50 Best Ways to Make Money Online (That Aren’t Blogging)

Current silver price: The Internet has opened up a host of opportunities for people looking to make money online. There are an abundance of blogs, websites and social media platforms that are all hungry for content creators. If you have a knack for writing, an interest in digital marketing or a love of niche subjects such as video games or architecture, there’s surely an opportunity that fits you somewhere out there. But what if you don’t have the right skillset yet? Or maybe the idea of becoming a virtual freelancer makes you break out in hives. That’s OK because there are plenty of other ways to make money online without having to blog about it. Read on to learn about some creative alternatives to monetizing your blog or vlogging from home.

50 Best Ways to Make Money Online (That Aren’t Blogging)

Current silver price: BusinessHAB.com

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So you want to make money online. Great! There are lots of ways to monetize your passion, expertise or interests and make money doing it. But with so many options out there, where do you start? If you’re like most people, you probably assume that the best way to make money online is by starting a blog and selling products through it. After all, that’s what practically everyone does these days, right? However, while blogging can be a great opportunity for some people, not everyone has the time, dedication or interest in becoming a blogger. And that’s okay! There are plenty of other ways to make money online as well. Keep reading to learn more about 50 great ideas on how you can monetize your passions and interests today…

Build an Audience and Create Value

If you have a particular expertise or passion, you can start building an audience around that topic and monetize it. This could be anything from baking and cooking to hiking, fitness, parenting and beyond. Consider what your audience might want from you. What are their biggest challenges and pain points? What are their dreams and goals? How can you use your specific brand of emotional and logical appeal to help solve their problems? You can also create value for others outside of your specific niche. For example, you can create a photography blog where you share tips and tricks for taking better pictures. Or you can start a podcast where you interview experts in various fields.

Freelance Writing and Content Creation

This is a great option if you have a knack for words, enjoy research and want to build a long-term online business around your passion. You can find clients in online writing hubs like UpWork, 99Designs and iFreelance, or you can reach out to potential clients directly. There are lots of businesses and individuals who need high-quality written content for their websites, blogs, eBooks, newsletters and more. For example, you can find clients on iFreelance who are looking for ghostwriters to create blog posts, eBooks and other content for their websites. Additionally, you can find clients who want you to create content specifically for their blogs or businesses. You can find these types of clients through online freelance hubs like UpWork and iFreelance, or you can reach out to them directly.

Video Course Creation

If you have a unique expertise, you can create a video course to teach others what you know. You can sell the course online using a platform such as Teachable or Skillshare. What do you enjoy doing and feel comfortable teaching others? Think about topics that fall into these categories: Hobbies and passions, health and wellness, money management and financial planning, parenting, core skills like computer programming, language acquisition and more. If you’re not sure where to start, check out an existing course in your niche. This will give you an idea of the topics that are being taught, who the target audience is and how the instructor is engaging the students.

Become an Influencer

If you’re a passionate about a specific cause or industry, you can use your reach to help promote products and services that you believe in. How can you use your influence to create value for others? How can you use your knowledge and expertise to help give back, provide insight and inspire others? You can become an influencer by using social media. You can post on your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter accounts. You can also create videos and podcasts and post them on YouTube, Facebook and other online video and audio platforms. As an influencer, you can start by promoting products and services you truly love. You can also promote causes that you believe in and want to bring more awareness to.

Become an Expert and Consultant

If you have a unique expertise, you can use that to start a business as an expert and consultant. You can create a website and start promoting your services. You can also reach out to potential clients and start a one-on-one consulting business.

Incorporate Games into your Content Strategy

You can use games to engage and entertain your fans, followers and readers. As you grow your online presence, you can find ways to incorporate games into your content and business strategy. You can use games as a way to engage and interact with fans, followers and readers. You can incorporate games into your website, blog posts and social media posts. You can also incorporate them into live events and offline events. There are lots of ways to incorporate games into your content strategy. You can offer contests, trivia, polls, puzzles and more. You can also partner with other businesses and brands and create collaborative games.

Use Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an ad program where you can place ads on your blog and earn a portion of the revenue generated from the ads. You can visit the Google AdSense website and sign up for an account, or you can also sign up for an account through your blog platform. You can also visit blogs in your niche and see if the owner would be open to having you add Google AdSense to your blog. This is called piggybacking and is a great way to get Google AdSense up and running on your blog quickly. If you want to add Google AdSense to your blog, you can visit the Google AdSense website and click on “Get Started” to sign up. If you aren’t ready to add Google AdSense to your blog, you can still use Google AdSense by adding it to your website or creating an online portfolio.

Host a Workshop or Workshop Series

If you have a specific expertise, you can host an in-person workshop or create an online workshop series. You can find ways to monetize your expertise and topics of interest through hosting workshops, teaching classes and facilitating discussion groups. You can also create an online membership website where you share your best content and offer special benefits to members.

Write an eBook and build a mailing list

There are lots of ways to create an eBook, including using services like Booklet. Once you have your eBook published, you can build a mailing list to help you promote the book and build your brand. You can also offer your eBook for free through online platforms like Inkitt, where you can earn royalties when the readers purchase your book.


There are lots of great ways to make money online without starting a blog. Many of these options give you the freedom to work remotely and set your own schedule, which is especially appealing if you have a family or other obligations that make consistent blogging difficult. The best way to find success with any of these strategies is to be consistent, create valuable content and find ways to stand out from the crowd. The more you put into your online business, the more you’ll get out of it. We hope you enjoyed this article and found some inspiration and ideas for ways that you could make money online. We would love to hear from you!

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