Above ground pool steps for deck: Above ground pools are a great way to get your summertime swimming in at a more affordable price than a full-sized in-ground pool. They’re also perfect for those who live in apartments or homes where digging up the yard just isn’t an option.
Above ground pools are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and styles. Depending on the type of above ground pool you buy, it can be installed almost anywhere with minimal maintenance. One of the most important considerations when buying an above ground pool is how easy it will be to access. This means having steps that lead directly into the water and out again. Building your own Above Ground Pool Steps is one of the easiest ways to do this without spending hundreds or even thousands on professional installation costs.
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How to Build Above Ground Pool Steps – DIY Easy Step-by-Step Plans
Above ground pool steps for deck: If you want to add a pool to your backyard, but don’t have the space for an underground or even a standard above ground pool, then an above ground pool with built-in steps might be the perfect solution. With this type of pool, you can create a spa-like oasis that feels less like a construction project and more like something out of Architectural Digest. Putting in a set of above ground pool steps isn’t as complicated as you might think. With the right tools and materials, along with some basic carpentry skills, you can turn your above ground pool into the focal point of your backyard in no time at all.
What You’ll Need
All you need to build an above ground pool with built-in steps is basic carpentry tools and materials. You can also use some construction materials like cement, but you don’t need to. Here’s a list of materials you’ll need for your project: – A saw – A hammer – A level or laser level – A tape measure – A square and miter saw – Wood or metal decking – Wood or metal deck railing – A hammer drill – Wood screws – Concrete screws – A power screwdriver – Caulk or other sealing materials – A level – A drill – Optional: A power washer
Build step rails
The first step in building an above ground pool with built-in steps is building the step rails. You can do this a couple of ways. The first is with wood, and the other is with metal. Whichever you decide to use, measure and mark the lengths of wood or metal rails on the materials and cut them out with a saw. Then, screw the rails to the side of the pool. The next thing you’ll need to do is build the deck platform. The first step is to measure the length of your pool and then add the width of the step rails to that. For example, if your platform needs to be 10 feet long, add the width of the rails to that, so a total of 11 feet. Next, measure the width of your pool and add the width of the rails. This will give you the width of your deck platform. Measure and cut your decking boards to the width of the platform and then screw them down on the deck platform.
Build the steps
Above ground pool steps for deck: Once the deck platform is built, you can build the steps. Building the steps is similar to building the rails. Measure and mark the lengths of the boards, cut them out and then screw them down to the deck platform. The difference is with the steps, you want them to be a little bit taller so that they are easier to walk up and down. Once the steps are built, mark and cut out a groove in the boards that will hold the railing posts. Next, screw the railing posts into the grooves. The last thing you want to do is seal the joints between the railing posts and the decking boards with caulk. This will keep the water out, which will prevent rot and prolong the life of your steps.
Add a ladder to your steps
Another way to make your above ground pool even better is to add a ladder to your steps. This will help make getting in and out of the water even easier. You can either build a ladder from scratch or buy an above ground pool ladder. If you decide to build a ladder, you can do so out of wood. Mark and cut the wood to the length of the steps and then screw it into the railing posts. If you buy an above ground pool ladder, you can just screw it into the railing posts.
Install a safety fence and pool buoy
For added safety and security, you can add a safety fence around the pool and a pool buoy to the water. The fence is easy to install and can be purchased at many hardware and home improvement stores. For the buoy, you can either buy a premade one or make one yourself. To make one yourself, you can use a plastic or metal bucket, a pool noodle or an inflated beach ball. To attach these things to the water and pool, use zip ties.
Above ground pool steps for deck: An above ground pool with built-in steps is the perfect solution for those who want to add a pool to their backyard but don’t have the space for a standard above ground pool. With these excellent DIY step-by-step plans, you can turn your above ground pool into the focal point of your backyard in no time at all.
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