Factors which inhibit Effective Listening in Counselling

Listening is a procedure that includes currently hearing what the other individual is saying and taking care of that correspondence. Listening is the means by which we get the verbal part of a person’s message.

Listening is very not quite the same as hearing since hearing is just the demonstration of perceiving sound by the ear. On the off chance that you are not hearing-disabled, hearing essentially happens. Listening, be that as it may, is something you deliberately do. Listening requires focus with the goal that your mind forms significance from words and sentences. Listening prompts learning.

What is counselling?

Counselling is a talking therapy that allows people to discuss their problems with trained professionals in a peaceful and safe ambiance. The exact meaning of counselling might vary among individuals. But in general, it is the process where you talk about your issues in detail either intending to overcome the same or to explore your thoughts comprehensively.

Active listening in counselling

Different formats through which the counselling sessions can take place

There are different formats through which the counselling sessions can take place, The client is free to choose a format that suits and fits his needs the best. Below are the popular counselling formats that people mostly favor:

  • In-Person: Face-to-face counselling sessions take place in the counselor’s chamber where you meet them in person after scheduling an appointment to discuss your problems. It is one of the most popular counselling formats.
  • Group Counselling: Professionals provide group counselling sessions where you can join to address the issues. Joining such a group will help you find people with similar problems and you will be able to develop a strong network of support as well. However, if you wish to focus on your problem, in-person sessions are better.
  • Telephonic Sessions: A great alternative to in-person counselling sessions are telephonic rounds that can be scheduled from the comfort of your home. Telephonic counselling rounds are best for busy individuals who might find it difficult to get into the chambers. In this flexible process, you can discuss the problems with the counselor in a secure environment from your room.
  • Online Counselling: If you wish not to meet your counselor face to face and protect your anonymity, you have the option to email the counselor. In this process, you have the scope to think well and decide which of the problems you want to discuss with him. The online counselling trend is becoming much more popular these days.

    Active listening in counselling

Types of Counselling

Types of counselling include –

  • Relationship and Marriage
  • Vocational and Career
  • Family Therapy
  • Trauma
  • Drug and Alcohol
  • Rehabilitation
  • Student
  • Grief and Loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sex Therapy

Factors which inhibit effective listening in counselling

Unfortunately, effective listening can be held back by barriers. These barriers to listening can be grouped into two major categories: external and internal.

Active listening in counselling

External Listening Barriers

External listening barriers are easier to manage than internal barriers. They include a variety of environmental distractions that can usually be avoided or minimized with simple corrections, like removing yourself from the interfering barrier or removing the issue from the area that you are in. External barriers include:

  • Noise. Any external noise can be a barrier, like the sound of equipment running, phones ringing, or other people having conversations.
  • Visual distractions. Visual distractions can be as simple as the scene outside a window or the goings-on just beyond the glass walls of a nearby office.
  • Physical setting. An uncomfortable temperature, poor or nonexistent seating, bad odors, or distance between the listener and speaker can be an issue.
  • Objects. Items like pocket change, pens, and jewelry are often fidgeted with while listening.
  • The person speaking. The person listening may become distracted by the other person’s personal appearance, mannerisms, voice, or gestures.

    Active listening in counselling

Internal Listening Barriers

Internal listening barriers are more difficult to manage, as they reside inside the mind of the listener. Internal barriers’ elimination relies on a high level of self-awareness and discipline on the part of the listener, like catching oneself before the mind starts to wander and bringing full attention back to the speaker. Internal barriers include:

  • Anxiety. Anxiety can take place from competing personal worries and concerns.
  • Self-centeredness. This causes the listener to focus on his or her own thoughts rather than the speaker’s words.
  • Mental laziness. Laziness creates an unwillingness to listen to complex or detailed information.
  • Boredom. Boredom stems from a lack of interest in the speaker’s subject matter.
  • Sense of superiority. This leads the listener to believe they have nothing to learn from the speaker.
  • Cognitive dissonance. The listener hears only what he or she expects or molds the speaker’s message to conform with their own beliefs.
  • Impatience. A listener can become impatient with a speaker who talks slowly or draws out the message.

Active listening in counselling

Working through these barriers are crucial for better listening. If a listener can remove these barriers, they will find that they can gain better understanding of the tasks at hand, communicate more effectively, and achieve greater success in the workplace.

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