Yeast Infections Control Practitioner : Yeast Infections are one of the most common conditions seen in women.
Yeast is a fungus that lives in the vagina in small numbers.
A vaginal yeast infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, can develop when there are too many yeast cells growing in the vagina.
Though the symptoms can range from being annoying to unbearable.
Most yeast infections can easily be treated.
All you have to do is watch out for its symptoms.
Which might involve pain, soreness, itchiness, rashes and burning.
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Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
1. Check for symptoms.
There are a number of physical signs that may indicate a yeast infection.
The most common symptoms include:
- Itching, soreness, and overall discomfort in the vaginal area.
- Pain or burning during urination or sex.
- Thick (like cottage cheese), white discharge in the vagina. Note that not all women experience this symptom.
2. Consider the potential causes.
If you are having trouble determining whether or not you have a yeast infection.
Then consider some of the most frequent causes of yeast infections:
- Antibiotics – Many women develop a yeast infection after taking antibiotics for several days. Antibiotics kill some of the good bacteria in your body, including the bacteria that prevents the overgrowth of yeast, which leads to yeast infections. If you have been taking antibiotics recently and are experiencing vaginal burning and itching, you might have a yeast infection.
- Menstruation – A woman is most likely to develop a yeast infection around the time of her period. So if you’re experiencing the above symptoms and it is near the time of your period, then you may have a yeast infection.
- Birth control – Birth control pills and one-time “morning after“ pills cause a change in hormone levels, which in turn can bring about a yeast infection.
- Existing medical conditions – Some diseases or conditions, such as HIV or diabetes, can also cause yeast infections.
- Pregnancy – Due to the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy, yeast infections are more likely during this time.
- General health – Illness, obesity, poor sleeping habits, and stress can increase the likelihood of developing a yeast infection.
Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
3. Purchase an at-home pH test.
As in the case of pregnancies, there are tests you can take to determine what‘s going on down there.
Normal vaginal pH is around 4, which is slightly acidic.
Follow any instructions accompanying the test.
- In a pH test, you hold a piece of pH paper against the wall of your vagina for a few seconds. Then, compare the color of the paper to the chart provided with the test. The number on the chart for the color that best approximates the color of the paper is your vaginal pH number.
- If the test result is above 4, it‘s best to see your doctor. This is not indicative of a yeast infection, but could be a sign of another infection.
- If the test result is below 4, it is likely (but not definitively) a yeast infection.
4. Confirm the diagnosis with your doctor.
If you have never had a yeast infection before or are unsure about the diagnosis.
Then you should schedule an appointment with your doctor or a nurse at your gynecologist’s office.
Your doctor or nurse will perform a brief vaginal examination.
And then use a cotton swab to take a sample of vaginal discharge in order to conduct a yeast count.
This is called a wet mount. Your doctor may order additional tests to rule out other causes of your symptoms.
- Although yeast infections are very common among women, they can be difficult to accurately self-diagnose. Research has shown that only 35% of women with a history of yeast infection were able to correctly diagnose a yeast infection from their symptoms alone. Herpes outbreaks and allergic reactions to laundry detergent are frequently confused with yeast infections.
- Remember that there are other potential reasons why you may be experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginal discomfort, including other infections such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. For example, many of the symptoms of a yeast infection are very similar to those of an STD. If you have a recurring yeast infections, your doctor may need to perform a cultures test to determine if a candida species other than C. albicans is causing infection.
- Pregnant women should not treat a yeast infection before consulting a doctor.
Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
5. Be cautious in self-treatment.
Remember that you should only treat a yeast infection yourself if you are fully confident in your diagnosis.
But do keep in mind that many women who‘ve had yeast infections before still make mistakes in diagnosing themselves.
If you have even the slightest bit of doubt, see your doctor.
6. Take a prescribed oral treatment.
Your doctor might prescribe you a single-dose tablet of the antifungal medication fluconazole (Diflucan).
Which is taken by mouth. Relief can be expected within the first 12-24 hours.
- This is the fastest and most effective cure for a yeast infection.
- If you are experiencing severe symptoms, see your doctor immediately to determine if this is the right treatment option for you.
Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
7. Use a topical treatment.
This is the most common form of treatment.
Topical treatments are available both over-the-counter and with a prescription.
These include anti-fungal creams, ointments, and suppositories that are applied and/or inserted into the vaginal area.
Over-the-counter creams and ointments can be found at most pharmacies, drug stores, and supermarkets.
