of your business depends on it.

This also means that you should be consistent with every action your business takes.

And every interaction with customers.

27. Watch your competition closely.

You should always look to your competitors for ideas.

Especially when you’re starting out.

Chances are, they’re doing something right.

If you can figure out what that is.

You can implement it in your own business.

And avoid the trial-and-error they probably went through to get there.

28. Always be looking for growth opportunities.

Once you’ve gotten established, you should always be on the lookout for places you can expand.

Whether that means moving to a larger storefront, increasing manufacturing space.

Or opening a new location will depend on your business and goals.

Successful business owners realize that one of the primary opponents to long-term growth is remaining stagnant.

This means taking the risk of expansion rather than resting on your laurels at one, original location.

29. Training in infection control and health care epidemiology

Practitioners can come from several different educational streams.

Many begin as nurses, some as medical technologists (particularly in clinical microbiology).

And some as physicians (typically infectious disease specialists).

Specialized training in infection control and health care epidemiology.

Are offered by the professional organizations described .

Physicians who desire to become infection control practitioners.

Often are trained in the context of an infectious disease fellowship.

Strategies for Infection Control

30. More tips

  • Be prepared with 6 months worth of working capital in your business.
  • This article serves primarily as a guide for the business owner in getting the most out of their business.
  • For more detailed guides that cover the minute details of starting a business, see how to start a small business and how to run a small business.
  • Pay all insurances up for the year, (I.e., liability, etc.) as soon as possible.

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