9 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Watch Zee World’s Jodha Akbar

Zee world jodha and akbar: For its most recent historical drama, Zee World didn’t choose Mughal rulers or advisors from the royal court.

Instead, they have produced a period piece revolving around Jodha Bai and Akbar – their marriage and their love story.
Such a unique premise for a production is not entirely new for the world of television; after all we have had shows like Meri Udasi Teri Arayee, Bahu Hamen Pandey Ki, Abhimaan, Samvidhan and many more that revolved around mughal-e-azam again.

However this time it isn’t going to be any regular masaledaar show featuring those two protagonists with a weak script and actors who can barely speak Hindi.
As much as we would love to watch Jodha Akbar (Zee World), here are some reasons why you shouldn’t:

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9 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Watch Zee World’s Jodha Akbar

Zee world jodha and akbar: BusinessHAB.com

The recently launched channel, Zee World, has been attempting to capture the Indian audience’s attention with a slew of shows that are centered in historical facts. While this is definitely a great way to make people aware about the past and its glorious stories, there are also other ways to do that. A lot of people tend to get skeptical about watching a historical show because they already have enough knowledge about their past or maybe it just doesn’t seem very entertaining for them. Even so, there are people who don’t mind exploring their roots by watching such kind of shows. If you find yourself in any side of this debate – pro or con – here are 9 reasons why you shouldn’t watch Zee World’s Jodha Akbar:

Jodha Akbar is not the only show from Zee World.

## Jodha Akbar is not the only show from Zee World. While Jodha Akbar is the most talked about show from Zee World, it is not the only show on the network. If you find yourself unable to sit through Jodha Akbar and desperately needing to watch something from this network, don’t worry! There are other shows (from this channel) that you can watch and are complete opposites to Jodha Akbar. Zee World has shows like Porus, Chanakya, or a show that talks about the life of legendary Indian singer, Bhupi Sahib. If you find yourself in a situation where you are running out of patience while watching Jodha Akbar, you can switch over to any of these shows and still get your dose of Indian history.

The makers of this show took great liberty in recreating historical events.

There are many instances where the makers of this show took great liberty in recreating historical events. While this is not something unusual (because historically accurate shows are rarely ever made), it is still worth noting. For example, the show’s depiction of the battle between Porus and Alexander is completely inaccurate. In fact, the battle depicted in the show is more akin to the Battle of Hydaspes, which took place in 326 BC between Alexander the Great and the Indian King of Punjab, Porus. The show’s depiction of Porus is also inaccurate. In the show, Porus is shown to be a much younger man compared to his real life depiction. He was actually a mature man who was a seasoned warrior and had been around for a long time.

The male lead is a staple of Bollywood cliches.

The male lead of this show, Prince Salim (portrayed by Siddharth Takkar), is a staple of Bollywood clichés. In fact, he is a mix-and-match of all Bollywood male leads. He is a happy-go-lucky guy – just like Raj/Raju from Mary Kom – who only sees life in black and white, has a beautiful love interest (who is a stick figure), and his father’s wishes always come first. He is basically a Bollywood hero in the making. The only difference is that he is from the past. The rest of the characters are just as cliched. Jodha (portrayed by Anumita Roychowdhury), the female lead, is just a stick figure without any personality, strength, or a sense of individuality. Even her relationship with Salim is very Bollywood-like.

The female lead, Jodhaa, is a stick figure with no dimension or complexity.

Jodhaa, the female lead of this show, is a stick figure with no dimension or complexity. She is just a pretty face with no substance whatsoever. A lot of people might argue that the show isn’t actually about her but about Salim. However, even in that case, she is just a placeholder. The fact that this show barely talks about Jodhaa’s life before she was married off to Salim and the struggles that she had to face as a Rajput princess, is a clear indication that she is just a prop. This show is mostly about Salim, his struggles, and his father’s blind ambitions. Jodhaa is just a prop who is there for Salim to use and abuse at his will and convenience.

The writing is just bad and lazy.

This show’s writing is just bad and lazy. There are so many things that are wrong with the writing. To name a few, the dialogue, the plotline, the characterization, and the sequence of events. The dialogue is clichéd and molded to fit in with the plotline. This is especially evident in the scenes between Jodhaa and Salim where they exchange very, very cheesy lines. The plotline is also very haphazard. The show barely makes sense and the sequence of events is all over the place.

You’ll be triggered by the inaccurate representation of Indian culture and values.

If you watch this show, you will be triggered by the inaccurate representation of Indian culture and values. There are so many instances where the show gets the facts wrong. The biggest instance of this is the way in which Jodhaa and Salim meet each other. In the show, they meet at a marketplace. In real life, they met at a wrestling match. You can also expect some Bollywood-like dialogue and actions in this show. It is very evident in the scene where Jodhaa and Salim exchange marriage vows.

This show will make you more confused about Indian history.

If you watch this show, it will make you more confused about Indian history. In fact, this show is so blatantly incorrect about Indian culture and values, you will be left more confused about your roots. For example, the show depicts Jodhaa as this independent, modern woman who is ahead of her time. However, in real life, she was anything but that. This show also depicts Jodhaa as someone who rebels against her father’s wishes and marries Salim because she loves him. However, in real life, she was forced to marry him because her father had to make peace with the Mughal emperor, Akbar.

This show will make you more triggered by Indian stereotypes and cliches.

This show will also make you more triggered by Indian stereotypes and cliches. You will be angered and frustrated by the inaccurate depiction of Indian culture and values. There are just so many things that are incorrect and misleading in this show. This show is full of Indian stereotypes and cliches. You will be bombarded with Bollywood-like dialogues, actions, costumes, and sets.

Conclusion – Don’t Watch Zee World’s Jodha Akbar

If you are someone who loves exploring Indian culture and heritage, then you shouldn’t watch this show. It is completely inaccurate, and it will only make you cringe and get more confused about your roots. If you are someone who loves re-watching Bollywood movies, then you shouldn’t watch this show. It is like watching a badly made Bollywood movie but with a lot more inaccuracies and misinformation about Indian culture. If you are someone who loves re-reading Bollywood fan-fiction, then you shouldn’t read this book. It is like reading a badly written Bollywood fan-fiction but with a lot more inaccuracies and misinformation about Indian culture. If you are someone who loves watching cringe-worthy Indian TV dramas, then you shouldn’t watch this show. It is like watching a badly made cringe-worthy Indian TV drama but with a lot more inaccuracies and misinformation about Indian culture. If you are someone who loves getting triggered by Indian stereotypes and cliches, then you shouldn’t watch this show. It is like being constantly triggered by Indian stereotypes and cliches but with a lot more inaccuracies and misinformation about Indian culture. If you are someone who loves wasting your time, then you shouldn’t watch this show. It is like wasting your time but with a lot more inaccuracies and misinformation about Indian culture. If you are someone who loves watching badly written, badly directed,

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