If you have trouble locating a treatment, ask a pharmacist who can help direct you.
- The medication in these treatments comes from a class of drugs called the azoles, including clotrimazole (Mycelex), butoconazole (Gynezol or Femstat), miconazole nitrate (Monistat), and tioconazole (Vagistat-1). These treatments can be purchased with different time frames for use (e.g., a one-time application, a one-to-three day application, etc). You should consult with your doctor or the pharmacist before deciding which option is best for you.
- Be sure to carefully read all of the instructions that come with your medication. The instructions will provide guidance on how to apply the cream and/or insert the suppository into your vagina. It’s important that you follow the instructions. If you are unsure of what to do, consult your physician or the pharmacist for guidance.
Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
8. Complete the full course of treatment.
Do not stop using these treatments early once you no longer experience any symptoms.
Use them for as long as directed according to the instructions.
- If you use an over-the-counter treatment and don’t experience relief with 2-3 days.
- Make an appointment with your physician to discuss an alternative treatment.
- Be careful with condoms if you use anti-fungal creams or suppositories. The oil in some of the medications can weaken the latex in condoms.
9. Know that the treatment depends on the infection.
While mild yeast infections should go away within a few days, more severe infections could take longer to effectively treat.
Your doctor may prescribe a medication for you to take that lasts up to two weeks.
- If you keep having repeat infections, this is also something you should discuss with your doctor. It may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance or a need to make some dietary changes.
- To keep your yeast levels in check, your doctor may prescribe a medication (such as Diflucan or Fluconazole) that you take once or twice a week for up to six months. Other doctors might prescribe clotrimazole as a vaginal suppository to be used once a week instead of an oral pill.
10. Drink 100% cranberry juice.
Cranberries can treat and prevent both yeast infections and urinary tract infections.
Be sure you buy 100% cranberry juice, as the sugar in cranberry juice cocktail will only make matters worse.
- You can also buy cranberry supplements in pill form.
- A pretty mild remedy, cranberries are especially useful if you think you might be coming down with a yeast infection. If you already have one, they can be useful as supplements to your other treatments.
Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
11. Eat or use plain yogurt.
Eat yogurt or apply it to the vaginal area.
You can also insert yogurt directly into the vagina by using a needle-less syringe or by putting the yogurt in plastic tampon applicators, freezing them, and then inserting them.
The idea is that yogurt contains live cultures of bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus) that help restore the level of healthy bacteria in the vagina.
- Anecdotally, some women have reported success with eating lactobacillus-containing yogurt, although this method remains scientifically unconfirmed. Several studies have suggested that there is little to no benefit to eating or using yogurt as a treatment.
12. Take probiotics.
You can also take oral supplements containing lactobacillus acidophilus, commonly known as probiotics. These can be purchased at most grocery, drug, and health food stores. Some women also use suppositories of probiotics to help treat a yeast infection, although the evidence that the suppositories are effective is mixed and needs further research.
13. ALWAYS speak with your physician
- In general, probiotics are safe to use because they are like the good bacteria already in our systems. Moreover, some probiotics have been used across the ages, such as that in fermented foods and drinks and cultured milk. However, more research is needed to determine the safety of taking probiotics for populations with weaker immune systems, such as the elderly and children.
- ALWAYS speak with your physician before inserting or applying probiotics to the vagina. Most practitioners recommend oral use of probiotics over vaginal application.
Yeast Infections Control Practitioner
14. Reduce your intake of sugar and caffeine.
The sugar in chocolate, candy, and even fruit juice can cause blood sugar spikes.
Which promote the growth of yeast.
Caffeine can also worsen the effects of sugar by increasing the speed of blood sugar spikes.
- If you experience regular yeast infections, you should consider cutting back on the amount of sugar and caffeine you consume on a regular basis.
15. Watch what you wear.
Avoid tight-fitting pants and wear cotton underwear to allow your vagina to “breathe“ and stay cool.
Yeast thrive in a moist, warm environment.
So making sure your clothes provide dryness and airflow for your vagina will help to keep the yeast from multiplying.
- Change your underwear daily and wear loose-fitting pants, shorts, and skirts.
- Change out of any wet clothes as soon as you can, including swimsuits and workout clothes.
- Avoid hot tubs or very hot baths, since yeast like warm, wet areas.
Make another appointment with your doctor if your symptoms don‘t go away with treatment. Note that not all over-the-counter treatments work for every woman.
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